Which one of you did this?

18  2016-05-22 by MrBx


God, I hate women.

"I was sexually assaulted". Were ya? Nice specifics, you exaggerating cunt.

"I didn't tell ANYONE for a long time, a few weeks, and then when I broke down crying in the bathroom one day" What a cliche fucking mess you are.

That faggot manager is going straight to hell. You just cannot rape women on Panera premises. You have to take that shit outside.

Guys didn't you know that 95% of women experience sexual assault at least three times a month? None of them report this, but it literally happens constantly. All men are pigs.

I believe the new figures are 1 in 2 women have been raped at some point and 99% are sexually assaulted or harassed 3 times a day. Forever. #ifithoughtityousaidit

Our HR is the best

Panera Bread taking a page out of the Catholic Church handbook and shuffling that manager to another location. He fucks underage staff members but holy shit can he make a Frontega Chicken Panini. You can't let talent like that slip through your sanitary gloved fingers.

Haha this made my morning!

I did gold please

Nothing worse than copping an unwanted load right in your bread bowl.

Hornball manager likely gave her the old "poke your butt w a French baguette" trick. The other yeast risers got a chuckle out of of it unlike this uptight bitch.

She said in the reply "I wish I would've gone all the way and sued the eff out of them..."

Maybe we send Sue down there to eff the shit out of you, for spreading such slanderous filth.

Can someone explain the whole Panera Bread thing? I'm out of the loop.

No, I meant I don't understand the Panera Bread references.

Is it hard for you mouth breathers to use a np. link?

The NP link returns a privacy error.

If someone wants to participate, it's not exactly a crazy feat of computer engineering to remove the np from the URL. NP links, like most shit on this site, are fucking useless and retarded.

Not the point, it removes the point of blame off this sub due to brigading. Unless you want to move subs every two weeks like TACN.

An NP link is functionally the same as a regular link, since it takes less than two seconds to remove the np. Once again, it's just stupid reddit bullshit that means absolutely nothing in reality.

Whatever it does or doesn't mean in reality, it severely pisses off the admins of the site. Bitch about it all you want, but threads without the np have to be removed, and linking without the np is a banworthy offense

So why use reddit at all?

You're certainly welcome to go out and get some fresh air at any time

Maybe I'm on my phone in a park. I'm not, but I could be.


I'll use an analogy. It's like using a gun registered to you when you commit a murder/rape vs. using an unregistered. Both complete the objective, one makes it harder to fuck you over immediately.

No, it's more like handing a gun over to someone so they can commit a murder vs leaving your safe unlocked and telling them where it is.

Maybe I'm on my phone in a park. I'm not, but I could be.