Stanhope, Attell, Belzer, Garafalo et al.

0  2016-05-23 by F_H_Rileys_MaitreD

Kind of bland, but Stanhope echoes my sentimenta about "middle men" at about 4:10. I despise middle men. They've ruined my industry. I call them Man Pimps and Nigger Wranglers.


Thanks for linking to what you're talking about, thus giving context so we can all understand. You fucking idiot.

My bad. The link didn't take. I wouldn't equate that with a lack of intelligence, though. Just too lazy to check the post afterwards.

If you forgot to link to what you're making a post about, thus rendering the whole post useless, then yeah, you're a dummy. It's ok tho, I forgive you.

The link didn't take? This isn't a fucking round of chemo therapy. You didn't bother to copy and paste, don't try to bullshit. You're dumb, get cancer.

Yeah. You got me dead to rights. It was actually part of my grand conspiracy to raise your blood pressure incrementally and kill you. Get a life, you dumb faggot.

The state of affairs with an indignant mental defective who is angered by the absence of a link on a messageboard:

You Panera Bread, teat-nursing, homebound, autistic faggot. IRL I'd slap the shit out of you.

You better watch out, that blood pressure must be rising, boy.

Man Pimps? ahahahahahhahahaha, you're crazy man.

It's more like 4:03. I can't make the start-at-time thing because I'm on an iPad and I don't feel like learning how to just modify the url.

At least I did more than you did.

What's your industry?


Which mall?

Roosevelt Field. I'm the 5'6" 210 lb guy with the thin arms and the big stomach. The one who lives with his mother.

Who is the middle man in that field? Figured whoever needs security just directly calls your company. You saying your company takes too much of a cut to take the phone call and set it up?

Who is the middle man in that field? Figured whoever needs security just directly calls your company. You saying your company takes too much of a cut to take the phone call and set it up?

Absolutely. I always make more and am treated far better by direct employers than agencies. These agencies have stagnated the wages and cut out a lot of proprietary employment. If I worked for these Man Pimps, I'd never have any money in the bank or own anything. They like to keep you in perpetual slavery.

There isn't like... an Uber or TaskRabbit type of site/app that takes a pretty small cut as middle man?

Nah. It is these shitty agencies. Usually, the guy in the field gets about 55-60% of what they bill. In nightlife security, the take is less and the rate is a little better. Middle man might just skim 20-40 bucks per man per night. I just work directly for a bar and do a lot better. I used to work during the day for Man Pimps and work as an independent contractor at night, but lately, I've grown tired of the excessive bullshit/demands of the daytime security guys.

I have a buddy who sold his private dick agency to Pinkerton and works for them now on the security side. I at least get why specialists like them would take a big cut. You kind of need a middle man to set up a lot of their shit. But yeah, that blows taking a 40% paycut to work some club or whatever.

The Stanhope destroys clip is funny Fuck watching the whole episode though