Can someone PLEASE explain to me how this is considered "comedy"

48  2016-05-22 by Mrfinley


Wow. Larry will go after anyone. Even people universally hated by his audience. He's a real fearless truth teller.

Bring back Tough Crowd Comedy Central. This is garbage.

Don't say that. They'd have Sherrod on all of the time and he'd make noises for a half hour.

Oh, so you got mah lettah den!

loooooooove that chicken at popeye's mmhmmmm *glances at camera*

That would actually be great. Sit him across from somebody like Nick DiPaolo who would call out his stupid shit in front of everyone.

They'd bring nothing but the "nice comics" on. Whose big digs would be stuff like "Ha ha, you opened for me once."

Then it would be called Nice Crowd Tonight w/ Jeff Dunham, not Tough Crowd w/ Colin Quinn.

With your guests Sherrod Small, Rachel Feinstein, Shelby Fero and Megan Amram.


Comedy Central has had nothing to do with comedy in 20 years.

South Park, Chappelle Show, and the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Oh, and Colbert before he went to CBS & became an unfunny bore. What are you talking about?

You just named shows that began or had their run starting close to 20 years ago.

Workaholics, Big Amy, Key and Peele, and Tosh seem to be their biggest stars of recent. Granted the only ones with talent are Key and Peele, and Tosh. And Tosh is the only one to make an impact on the world of comedy.

Workaholics: eh... It has its moments. Big Amy: no. Key and Peele: if you don't mind watching 3 minutes of a joke delivered in the first 30 seconds beat to death for the remaining 2m30s.

Tosh: I'll give you that one.

Jon Stewart started in 2000, but the bulk of his success were in the last ten years. Chappelles show started in 2003, and South Park has been successful every season since 1997. Like I asked, what are you talking about?

South Park probably gets more eyes on their website then they even do from Comedy Central

all those started almost 20 years ago

What brilliant and innovative comedy

"Travon Martin didn't get to grow up" Yeah, the 17 year old who beats up fat Mexicans would have turned out to be a real winner. Society sure lost a gem

That's just unfair, I heard that he was going to church and was about to turn his whole life around.

His life has changed for the better because he's dead.


He is a good boy who dindunuffin.

Grow up? Love how everyone instinctively see's him as a little kid because they always use that picture from when he was 12. This shit was as calculated as Ahmed and his clock.

I forgot about that faggot Ahmed.

Accually i dont think its calculated. I think its part of their "feelings are more important than facts" philosophy . They never consciously say to themselves, "i have to find the most innocent looking picture of him to help him out" they go... "This picture shows people how innocent I feel he is"

I would agree with you if people like Al Sharpton and the NAACP didn't get so involved with black victim' families n shit. They most definitely comprise media strategies in how to manipulate the portrait of Trayvon to the masses.

Excellent point. I guess im talking about the people sharpton swindles. News people, celebs who tweet about "injustice" etc. Sharpton is a sociopath so has no emotions except when it has to do with his ego... the people who listen to him are led by emotions that he playes like a grand piano


He also regularly got into fights and used Codeine recreationaly.


NASA faked the Trayvon Martin shooting

Yeah, I hear the only people who get in fights when they're 17 are the worst of the worst. Right up there with torturing animals as a predictor of a life of crime. We should just put down everybody who gets in a fight in high school.

Get in a fight? That's all he did? Oh man, glad you were here with your inside info on the whole situation.

Yeah...They were fighting. That's accepted. I doubt Martin was trying to murder a random guy for no reason. All Zimmerman had to prove was that he was afraid...which I guess he did.
I just try to keep in mind that when you're the only guy left alive, you get to write the story of what happened, so I don't necessarily take his word as gospel.

I think it seems most likely that he was losing a fight (which we really don't know who started), and freaked out.

He had no offensive wounds on his hands. His only wounds were the broken nose and potentially life threatening head wounds.

Every goddamn Treyvonite uses nothing but emotion in their arguements. Just read the weepy emotion in this guys post above me...

Ok, but if you throw a punch and miss, you get no offensive wounds. I don't know if that's what happened, but it's entirely possible. Zimmerman seems like a pretty incompetent asshole for the most part. Why is it out of the question that he's a shitty fighter too?

I'm honestly not trying to argue the details of a 3 year old murder case, I just have a very middle of the road opinion on it. I don't think zimmerman was out to drink the blood of black people, but i don't think that trayvon was an evil thug out to murder anyone he encountered on his way back from the store either.

I find that when people have really strong opinions one way or another about this case, it really comes down to who they're predisposed to give the benefit of the doubt to.

Larry Wilmore has Sherrod Small disorder. He is completely obsessed with his own skin color, and can't go five minutes without talking about being black. CC needs to put him and Trevor Noah out on their asses.

Sherrod does it as more of a crutch because he can't be funny or interesting anyway else. Larry does it because he's a cornball

I don't know about you guys, but I for one am very glad he gave me a moment to pick up the trash that I threw at my TV

Im not watching this im wondering if he had a douchey moment of silence?


