"I make a lot of money, I live in a big house, and I fuck attractive girls!"

18  2016-05-20 by TonyFromLongIsland

Just remember this if you ever decide to feel bad for ol' Ant.

Also, I was listening to Stern shows from 94-95 and he called in literally 4 times in one month after the Jackie contest, doing a completely over-the-top impression that reeked of desperation. Man, he needed to be killed.


"I have a few subscribers, I practically live at the Courthouse, and I'm pegged by boyish-looking women"

Let's not slander anybody's character here. Sue does not look like a boy.

I was actually referring to Dani. Sue doesn't need to peg Ant, she can just flat-out butt-fuck him.

"I used to make a lot of money, I live in a medium sized house, and I fuck girls with bad skin and greasy hair."

"I make a lot of money, I live in a big house, now where the fuck is my gun"


That's more like it lol

"I pay a lot of amateurs, I live in a house of horrors and I fuck transsexual girls"


and I fuck transsexual girls


Two Sue Lightning dicks up.


Oh, please. I heard the Homeless Shopping Spree in 2005, and he was on his high horse back then. Telling sooooo many jokes that didn't connect with me, and had to kick some guy off of Paltalk because he was going "Yawn!" Dude's in some fantasy world, just like Howard, and wants to have his own way, or he'll take his toys and go home.

Now its "I use to make alot of money, I still live in a big house, and I can only fuck my hand"

Can u get those call clips?

Exactly what I wanted, thanks

Well, I could, but it would waste so much of my time that it's not worth it. I have every show Stern did from 1980-2010 and I started listening to the archive at around the day after the OJ murders. I couldn't possibly remember the days it was on ( I don't even pay attention to the day the playlist happens to be on) to go through each 3 hour show and find his 10 second call that Stern cuts off anyway. Sorry, man.

understandable, if you come across it again mark the time

SHIT! I made it on the air in Stern calls during the 1982-1984 period. All of my archives were on cassette tapes which were destroyed a decade ago. I would LOVE to try and hear myself as a kid calling into the show!!!

The stuff up on YouTube of Howard covering the OJ verdict is awesome. He was unstoppable back then.

I shit on my fans, my girlfriend ruined my life, I lost my gun.

Because the fans are perfectly civil to him. Right.

My guess would be the majority of them are.

For the longest time, the most shit he caught was for never dropping the constant right-wing shit on what was supposed to be a comedy show. He got a pass for quite a while.

"I made a lot of money, I live in a big house surrounded by free loaders, and I fuck/batter young-looking, drug-addled lunatics."

I don't know if Anthony has ever fucked a woman who wasn't at least a bit gross.

I'm broke, rent an shoebox, and fuck ugly psychos but I never got arrested so he can go jump in a lake (pardon my language.)

i used to make a lota money, i live in big house in whitetrashville and i fuck emaciated gingers no one else wants.