I love the Internet

105  2016-05-19 by JimmysLostFat


I hate saying "brutal", but I can't think of a better word.

Somehow I have a feeling we're going to get blamed for this even though we had nothing to do with it. We're far too lazy (not to mention talent-less) to act out on something like this.

It was obviously someone connected to this sub or the O&A universe. Probably Joe De Rosa.


Nah, this is the work of Ku

I think that's giving Redban too much credit. I can see the BaldOpie, but this.. I don't think Redban is clever enough.

I didn't notice any swastikas

bruuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhtaaaaaaaaalll, brotherman.


There isnt a better word to describe it.

Yeah, it's been a long time since we had some good old fashioned cruelty laughs. Pathetic gets tiring after two years of it. This hit the spot.

It's settled then! A new form of Jocktobering - gotta keep our eyes on the obituaries

Exactly the word i was gonna use. Feel bad for ol' patty cakes but damn that is a good gag.


This would be downvoted to oblivion anywhere else on reddit. Gotta love /r/opieandanthony.

Someone put it in /r/toosoon and its doing well so far


this might be the meanest thing I've ever seen. it's...it's glorious.


I wanna say "too soon", but the laughing won't let me.

It is very funny and brutal. But I'll be the faggot and say it's fucked up to tweet that at him.

It's fucked up to sic your fans on a nice guy who's only crime was deciding he wasn't going to watch a movie after seeing the trailer.

I mean I completely disagree with him and it's an absolutely retarded opinion, but all he did was disagree and take a shot at another public figure. So anytime someone with a following says something negative about someone else it's "siccing your fans" on them.

He didn't really defend the movie though. He just said that he was going to wait to actually see it before he shits on it.

You're right. Make fun of his dead wife.

Well considering that he murdered her...


Thanks, Ope.

That picture made me laugh out loud. But it kind of makes me sad when people's twitter accounts are dedicated to someone from the O&A world.

One of the greatest things I've seen on the internet. Whoever did this deserves paradise.

Excellent work, gentlemen. Go ahead and take the rest of the day off.

Soul-damning hilarity aside, there's an invincible genius irony at work here on so many levels.

It simultaneously destroys one's faith in humanity and restores one's faith in comedy.

Holy shit. I couldn't tell what it was in the preview, then clicked the link. It's horrible, and horribly hilarious at the same time.

This warms the cock-holes of my heart.

Holy shit...that is so fucking dark. Couldn't help but laugh.

Why did they make Slimer so fat for this movie?

That's Melissa McCarthy.

I guarantee this is 100x more creative than anything in that abortion of a movie.

Well, fuck. I think i need a break from this sub for a bit.

Cooooold bloodeeeeeddd


This is as fucked up as it is deliciously hilarious.

Been waiting for this.

Another week on this sub = another present.

Holy shit haha ruthless.

This place is a den of savages

I didn't recognize who that was then I saw who was @ mentioned. Absolutely vicious.

Oh wow, that's fucked. I did laugh, but Jesus..

This sub is like the woodland critters from South Park. Hilariously evil.

Now c'mon yall we can do better. Lets dig her up,skull fuck her, and take pics for the kids to see.

I will say this about the internet. You'll find some good stuff on it.


I had to actually put my phone down and take a breather. What an absolute savage.

You know something has hit the rock bottom of heartlessness when the consensus in THIS sub is that everyone is torn between that and the indisputable brilliance of it.

Holy shit.

Jesus Fuck.

Of all my years skimming this sub, I've never once cringed until now. TrackSuitVos summed it up perfectly. Brutal.


Baldopie's gonna have to start photoshopping opie's dead mangled dad to match this level of ruthlessness. This is great.

Tweet of the fuckin millennium. That's it folks thanks for playing, shut it down.

I haven't had the best day but holy fuck I can't stop laughing now. That's the meanest/funniest thing I've seen in awhile.

Will patton explode of anger when he sees this or will he "get it"?


Holy shit. Just... holy shit.


You guys never fail to up the ante!

Holy shitmuffins. Thats fucking savagery. But it's fucking hilarious too.

It should be part of the sub's banner or at least replace the stangle pics.

The fact that it's an all woman cast makes it better. Stupid Patton defending chick flicks.

At least she doesnt have to diet again.

Why did Opie make this if he wants to get a new contract in October?

You guys are savages. Bravo!

Just savage... Woe

Holy shit! As previously stated....brutal....but funny.


Que "Loves the internet guy".


tsss, thas cold niggga

An audible "oh no" before I even clicked the link to see the picture. Wow...

There's a person, there's a person stranded!

There's a show!


It's stranded!

Oh..... funny.

Wait, Rosie O'donnell isn't dead..OH SHIT

I just read an article a few days ago about how social media is making people depressed. And there is a direct correlation between social media usage and depression. I can see why...

This just barely stumbles past horribly painful to despicably hilarious but directing the tweet to Patton.

Holy shitmuffins. Thats fucking savagery. But it's fucking hilarious too.

Just because you can make a joke doesn't mean you should.

This might not be the place for you.


Caring about people's feelings makes me a fag?

Yes. That and the fact that you suck dick.

Homophobia? Not a good look.

Ewwwwwwwwwwww. Did you forget to log into one of your alts before typing that?

You need to leave

I hope you suffer a stillbirth as a child.

Who's da dead bitch

Can't wait till you have someone you truly care about and they die. That's gonna be hilarious.

I've had lots of people I care about die and some in front of my eyes. That's life. I'm not a part of a family of immortal elf people. It happens to literally every single person. I don't see how that affects my ability to find this fucking hilarious. Patton had this coming. He was being a cunt for absolutely no reason. I hope this isn't the lowest we can go, either.

Fucking disgusting. Fuck you if you find humor in this. Go get aids you fucking cunts.

you're just as bad as the people you're telling to go fuck themselves

I kinda want to know your deal. Why do you think it's ok to speak to people like this because you don't agree? If you don't like the way things are in this sub, simply leave. This sub found the picture funny. A lot of us have a dark sense of humor. Why are you acting like such a crybaby because you don't agree?

I was going to respond. Then I saw your username. No, thanks.

Because you have no response. You're acting like a child. And I'm not a troll account because I'm not in negative karma, I like the name. You must be a wrestling fan, another strike against you in life. So come on bud, tell us why you think it's ok to act like you did because YOURE offended. Why say horrible things because you're feelings are hurt?

Wow. You're just an exhausting human being. My initial comment was intended to be a bit tongue-in-cheek, and I thought that it was excessive enough to come across that way. I guess not, and that's fine. But it was a throw away comment, that I honestly did not expect to draw much attention. So sorry that it hurt your feelings dude. Yea, I do like wrestling. Strike against me? Okay, sure. But strike against you for having nothing better to do then to try and draw a meaningful discussion about such an arbitrary post. Go to work already.


This might not be the place for you.