Aww.. lil Stanhope is so cute.

126  2016-05-22 by robobot



Just imagining a world where Big Jim strolls home confidently.. with no need for a Kenny... and sits back on his nice couch that only has one picture of him and Ozzy (where Ozzy looks genuinely stoked to meet him) hanging over it... and lifting his ankle attached to a long shin up to cross it over his man-sized knee... and then Bleep-Bloop! What's this? "Ughh. Another fan girl hitting me up. I can't wait until my long-time wife, Bonnie McFarlane gets off work."

I imagine the less grandiose aspects of Big Jim's daily life like his car actually sinking a little bit as he sits down in it or his legs always hanging off the end of the bed when he sleeps. His huge stupid socks full of huge Big Jim loads scattered under his bedroom furniture.

Big Jim hears two DINGs on his phone, picks it up off of the coffee table and puts it back down again. For a moment he stared at it and pondered. Life can get to be so awkward, he's trying to get on with his future but his ex Jennifer keeps hitting him up trying to get something going again under the veil of a supposed "project" she's planning. She was so desperate to get this ill conceived idea off the ground that she decided to get a bunch of long time hanger on fans to donate to her so she could have a chance at getting Jim back. While he's already moved on far past the small blip in his life that he was with Jennifer, he still feels a tinge of sympathy for her, being so desperate and pathetic and shameless, on some level he fears what will happen if he was to reject her like he wants to, what she might do to herself. "Women" he mumbles to himself, exhaling loudly, popping off the cap on a bottle of Labbatts. He takes a long swig, leans back into the couch comfortably and points the remote at the TV as the familiar sounds of Sportscenter fill the room once again.


Don't forget he's sipping on a nice scotch


I just know he hoards big him pictures obsessively and ponders what life could have been like

It's so damaging on an existential level. He would lean into it if people were making fun of his appearance and making him uglier. By making him handsome and confident he's confronted by what could have been.


Big Jim Norton is a mountain of a man, and it's not gay to be inspired by him.

It's gay not to!

BJN got a nigga ribs!

Would you go so far as to say

"...hurtin' today"?

Opie attempting to read these comments was enraging

Which comments?

Oh right. I forgot about that. Yeesh.

Big Jim Norton is a man of the people.

God damn this guy is funny as shit

Fuck this account always makes me wheeze like a dying man.



nothing but net

Norton has terrible posture and fashion sense.

The Big & Tall has limited options.


Nice work as always by BJN.

With Doug's red booze face and weird suit he really looks like an Oompa Loompa here.

uh oh: "If your face tends to turn red when you drink, that hot, flushed feeling could be the least of your problems. People who experience facial flushing from alcohol are more likely to have high blood pressure, finds a new study from Chungnam National University in South Korea."

So does Big Jim Norton also get shit on by trannies or does he do the shitting?

Big Jim Norton is out of the closet, and doesn't need to fuck trannies so he can pretend that they're women and he's straight.

Just two half finished clones having a chat

This is so genius.

I love that they gave him an actual jaw-line in his profile pic.


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You missed the opportunity to use Stanlet.

that is hilarious

why can't I find the original

this might be real

I had to google stanhope's gf.....because from the stories, I assumed she had to be hot or there's no reason anyone should ever put up with her shit ever in a million years.

She's not remotely attractive .....I guess he's just emotionally intertwined.....or chemically codependent with her.

They're in an 'open relationship.'

So he can basically fuck anyone he wants. Unless, you know, she gets pissed. Which is what caused the recent drama.

Would you go so far as to say

"...hurtin' today"?