Because he's a negro and most of his fans are guilt ridden white people

Only funny part was the condition being listed as "used". The rest was just a self-righteous, masturbatory demonization of a fat killer Mexican. The goal wasn't laughter, but instead to feel a beaming superiority with the power of 1,000 suns.

You're right, that is funny!! And the audience, instead of laughing, gave out a shocked "oh no" type of reaction. That's the part that pissed me off most.

When you fill it out it asks the condition of the item. Did the audience expect it to be listed as "new"?

Metzger described it as : Looking down your glasses comedy.

How would a civy like me understand such brilliant insight though?

Metzger has also mentioned a great quote from a comedy club owner or something about safe comedy: "He's not funny, but he's on the right side of history."

Jon Stewart would pander to his audience, but not to this extent. Most episodes of the old Daily Show would have a couple of these "applause" breaks, where a conservative politician or otherwise "bad guy" would get insulted by Jon. To be completely fair, he wouldn't go that overboard with them - but would often end with a pander applause break right before commercial. Say what you will about Jon, but it was a successful formula.

This is just pure pandering. Line after line after line after line after line after line after line. Pander pander pander pander.

"Zimmerman sucks!" applause

"You killed Travon you murdered!" applause

"I wish you had died instead!" appaluse

"George Zimmerman is human garbage!" applause

It amazes me how much Stewart was holding that comedy news formula together. Without him, all his lackeys have gone on to produce liberal pandering shit devoid of humor.

Except John Oliver who is excellent

Ha, I'm not taking that bait.

I'm actually serious. It's a good show. He should have gotten the daily show instead of the new guy

Please stop trying, you're embarrassing yourself. Nobody likes that limey cocksucker.

It's a great show. People here just don't like him because of his politics. It's not cool to be liberal here

yea we really are all right wing klansman despite constant bashing ant for being an angry right wing nut job stuck in his basement...

The only thing people hate more than conservatives here are liberals

Because the only thing worse than a die-hard conservative is a smug bleeding heart liberal.

It certainly is more annoying in an odd way

Incorrect. Have you even watched his show? It's fucking great.

He believes in the Gender Pay gap. Also he doesn't really have jokes. I remember enjoying it early on but something changed about two months in.

None of this has anything to do with his show being good or bad. His show is great, you should check it out.

What do you mean "believes"? There is a small gender pay gap, something like 5%.

I think it's 2-3% but he talked about it being 77 cents on the dollar.

You're a faggot

You've got no call to get snippy with me, sir

John Oliver is maybe better than the original Daily show. The writing is top tier.

The replacements for the other shows blow. They just want to pander to people and be in the 'right' with everything.

Because it isn't. Nobody. NOBODY. likes The Nightly Show or Larry Wilmore.

it's like at that roast where snoop dogg told seth macfarlane "ain't no niggas watching the cleveland show." no black people wanna watch this corny light skinned queer do his best cornel west impression.

300,000 people who fall asleep during the Daily Show may.

I absolutely hate Larry. Colbert may have been a liberal asshole, but at least he was funny. This guy isn't funny in the slightest.

This guy is from the Tony Danza school of applause breaks. "You know what I really like? Olives." (applause) "You know what George Zimmerman should do with that gun? Kill himself." (applause)

All you need is a laugh track, and you are hilarious,and your hyper liberal opinions are universally agreed upon.

What's the point? You're a civilian, you wouldn't understand.

Don't you fucking get it yet? Unless you're a paid member of the business you'll never, ever get it.

For fuck's sake!

Does he not realize that his fans need to have some understanding of comedy to enjoy his act? Does he think his fans are just seals paid in fish to laugh & clap at his jokes? What an idiot

Who is funnier, George Zimmerman or Larry Wilmore?

before the assholes over at twitter shut down Zim zam's account, he was way funnier than Wilmore, not saying much though

Well accually i think tryvon is. He left George in stiches...

What better place to make a wholly political statement, without any comedic spin, than Comedy Central?

Pander pander pander I'm black pander pander pander there I saved you from watching the video

Comedy Central ranks somewhere between E! And Lifetime Movie Network these days

you know "trash", that thing that you are..

fawkin buried this cokksucka.

Hey Zimmerman, the trash store called and they ran out of YOU!

Look man, if Zimmerman didn't shoot him, a Gang member or cop would've eventually.

Also how about the tons of innocent black kids killed by gangs and drivebys and mistaken identity in bad neighborhoods?

I wonder if the gun still smells of cocoa butter.

Tss or nigger blood or sumpthin.

Jesus, Chip.

simply stunning,,,,

that.....being passed off as "COMEDY" w/ a straight face

this new vanguard of "emo-activist" blacks being pushed by Hollywood/media .....(Kamau Bell, Wilmore, Melissa harris-perry) make traditional RUDE, VIOLENT, & ILLITERATE hood-rats actually appear 'desirable' by compasrrison

I can't believe people are still upset about this. Yeah it sucks a teenager died but give it a break. He was beating up an out of shape Hispanic who happened to have a gun on him. Just let it go.

Pretty obvious Comedy Central is pushing this show. They want to be hip and pseudo political. This too big to fail mentality is what made me stop watching their shit channel. Barely anything funny on there except for a handful of shows.

It's more important than comedy! Fun comes second. People thinking I'm a good person comes first.

