question about my episode of chip chipperson show

21  2016-05-21 by chipchippersonrules

hey guys! (or peckers i should say lol)

does anyone know when the next episode of chip chipperson show will be out? i should have a credit "episode brought to you by" in that one, and i already told everyone about it and we're waiting ages lol.

im also supposed to get my posters, txt messages, audio voice messages, shirts and a bunch of other stuff but havent got it yet. i asked on twitter and someone said to ask here.

only askin coz my parents are REALLY pssd that i sent money for that, but i dont give a eff... i love chip chipperson show :) episode 2 was hilarious... hahaha the ambulence crashes in the end hahahahahaha... poor chip

cant wait for ep 3!


I'm Chip Chipperson, in case you didn't know

...I abandoned MY show, and it's fawkin' nefarious!


ne·far·i·ous nəˈferēəs/ adjective (typically of an action or activity) wicked or criminal.

nahh he got us with this one

so fucking funny

They are actually going to have a special premiere screening of episode 3 before Von's Patrice documentary. It's a red carpet event to kick off the grand opening of Ant's NY studio.

My heart goes out to all the poor saps who sent in their hard-earned money to fund this piece of shit before the teaser dropped. That said, anybody who donated after seeing it is a retard who should have their head cut off by ISIS.

The fat truckers who donated their money to jim instead of using it to get a beej from a toothless lot lizard.

What about 'em?

Send me a picture of your family at the beach and I'll get on that for you young man.

You seem like such a nice young man. Are you strong? Do you think you could force open a cellar door with one arm?



I'd file a fraud report with your bank and move on.

You're my new favorite.

It takes Jim 4 months to unpack, you think he's even thought about his cartoon which he hates. It's obvious Carmody isn't gonna fuck him. He's over it

You don't think.... that people get robbed from crowdfunding, do you? Gosh, I sure hope not.

Wait a second, excuse me, but how did I rob truckers?

Well lil Jimmy has been hard at work spending the 60k he earned for the cartoon on gifts for unfunny female comedians who are out of his league and decorating his expensive apartment.

But don't you worry, just as soon as he needs another quick transfusion of cash he'll pay some middle schooler 50 bucks to make him another episode of the cartoon and he'll start up another kickstarter or gofund me campaign to suck in some more rubes. So you'll get to see that cartoon! Maybe you can even donate again!

Remember when flailing Jim actually said that the cartoon was the "best representation of the characters"? lol

I don't think you realize the money & time it takes to fulfill these perks.. Think how much time it would take you to do a custom tweet or voicemail for someone.. It's not something that can be done in a minute of two......

That wurm should be sued for leech of contract

Just tweet your parent's credit card number to Jim Norton, Chip.



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why would you do this? What made you think this was a good idea?


O&A is over and all that came out of it is unlistenable. Joke posts are pretty much where its at now.