What did Sherrod actually say during that Doug Stanhope interview? An investigation.

59  2016-05-23 by beeseesee

The most perplexing words ever spoken by a human being take place about 9 seconds into this clip:


As far as I can tell he is saying:

"Thas the best oh. Jus a chill en um fuckin' en"


This makes me laugh so much. This is a perfect example of the fucking nonsense that comes out of his mouth.

It took me a while to get up to speed with the Sherrod hate, but this was the clip that did it for me. He stinks.

Does he think people are going to forget he's there if he doesn't shout out something stupid every five seconds.

He is the sycophantic radio version of a sitcom laugh track. That fat tongued lunk head just wants to hitch his wagon to someone going somewhere. He is willing to bray like a mule the entire time to get er done.

He reacts to those microphones like how David Brent reacts to the camera crew.


"Love that chicken from Popeyes!. By the way cleopatra was black. And so am I"

Every country in Africa is 'black', apparently. Sherrod doesn't look that Moroccan to me.

Eliza Dooooooosh is fucking amazing. I forgot about her but her attitude is obviously representative of the type of sassy dom sex she must be having on a daily basis.

It's early and I'm a horny.

I wish you put a warning Carrot Top was going to appear out of nowhere. That scared the shit out of me to see his hideous face.

I like that he's sitting in as a guest, but sucks so much that he's nowhere in the video description.

What did it for me was the Bert Kreischer episode where they were drinking and Bert started playing guitar. Sherrod tries to impromptu sing and make up lines and you see just how unoriginal he is. Everything is about him being black.

got a link?

Why would you voluntarily subject yourself to that

Holy cringe.

I told you, it's the worst. Way worse than that Doug Stanhope thing. It is unbelievable this guy gets on the stage and performs an "act". I will never believe he writes material. There's nothing funny or creative in that video.

I still hate opie's face more. Pinchy eyes and weird beak-shaped mouth. It's just so punchable.

God damn that is just the worst shit ive ever seen.

Think of the hilarious trashing that would've followed back when O&A was good. Now everyone just moves on like it was actually good.

Backward hat faggot

dear god 1:10:43

Holy shit i love how carrottop just goes "I sat next to him on a plane once" and nobody even acknowledges it

Also if you look at Pete you can see a moment when he just gets bored and checks out taking his headphones off he just doesn't give a shit

I love how in all of these clips they only do quick cuts to opie making a stupid face or just saying one word(like "Wow") with the same stupid look on his face.

His expression makes him look like it hurts to come up with any thought and then have to put it into some words. Dim tiny-eyed agony.


Let me guess, you haven't gone to bed yet? I mean it is Monday so I guess you don't have to be in the office until 9am?

Nope, I just woke up! Stayed in and turned in early night.

Wow I'm impressed. Now you be sure to make this a regular occurrence young man.


Does Opie always turn the camera on himself when he says "wow"?

To showcase his natural charisma

Lotta dumb bitches in that studio.


I'm not surprised Romney was a white bishop considering how far right he is.

My favorite part about that clip is when Pete Davidson takes his headphones off in disgust after Sherrod babbles about nothing.

Jesus how fucking crowded does that studio need to be? Has Pete Davidson replaced the Strangel's as Opie's new bitch on the show? He doesn't even talk. You just have Carrot Top sitting in the background for no fucking reason. Not even at the table. You know Eliza Dushku thought Sherrod was a retard.

I love how everyone is crowded on Jimmy's side and Opie has the other side of the table all to himself. Sherrod and Davidson. These fucking loser show up everyday for FREE because they have nowhere else to be. Patrice was always here, but he didn't need to be and seemed to legitimately like being there.

The O&J show is meant to be a hangout, he was just going with the vibe of the room. Civilians wouldn't understand..

Apparently Stanhope was too much of a civilian to even understand.

Wait r they on the air??

Sherrod literally starts talking nonsense with the expectation that the rest of the room will talk over him, meaning that he won't have to complete his thought or make any sense. No one bails him out this time and it's beautiful.

I've done that in the past. Difference is that I'm not on a radio show.

I'm also autistic.

I just love Bill Burr calling out Sherrod on how he just throws dumb comments around constantly. Sherrod got really uncomfortable and that makes me happy.

yes, plus Sherrod likes to "alpha male" other comics & puts himself out there as "the comic who can handle himself"

.....Burr had no problem talking to him like he was an irrelevant child

He gave him the open mic'er status he deserves. Sherrod is always with people that have done something else, but what has he done personally...

Sherrod suffers from what Patrice calls "the pressure to always be black"

Adding "your boy,..." to every sentence regarding a white person.

Opie, Jimmy, and nig-nog fake laughing in this video is infuriating.



I hate them all. Especially Jimmy. You blew it, Jim. You blew it.

And then he paid for it and it left.

The fake laughing and table slapping will make all these videos go viral. You'll see!

"Bip moo fip mudda fuggin bix nood"

sounds like a negro-fied Boomhauer

Stanhopes look is priceless. Really wish dumb ass Sherrod wasn't there

He does have a point though. Dat IS the bes. Ya know, just to chill, and uh, er.

The amount of fake laughter in the interview could fill and entire "Inside Amy Schumer" episode.

I hate him the most, Opie is nowhere near as bad as Sherrod. At least Opie has earned his spot (somewhat), Sherrod is a talentless lamprey that attaches himself to anyone with talent or a name and has skated along his mediocre path due to his relatuonship with Chris Rock. I'm sure Chris wishes he didn't have to help the nothing, but then he'd hear about it every Thanksgiving. Sherrod would probably be like "of course they ain't gonna give a brother a chance" and Chris has to tell him "I'm black too, ya know?"

