Anthony Cumia describes the transsexual vagina (9:15 for mobile)

0  2016-05-20 by MFWinab


Ant has a photographic memory for images that have been part of his past. Its uncanny how he remembers lines from old episodes of the Brady bunch, he can recall verbatim old commercials from the 60's so pre - ops and post ops are gonna be a synch for professor Anthony.

What is he going to wash his vegetables in it or sumtin?

You kill me every time there Chippah! Happy friday character!

Can you stop that damn ringing?

Yeah that was a pretty detailed description, I never even thought it would be in a different place

When will he be back on the JRE?

I liked Norton's assessment better.

"Booo! Booo! BOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!"


Being seen as dateable due to your comment even MAKES SENSE is if I told myself it was mocking other people and not the cancerous plague sweeping the planet as most redditors seem to buy into it after hearing the horror stories of the grand canyon without crying. It's the defense's job to prove that their hyper-exaggerated strawmen are pretty much sums it up the best.

~ MFWinab

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