Amy to Kenny "You're going to say that?"

3  2016-05-22 by doom92


A couple of fat ugly whores toasting to having personality. She's a living insult to herself.

You described every comedian. Even the male ones

The male comics almost universally hate themselves, though.

That's the whole thing behind this. Men self-deprecate, 2016 women self-congratulate.

Female comics used to be a lot more mean to themselves and a lot more honest. Feminism has poisoned female identity.

That's the reason "Women Aren't Funny". Comedy is about making fun of others, and if you don't make fun of yourself you come off as a douchey "bully".

All these self-important cunts think about is how great they are and how great it is to do something "positive" and "positivity" and "punch UP!" and all that fucking horseshit.

That's why they're not funny. Don't create a false equivalence because they both look like horseshit.

Also, that whole rant meant ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, because male comics are so unfunny and castrated these days. The only good one is Norm Macdonald, and I doubt these last couple generations have anything on his level to replace him when he's gone.

Why so angry about it? I used to listen to hip hop music right. One day it started to annoy me. Couldn't stand listening to people brag about themselves anymore. I'm not on the Internet complaining about it years later. I just found some other shit to listen to. People in this subreddit have become those old ladies writing in to a TV station to complain about some breasts that they saw. In this case opie's

....what's the punchline here? What the fuck is this shit?

Just unadulterated bravery at its finest.

But the sex in the city girls have personality (like them or not). what was the point here?

I'm assuming Amy only hangs out with that other woman to look thinner.

She's even fatter than I remember.

Fatter than your imagination. Right?

I watched about 40 minutes of Trainwreck last night. I say 40 minutes because the movie was 2 hours long and I kept fading out of consciousness as my organs desperately attempted to save me from another minute by shutting down.

She's hideous in that fucking movie and she just keeps expanding. Watching Bill Hader have to pretend to be madly in love with her inflated-rodent face and cunt-do attitude was too much to bare.

The even bigger chick was in that Lady Dynamite thing by Maria Bamford. It was fine and she plays a stereotypical fat whore who physically threatens people. It was mildly amusing and therefore was a greater contribution to the comedic landscape than Amy's entire career.

I love that because Amy loves Bridget she thinks it's ok to get as far as she wants as long as Bridget is still fatter. I hope Amy gains 100 pounds over the next year, fucking overexposed bitch.

I would pay money to go back in time 20 minutes before I knew who she was. Female comedy is just unimaginably bad. They really set out to get a promo out of standing around drinking and talking and that was the best they got?

And Amy's face is getting worse. She's gonna have legit jowls within a few years.

Her right breast looks like an extra stomach or a melting ice-cream, there appears to be zero elasticity in it. It just connects up with her back fat and then who the fuck knows... God I hate fat women.


Yeah i just don't get what the joke is here? Perhaps its out of context with others skits in the show?

I like Kenny he's perfect as a dumb oaf. His line about his sick mother dying the other week and then walking off was terrific.

I'm 90% sure it was literally "Come in and do your misogyny thing to us a little and we'll act all you-go-girl with each other."

And yeah I did like the line about planting her soon.

I saw the whole show. It's not. This sketch set up the next one, which was about Sex and the City fans going on a sightseeing tour of NY. So it was topical.

You should be ashamed of yourself.


I wonder how Amy feels about Kenny calling blacks shittums and laughing about his participation in police brutality.

If some people were to make that point known shed have to turn on him

I refuse to watch this. Ill garner all the info i need from our jokes

They cut it off right as he said wait a minute you're not thinner.

What exactly does she eat to make her jowls looks like that?

Buttered lard from the looks of the fat, anus-mouthed cunt.


I don't have a favourite exisepidode uh daht.


This is why she uses Kenny--to belittle the big dumb men.

Is there anything sadder than a weak-chinned cop?

two weak-chinned cops

A disgraced weak chinned ex-cop protecting a weak chinned C-level comedian.

Weak two-chinned comics

The two of them together is surely a sign of the impending apocalypse. I advise everyone here to prep hard. Bottled water, first aid kits, guns, and MREs. It's going down.

Do not, I repeat do not lose your gun in your couch after some wrastlin.

On the last episode they did a sketch where the joke was it was a padded, cushioned thing you hang on your wall to punch when you get angry. That was the sketch

So a punching bag?

Well all her sketches are something she's a victim of. My favorite is how mad she is at women that aren't fat slobs that have secure personalities

Fucking women are morons

And you sat there and watched it for us, you gimp

That was worse than i expected.

Big Amy is just playing a character - Western Bacon Sleazebuger


I didn't know he had the bad cop mustache again.

Wow. The comedy just doesn't stop. Also, what a fantastic clip. It really highlights the laughs.

Kenny the Cuck