I'm sure this waste of carbon atoms was chosen as host solely for his comedic prowess. He is simply brilliant, like :Smug smirk:. WHITE PEOPLE, LOL :smug smirk: I'M BLACK :smug smirk:. Fucking hilarious.

A Struggle Session is hilarious in a certain way. It's 2016, get on board already.

He really does tell it how it is.

It doesn't matter if you find it funny, civilian. You won't understand it anyway. Just sit down and laugh.


The map in the back is upside down, woah cuh ray zeeeeee

Larry: You can go to hell. [stares blankly into camera]

such passion

The average freshmen gender studies major would write the exact same "jokes." This is beneath the level of any professional comedian, and the story should have been beneath the media reporting anyway. If they really thought this auction was so egregious they wouldn't have publicized it and driven up the value of it. By covering this story Larry Wilmore and Comedy Central are exploiting the shooting of Trayvon for money just like the auction.

Item Condition: Used

Fucken hilarious

He's god awful. All he talks about is being black. Move on with your life and buy some bleach faggot.

The real comedy is that there are people who were bidding over 100,000 dollars for that gun Zimmerman was selling. The initial auction was thrown out because of trolls bidding obscenely high amounts with no intention of paying but his most recent attempt to auction the gun off was closed with someone legitimately bidding over 120k for that gun. That's crazy.

Thanks to all the people hopping on the self congratulatory bandwagon to shit on him, it gave selling the gun much more attention than it warranted only driving up the price. Good job media you played yourself.

Zimmerman started the bidding at 100k... so if you weren't willing to spend at least 100k you were already left out. It's crazy that he'd think that his gun was worth that much just because he shot a kid with it... it's even crazier that apparently his gun was worth that much.

Winning bid placed by "Keith Maresca", but they're confused that the credit card is listed to one "A. Cumia"

Zimmerman is a TACS-subscribing waste of skin, but there isn't a shred of wit to be found anywhere in this video.

he's black so it's funny. fucking racist.

Go back to /r/TrueCel

Larry Wilmore is black as Gavin McInnes is manly and cool. Black as plaid. Black as /r/blackpeopletwitter and /r/hiphopheads. You are a salty white bitch wrapped in slovenly off-tan skin. And you're only pandering to white people.

We are supposed to believe these shows are a breath of diverse air when they are tailored for the guilt-bleeding white man demographic, i.e. the unemployed and college freshman, feeding on their bizzaro world ignorance and need for "non-white" entertainment. No lives matter.

This is the kind of ranty shit that makes up a ton of O&A. Unless there was a comedian on or Ant and Jim were having a good riff doing impressions and characters they would be putting their own opinions on news, a lot of the time with no laughs. I'm not denying that this is unfunny but think one of the main reasons it pisses people off here is that they don't agree with him.

What you're saying doesn't make sense. If this moron's ramblings were at least somewhat comical I'd be defending him, but he's not even attempting to do that. Take Bill Maher for example, boy is he fucking aggravating sometimes, but he tries hard to at least make it funny.

I don't think Willmore and Maher are that different, one just gets to say fuck a lot more and has a purer skin colour of course. I don't know if there's a joke in this whole clip, so I pretty much agree with you. All these late night shows every now and then pull out something amusing to me but that's probably because I'm a fucking pinko or whatever. All I'm saying is there's times during O&A where I've cringed listening to Anthony speak whilst making no effort at being funny, but I accept that being a shock jock and whatever the fuck Larry Wilmore is are different things. I really am rambling like an affected qweer.

This sub regularly goes after Ant for his unfunny political rants. It was ok when Patrice was around because they'd debate but after he died it stopped being amusing in anyway.

Nah, that doesn't fly. I'm left-leaning, I think Zimmerman is a shit human being, but this is just sanctimonious preaching where he tries to get cheap applause breaks. Kinda reminds me of when Burr shit on Bonnie for saying some lame women's rights thing to get the women to cheer for her in the middle of the podcast.

Thats fair enough. I don't know why I'm trying to defend this garbage. I watched it for a while when it started and I think I'm trying to defend it because A) it has made me laugh in the past or B) I'm in denial about how much time I wasted watching it. On top of all the problems it has, replacing Colbert was always going to be hard. Its only now with it being finished that I realize how good it was.

This is a program on a channel called Comedy Central. A sanctimonious asshole ranting his biased opinions with no humor to it should be infuriating enough in itself.

There's plenty of shit on channels called MTV and the History channel too, its nothing new. A lot of stuff on mainstream TV is pandering and self-righteous, at the end of the day all anyone cares about is money, subversion doesn't usually make money and that's why we're all on a subreddit in a little corner of the internet looking for a laugh instead of watching TV.

The only "ranty shit" this is like is Brother Wease.

I hope George Zimmerman gets beheaded. Just sayin'.

I'm team Zim Zam.

I hope you defend yourself from a crime and get the rest of your life ruined for it

loooooooove that chicken at popeye's mmhmmmm *glances at camera*

They'd bring nothing but the "nice comics" on. Whose big digs would be stuff like "Ha ha, you opened for me once."

Jesus, Chip.