Didn't Anthony have his court date yesterday?

2  2016-05-20 by TanksForNothing


back in Court on 6/3/16

Yep. Just saw that on the site, weird how theres now only 2 cases, mustve had some dismissed.

no, click through. there are multiple charges under each one. That has always been like that. early this week the charges were duped with an additional field for "docket sentence". For some reason that is not longer there. anyway, not charges have been dismissed

So, Tranth's insincere trip to rehab to get a tan and try to score some 19 year old junkie tail did not persuade the judge to throw the case out?

can't really tell. I've heard 2 schools of thought on this. The fact that there was a docket sentence scheduled and that didn't happen means that an implied agreement may have broken down. Someone also said in this forum a while back that he kept going back lots of times and eventually got a better deal on a DV charge. One thing we do know is that this did not go away

I think so. He sounded way more chipper (wassat) on his show yesterday, but he didn't bring it up at all. It's probably still ongoing.

After every court appearance he's supposedly "more upbeat" and we all speculate, and in the case of Gavin and Gomez flat out lie, that Ant's charges were dismissed and the case was dropped...and then two days later we see when his next court date is.

I am so hoping this thing goes to trial.

It would be amazing to see that whole video hashed out step by step by a lawyer.

"And did you ever find that gun, Mr. Cumia?"

Of course it's always in the last place you look.

What're ya gonna do after you find it, keep looking?

It's a turn of phrase what are you stupid or something?

Yes! I mean no. No.

Opie's studio?

It's ok Antony we know how hard it was to lose your gun but hey act now you can get one these https://imgur.com/a/uHhJz

It's Hosp the gay Sean Connery!

Swing and a miss!

Yes, and for some reason the court website no longer has a listing of the case at all. QUANspiracyspiracyspiracy

It takes 48 hours to update.

So, within two days there should be a new court date.

This happened back in January and I think its what lead to the "charges dropped" rumors. And then two days later his February date was on the site.

Did Trant have his court date?

Only if the court's a troubled, underaged teen!

See what I did there?

Swing and a miss!