When Diversity backfires...

189  2016-05-21 by EskimoEscrow


Less white men = more diverse, right?

*straight white men you shitlord

*cis het white men you fucking shitlord. Calling one part of the population straight implies there is something wrong with those who don't conform with that label thus making it problematic. I can't even, in 2016?!

That guy above you is literally Hitler.

They have no men, of any color, no black women, in the back they have some token asian women to fill a quota/fix the computer when it freezes, and no old people. Huffignton post editing room is literally a a group of shrill fat white millennial women who you know all hate each other churning out articles on why there arent enough nigs in dr.who. or some inane shit like that.

edit: now that i think about it even fox news is more diverse second edit: fuck, even ant has some weird sort of respect for patrice and neil degrasse tyson

The Fox News Logo has more color than this tupperware party.

That room is 70% forehead.

And 100% 6s & below.

You mean you wouldn't let Sal Vulcano in a wig blow you?


You talking about the first one on the right?

Yeah the one that looks like Sal Vulcano in a wig.

And 88% Jewish

Where we at with the Samsungs

100% cunts

Good thing they didn't use a flash

And 30% fivehead

Goofy hoes.

... Patrice?

Black Phillip is missed dearly

Y'all like beige Philip?

They also hire jews. That is a form of diversity, right? Aren't Jews underrepresented in media and political punditry?

Hey BeerCan, I'd hate to embarrass you in front of all our friends here, but in actuality Jews are grossly over represented in positions of power and influence.

I don't know about that, if it were true we'd see a lot of movies involving the holocaust, the gayest genocide.

Not if they wouldn't make money.

Oh literal DontDoxMeJoe.

"Perhaps more than that....."

Good luck getting anything meaningful or creative done without a man there to hold your hands and walk you through it, you indecisive, squawking hens.

What about the Muslim women? Islamophobia is running rampant at the Huffington Post. We should write them strongly worded letters as a reprimand.

Ah you know at least one or two of those privileged white cunts has converted to Islam and is celebrated in the office for being strong and brave.

That's cultural appropriation which is even worse tbh.

a bunch of beckys with the good hair

(whatever the fuck that means)

Not ONE transgendered person of color? How are they getting away with this?

Why are all the secretaries in the board room?

Well now we know why huffpost is shit.


Huffington Post is just gawker with a serious sounding name.

It would be an alright name for a satirical pot newsletter

Asians are honorary whites. So it's 100% white.



Great honor-ary whites

There should be 7 men, 1 homosexual, 2 blacks, 2 Hispanics, 2 asian/arab/indian/native and 9 whites. And sure, why not throw in a tranny?

I'm dissapointed HuffPo. I mean c'mon, it's 2016.

nothing says diversity like 100% of one gender

Diversity is just becoming an another word of supremacy. You hardly see any action being take to get more men into teaching even though studies have shown boys do better with men as a teacher.

Mmm is that... Is that true? Tell me more.. slowly this time..

I bet their menstrual cycles are aligned. Gross.

The bathroom must look like a scene out of a horror movie when they all hit their period at the same time. Blood splashed on the toilet seats and walls and floor. Bloodied tampons and maxi pads strewn about. Bloated, cramping zombies screaming at each other in the office.

The horror.

that was fucking hilarious, how is this not upvoted more???

what the fuck did she think she was going for here? hahaha

a bunch of women that all look the same, think the same, have the same laptop, speak the same, dress the same.... it's like a fucking nazi inner party meeting.

So it's look at us we purposely don't hire men?

It's like a NASA control center.

Haha the dude who posted the picture of a horrific car accident and said it was the huffington post parking lot deserves a standing ovation.

"do three Asians count as one black person? I don't know the racial exchange rate."

That made me chuckle too.

Now you see why HuffPo is so liberal/manhating.

could sum it up with just "illogical"

To be fair they probably did try to find a black person that was looking for a job they just couldn't

What happens if someone has to open a jar or change a tire?

I'm pretty liberal and the shit that comes out of that website sickens me.

Fivehead havin motherfuckers

Hey ISIS, do something good for once.

I fistpumped when I saw someone criticize them for not having any black people.

I REALLY love it when these shitheads get choked on their own retarded dogma.

So many sandwiches going unmade.

They should throw one of them bitches in a wheelchair. Keep niggas at bay.

There's no nigger in this picture.

"sharing laughs..."

couldnt be more true


A copious amount of scissoring.


I want Elliot Rodger to walk into that room fully armed

Reminds me of my college's website from a few years back. The subtitle of the homepage was something about diversity on campus, but the students pictured on the page were 12 or so black females. That's not diversity.

I'd love to drop an MOAB on that office. Fucking annoying cunts.

Not a single Mongolian trans owl-kin represented. These broads are literally Hitler

Well. Look at this gang of upwardly mobile slits.

Yeah I notice something... They are all fucking ugly

front left looks like a preemie with teeth


Because its only equal if Males aren't involved

I'm gonna guess they all share a tertiary education; 'cause fuck poor people.

no men no blacks no problem

First thing I noticed is there's not one piece of ass in the whole group.

They only use apple computers...

It explains so fucking much.



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Probably the best tweet reply in the history of the interwebz

They don't even have diversity in IT.

Not a 6+ in the bunch?

A room sorely in need of a GTA proximity mine in the middle. See which of those twats moves first.

What is that one emoji? Period blood squirting from a pussy?

They all seem really nice.


So it's look at us we purposely don't hire men?

It's like a NASA control center.