Gregg "Opie" "Nigger" Hughes

161  2016-05-21 by duranfarbissina

I'm hammered


You should hit the sack now because there's no way you're topping this.

Word for word Sue saying this to Ant with whiskey dick.

Mods green sticky please

Finally someone who has the balls to tell it like it is

Up vote

Mods: can we get this pinned up top?

I don't get it.

See, what he did was take Opie's name and add "Nigger" to the middle of it. It's subtle, but once you get it, ohh boy.

Oooh. That's a thinker.

That's why they call them "Way-Homer's" - because on the way home you realize "I just paid $40 to see Rich Vos at the Clark's Summit Ramada".

It's a novel idea

Come on you know this is gold

Sherrod is changing his name to Nigger Hughes in October.

Why would he do that? Is Sherrod black or something?


This should be stickied.

I agree



This post makes me laugh every time I scroll by it.

I love these moments that remind me that my decision to quit drinking was a good idea. Thank you, drunk!

Hey Anthony

To remind you not to drink, I loved it


Jerk of all jerks!

He runs the Jerk Store call center.


Wanna trade chode pics?

Nothin' wrong with that

I still don't get it, please explain

I'm getting this turned into a motivational poster.

I didnt know Ant was back on Reddit!!

A full day later and this still makes me laugh.

If he wont do it a month from now I'm doing a Jim "Nigger" Norton trilogy post so as you can tell I got a lot going on with my life



as good a reason as any, love drunk posts.

Still better than the average I_Hate_Knickers post. Just kidding, this post is shit.


This was a true high point for the sub


Say more things

He was fucking and sucking off a tranny, then a hooker came and took a shit on his chest, the guy filming fell out of the closet and the dog came and licked the puke off the floor


Oh, you're all angry now

I wouldn't pick a fight with him, he seems like he's got his shit together.

too many words mate. fuck off

I bet this guy said he's cousins with Opie or something

Sopranos, best TV show. EVER!

Wait I read the rest, are you not American?


I like that! As long as you aren't Canadian you're good in my book. (unless you're a Canadian comedian or hot chick)


Fuck you for the last few seasons of Trailer Park Boys.

Fucking knew it

And then what happened?


Next time, don't let an asian man cum inside you.


That's why they call them "Way-Homer's" - because on the way home you realize "I just paid $40 to see Rich Vos at the Clark's Summit Ramada".