Getting so hard to tell a BaldOpie edited photo from real Opie photos.

6  2016-05-21 by ManiacalChrisBenoit


99% of his pictures he's hiding his jugs.

Just look at this randomly chosen one from a couple days ago:

these fags take pics with everyone they meet lol

I would be jealous if it were 2002.

I know right, the guy from Crank Yankers in studio.

That show yanked my funny bone. FROM THE PEOPLE WHO BROUGHT YOU THE MAN. SHOW

Why does Jim keep wearing that Scrub Daddy T-shirt? He looks like an ass hole. I heard him say he likes it because it's soft. Dude you're a millionaire, go buy your own soft t-shirts you cheap fuck.

Too busy edging.

His collection of graphic tees is fantastic for a 52 year old worm. Nothing is cooler than an old little fag wearing Ali and UFC graphic tees because he thinks he looks ripped at 5'5 130.

Not surprising, this is just meme magic in action. BaldOpie is literally changing Opie's physical form. Keep up the good work, Big Friday.

nice faded jeans opie

50 year old man dressing like a 13 year old in 1997. Really fucking disturbing.

Cheeech looks like an old lady!!

What's even weirder is that Opie's actually the one dressed in all black.

Anthony's looking rather dapper in that hat.

"A great hang today"

Yes, just some friends hanging out. So natural with the panned camera shots and forced laughter.

Such an Opie line. I swear I'm not only replying to you, your comments have been the best

The first 3 words of this title describes how I feel when looking at his creations

Holy shit cheech is old.

I almost thought Madsen was shanding for a sec

Joe Rogan talking about bald opie made me so happy haha

Is that Bam on the far left? Really great to see he and Opie finally made up.

Fucking Norton and graphic t's, I would think at 50 years old you would have a grown up outfit or two. It's either a Johnny cash or a jake lamotta shirt. Him and florentine and the fucking target bought band shirts