I have....

0  2016-05-22 by panasonictooth

no shoes on at the momento. HA! Are you'se guys wearing shoes and do you like Globes shoes better than adidas shoes? Leave your shoes and color of laces (if they have any). And be honest please.


Believe it or not I'm using your mother and your sister's cunts as moccasins right now.

You have terrible fashion sense sir.

They said to tell you hello.

why you wearing those dirty ass shoes?

They're not shoes silly they're vaginas!

Either you have small feet or those are very large vaginas.

Shelltoe Adidas with fat laces.

...6 weeks to live is what I was hoping you'd say. Jerk.

And I only wear official WWE wrestling shoes.


Oh fantastic a towel

Globes, you skate brothaman?

Blade til I fade bromeo


Nike Free 5.0's baby

I just keep my tootsies wrapped with sandwich meat. Keeps me cool all day long.

Got some of these on, but they're not in nearly as good of shape.

Edit: Here's my other pair of shoes. Apparently these are rare now? No idea, but mine got torn up from wearing them in the ocean. Apparently salt water is bad for hemp.

wearing nigger shoes


And what are you wearing, friend?

I don't wear shoes inside my house, mate.

If the jigs do one thing properly, it's making nice shoes. Dont h8, you dirty foreigner.

Surely someone has coined the term "jigaboots"?

I'm fucking shocked Globes are still around.

Why they are comfortable as fuck, I get em to work in

They really are. The methhead I sold mine to had a foot size a size too big for them and still bought them cuz they were so comfortable.

I'm wearing my new Adidas Combat Speed 4 boxing shoes and nothing else. Gotta recommend, get great traction in the shower anally defiling those coonies.


Keep doing meth and your panasonic teeth are gonna fall out.

Oh, I thought his teeth were sharp.

Lol Globe? Did you time travel back to 9th grade?

LOL, I actually had a pair in 9th grade. I sold them to a meth dealer in 10th.

You ever rock a pair of Osiris D3's? Lol I acually skateboarded and those were a huge joke.

No, but I had a pair of Vans (before they became cheap hipster shoes), Etnies, and Airwalks, I don't remember specific styles. I didn't skate, all my friends did, I just thought they were comfortable as hell.

haha etnies, thats a word I havent heard in a while, these are D3's: http://farm8.static.flickr.com/7381/16447182832_262422e7b1.jpg

you probably remember them from goth kids and skatepark chicks

Goddamn those are ugly. I was just looking at old skate shoes pics, they're so puffy and round. Damn comfortable, but ugly as sin.

I have my vans on. But they look like sneakers.

I wear Birkenstock sandals, because I am a supreme douchebag.

Nike KD 8 Blackout, if you really must know.

I'm wearing John Lobb slippers. Suck a dick, faggot.

Badass kicks, my man.
