An Opie crutch

2  2016-05-19 by Dannyprecise

Has anyone ever noticed how Opie has to proclaim, with exasperation, "RIGHT?!?!" after some mundane point, especially when no one responds or acknowledges what he just said?





What drives me nuts is when any topic (or something that could be a topic) gets brought up, he immediately points out that "this is a great bit" or "I think we've already done this bit." Meanwhile, the funny people in the room (anybody but him) just realizes you can talk and joke around without having to hold the audience's hand and show them behind the curtain. He's desperate to point out his relevance to the show.

He copied saying "right" all the time from Louis CK. Most things he does can be traced back to about 7 or 8 different people.



What are you takin for that? Sudafed? That stuff works RIGHT? Last year my sinus pain was BROOOTAL. I know, RIGHT? EGGZACTLY!



I'd pay to see an Opie crutch get broken over an Opie skull. Metal crutch only please.

Give yourself a byelll