If liberals consider Apatow a right wing conservative, what the fuck do they consider Dipaolo?

0  2016-05-21 by schmetzga


Most people don't consider Nick DiPaolo at all


I've actually enjoyed Nick as a guest quite a bit throughout the years, but he really gets curmudgeony on his podcast.


I did that for awhile when it was just 1 show a week. I don't hate it. Do you subscribe?


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When I think "Smug liberal Jew cunt" Apatow is like the third name that comes up. And there are a lot of smug liberal Jew cunts out there.

How in the fuck is he a conservative? He produces "Girls" for fuck sake. Just because his characters settle down with families he's conservative. Are liberals this openly anti family now?

Alternet isnt liberal. Theyre socialist, marxist. No joke. And they would see Nick as pure distilled satan, even though they are more racist than Nick by orders of magnitude

The definition of "liberal" has changed to mean Cultural Marxist. Get with the times, grandpa.

It's meant that since the 1950s, people are just starting to catch on and realize this. There's a reason the world "liberal" means the exact opposite in every other country but America and Canada; during the Communist scare, socialists and communists in America hid under the banner of "liberal" to avoid getting blacklisted, and co-opted the term.

Following this, the actual liberals in America, not the socialists-in-hiding, stole the term "libertarian" from anti-state, socialists (social anarchists) and used it to instead describe anti-authoritarian capitalism, since they couldn't identify with the term "liberal" anymore; that's why many libertarians sometimes call themselves "classical liberals" instead, and is why modern marxist liberals hid their true socialists leanings under the guise of "personal freedoms" which classical liberals espouse.

It's this confusion of terms and beliefs that's fucked up the American system so much nowadays; most people who call themselves liberal don't even know what the term means, nor what type of liberal they actually are, classical or modern. Many think they're classical liberals, but don't realize that classical liberals became libertarians.

This article was originally published by The Influence, a news site that covers the full spectrum of human relationships with drugs.

If that's your gig and you're sitting around the office with weed posters every day, I guess you've got to come up with something.

If the most pathetic cuck of all cucks is considered right wing we must be like cartoon movie super villain Hitlers.

DiPaolo will bow down and suck any liberal cock for a gig where he isn't paid in starburst though.

Starburst? Wow. I wouldn't accept anything less than fun size snickers bars.

Wow what a shitty lib, he has ads on his website. His ultra-communist close circle would shun him if they found out.

Alternet is for the stupidest far-left, their writers would still rather live in Venezula than the US even with the toiler paper shortages and starving

A faggot?

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