Upvotes on "OMG I TOTES CRINGED AT THE PATTONS WIFE JOKES" posts proves this sub is a teaming hive of butthurt, empathetic, estrogen filled crybaby faggotry

0  2016-05-21 by AntsMissingGun



*double teeming Patton's dead wife

Fat nerds that agree with Patton politically don't go for that type of humor.

I thought that thread came off more like a discussion about comedy than whatever pissing contest you're imagining.

I don't think "empathetic" is much of an insult.

"estrogen filled"

i've used that as an insult for a few years now. Did I steal it from opie and anthony? this is the only other time I've seen it used.

You are so fucking edgy dude. YOU should be a comedian.

Chill. He's a civilian, he doesn't know any better.


Say cuck a few more times captain edgy. It'll really drive your point home.


Atta boy. I knew you had another cuck in you. Don't stop now, theres got to be a few more in there.


Wrong script edgelord


Haha, I liked it