Haven't Heard From Troy Quan in Awhile

10  2016-05-19 by Opierapedmymom

He still a faggot?


He is still an unconvicted murderer.

He is the Jimmy Snuka of radio.

She slipped off a cliff and only he was there to witness this

rock it, bro.

He's off with your girlfriend, pumping her the fuck out.


Last I heard he broke his hip after a skateboard accident.

Victim of the modern age!

poor, poor girl.


He pipes in on Sam's show at least once a week now

He got aids

He became a fat suicide girl



ts maybe he fell off a roof tss

Is Troy the guy Opie has an obvious crush on or is that Chris Distefano?

fun troy quan fact. I saw him in the hallway in a hospital i was in as i was being wheeled on a gurney. it was after i was assaulted by police, apparently the police got in contact with the show or the show got in contact with them, and they had troy quan drive to my town to film a 'skit' with me and the dotors, and a court office. I had my arraignment downstairs in the hospital and the judge, who died right after i settled my case, said that my bail was to be paid by the opie and anthony show, after the completion of said skit.

the skit never happened because i didnt want to be humiliated any further and i threw a bit of a fit while hand cuffed to the gurney, the court officer bent my arm over the gurney and almost broke it in half so i started screaming "I have a lawsuit!' and then i turned my head and saw troy quan staring me dead in the eyes and i yelled it again "i have a lawsuit!" and he shook his head slightly.

a year later i was forced to sign a piece of paper saying i wouldnt sue the town and i was forced to write a letter of apology to the police. troy never responded to me on twitter, opie didnt, they all stayed very hush. sometimes i wish i would have just let them film the damned skit so i would have concrete evidence so i could have had a real lawsuit on my hands.

What the fuck happened here.

Autism bomb went off.


I've said enough. the police will probably find out i posted this here. my life is at risk.

Tss, yeah an then Andy Summers will come to your house wit a GUN er sumptin, tss


I'm sorry officer, but the truth sets me free. But I know you have a HARD job. Really I do

Try harder.

you think i could make something like that up? lets just say it was in a town where opie and anthony had strong ties to in one of their past jobs.

Did you pull out yer fawking peckah and start tuggin it?

fawk yeah, I wudda

I believe you good buddy.

Gold please.

You're too vague with the actual facts and too vivid with the details for me to believe any of this. So it happened in Boston, Long Island, or NYC allegedly. Troy found you in a hospital to do a visual bit for the radio about someone no one knows because you were beaten by police? That sounds nothing like the show.

I'm being vague on purpose dude. Do you not know that cops are o and a fans? And that they're here?

You should be truthful and we'd believe you. Serve your time fucking criminal.

there's no time to serve, the police assaulted me, then lied and i got 5 charges of assault on an officer. i was on pretrial probation for a year getting piss tested every month, when the day of the trial came the judge offered me an "alfred agreement" that wiped out all 7 charges of assault i had(2 from the original arrest) and the resisting charge. and the stipulations were that i had to do 10 hours of community service, write a letter of fucking apology to the police department, and then sign a paper saying i wouldn't sue the town.

they said i recorded part of the altercation during my arrest and send the video to the opie and anthony show, but i didn't. and this was a doctor in the hospital who was telling me this, not the cops, so you can go, "the judge and the police were just fucking with you" was the indian doctor at the hospital joking?

seriously i am a creative writing type, but i couldn't make this shit up. and dont think you guys are special, no one i tell this story to fucking believes me, and thinks i was on drugs or crazy. im used to it.

Troy wasn't there though, you're making it up or Troy is your Tyler Durden.

he was there because i saw him, and after my arraignment the court officer who was going to be in the skit said out loud "troy quan is upstairs".

Where is my mind... where is myyyyy mind...

It's an Alford Plea, you dumbass

Did I claim to be a lawyer?

You're trying way too hard.

Lady Di, is that you?


you think i could make something like that up? lets just say it was in a town where opie and anthony had strong ties to in one of their past jobs.

Did you pull out yer fawking peckah and start tuggin it?

I believe you good buddy.

Gold please.

You're too vague with the actual facts and too vivid with the details for me to believe any of this. So it happened in Boston, Long Island, or NYC allegedly. Troy found you in a hospital to do a visual bit for the radio about someone no one knows because you were beaten by police? That sounds nothing like the show.