They're both awful.

Yes, and Sherrod is worse. Thanks for the contribution.




20 years in the business.


lets not get crazy here....

OPIE's worse than....(actually only SUPERLATIVES work).....opies simply the WORST

Jim needs to start calling Sherrod out on this shit.

a "nice contribution to the conversation you zilch" would have gone down nicely at that moment.

Seriously, why does no one do it? Is it because they think he's a big scary negro who will attack them if they challenge him?

Yes. Bix Nood style chimpout.

Jimmy probably doesn't care. Show up, get paid, use the money to get pegged.

You must always be on alert for chimp-outs.

It's sad, i think the show just moved on from that awesome time when mumbles and banal additions to the conversation were hangable offences.

I hear: "That's the best though. Just to chill and fuckin..." Don't know why he just stopped there. Maybe he realized how fucking dumb his input was or looked around the room and realized oh shit I should just shut the fuck up.

He has no talent so he thinks he'll just get by trying (and failing) to be a hype man. Their job is to basically make noise and "enhance" the actual substance of a conversation/song/etc. Zero thought goes into it whatsoever. It's godawful and worthless and of course the witless titster thinks it's just terrific.

"sherrod KILLIN' it for us today!" just about every time he's there might actually be the most enraging thing he does.


Hahaha I love this place

" whoahhhhh boy what a knee slapper! Let me throw my mic to the side so I can double over in laughter as well"

I've slowed it down and after listening several times I believe says "I am an N person."

he is the one that did it for me. I was tolerating Florentine, Soder is alright but Sherrod is just fucking awful. a couple of appearances and I tapped out when you could hear Opie salivating at the thought he might have a chance to be funnier than a 'comedian'.

sheinkle about it. Opie likes Sherrod because he thinks he will look better by comparison. sort of how a relatively cute girl will befriend frumps, just so she looks better by comparison.

ME: in my humble opinion, of course.

wait. this wasn't edited to make sherrod look dumb? dead serious, i thought that was the case...

I've been reading all this "fat tongued idiot" talk for months now but i never cared enough to listen to Sherrod to see for myself, just laughed at the jokes about him because i am a sycophant with no spine.

But i love Doug Stanhope so i put on this clip the other day and it took Sherrod exactly 10 seconds to make my blood boil. It's the first thing i heard to come out that man's mouth in my life and i am just seething with hatred.



Tha's a.. tha's a chill, an' fuckin'.....

stares off into space

That clip just gets funnier every time I see it

That clip is the most cringeworthy shit I've ever seen. That dude has the self confidence of Chris Rock in The Rocks body, meanwhile he's a fat cousin of a famous guy. He can't shut the fuck up to the point where he just yells sounds around genius comics. Everyone here saw the interview with the director of "Montage of Heck" right? It was where I completely came around and saw the light. Before that I thought you guys were being your typical overly harsh, mean selves, and after that I became fully on board with the cause. I truly wonder if Kurt regrets his co host, realizes how stupid and unfunny he is, and is just stuck with him. Cause Kurt is easily in my top 5 comics right now and I find to be a delight to listen to and the combination of the awful guests they usually have on and Sherrod nearly make Race Wars unlistenable anymore

I have not seen the interview with the director of Montage of Heck. Got a link? What specific noxious thing did Tonguey do?

I don't have the link but I'm sure you can easily find it with google. It wasn't a particular thing he said, it was just an hour of him drunkedly yelling over people. They started doing shots and Sherrod became belligerent. Just think of everything you hate about him (unfunny hack, dumb, loud, too much confidence etc etc) and multiply it by 1000. It truly was the worst fucking thing you will ever hear or see. I actually defended that fucking waste until I watched that, then I had to come back here with my hat in hand and admit how fucking wrong I was

I'm glad this was reposted, I came back yesterday looking for this and it had dropped off the front page...can't let that happen, this is too fucking priceless

At least when patrice talked a lot it was funny.. and he had a point.. and he wasn't annoying..

So why they don't break his balls??? What's stopping jimmy from hitting the crash button on him??? WTF?!?!?

Management loves the new direction of the show man.

There's so much more humor in laughing at the show now.

anyone else pick up on the fact someone at opie raqio could have easily edited that out... Someone there must hate sherrod as much as we do to leave this in

I think Kramer says it best https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r05XDOFUsQw

The look on Doug's face... holy shit that's amazing. Thank you for your service.

Is he saying that the best part of international travel is staying in the hotel?

That's the best oh. Just a chillen' and um fucken' - looks awkwardly to the side.


Sherrod sounds like Pootie Tang in this clip

You know you fucked up when the guy youre speaking to looks over to opie instead of you.

In the last 12 months, Sherrod made me laugh only twice. That is counting Race Wars episodes as well.

Your first mistake is listening to race wars.

It's actually good show. It would be even better if Sherrod left.

Metzger is a faggot tho.

Fucking Sherrod -

"That's the best though, just to chill and fuckin'...."

He didn't finish his 'thought'

So much for an eye for talent Opie. Who was the last winner he picked? Burr to sit in as 3rd mic in 2005?

Dessa Bess Doh

I just watched this again and honestly it doesn't seem like its real. Like, I know it is real, I mean it's like something from a Ricky Gervais project where you just cringe. He's interjected into someone's story with literally nothing but nonsense. What the fuck was he even trying to say?


Ooga booga booga