0  2016-05-19 by maynardsabeast

Did this sub popularize the term cuck? Well as I type this I realize Norton was the only person of note to really ever throw it around, so I guess Norton was the one who really coined it as a mainstream insult....which makes me realize that this sub probably was responsible for making it an underground diss term. The reason I ask is cause CUCK is fucking blowing up. CUCK is like an underground rapper that blew up, and we were the group of fans that discovered him. If we were hipsters we would totally stop saying it and denounce the term now. That faggot Milo is using the word like crazy now, which means all his creepy little followers are too. It's literally become the alt-rights slogan right behind "make America great again". So honestly, if Jim Noron and us were the first ones to really use it- then this sub kinda made it hot. It's officially mainstream. CUCK is so hot right now


What? This sub really, really likes to sing its own praises sometimes. No this sub is not responsible for the popularity of the term lol.

I don't know man. I agree with the first thing you said, BUT I literally never heard that term thrown around like a common insult till I came to this place. Feels like it's been a very common insult for 3 years now. Norton was the catalyst and then everyone here copied him (like they do with 80% of their board material)

The you've never been to 4chan or Twitter. Any self-congratulations you ever see on here have actual origins on one of those.

'Cuck' is the most fucking embarrassing thing I have ever fucking seen on the internet. When you use it you are basically a bizzaro SJW but not in a good way. Please kill yourself.

The word has become a parody of itself. Or something like that.

Cuck is the new black.

The mighty "cuck" has been beaten to death. It used to be powerful and strong, but now right wing-obsessed retards have jumped on it and ruined it forever.

RIP cuck.

Rest in cucks.

Agreed. But I'm curious, did these autistic right wing, Trump weirdos steal it from here?

The original head mod (and the one who allegedly went crazy) of the Trump shit did, in fact, spend a lot of time here. /u/GumbleDog if you're wondering.

Lol care to elaborate? He went crazy?

I didn't care to read this any more than a basic skimming, but somebody posted this. He removed a bunch of moderators who left and made a new Trump sub. People take this shit too seriously.

There's plenty to be found on reddit, but he did some things as mod of /r/The_Donald that has some people grabbing their internet pitchforks and shit. It's pretty fucking stupid. Did people expect the mod of that subreddit not to be a lunatic?

So the trump people turned on him or he turned on Trump? And yes people take this shit incredibly serious. Someone here (one of the "nigger fag cuck" types that think they're shocking and pretend to be nihilistic or whatever once dissed me by saying "have fun with with the downvotes". And another dude in r/movies once made a comment and it got downvoted and he said something like "I can't believe this negative karma- time to make a new name". W T F?

I think it was more reddit politics, not actual Trump stuff. Moderator dick measuring and the like.

I'm pretty neutral on the whole Cuck thing, but I don't really get why it bugs people out so much. Is it just that it's misused so much?

It's just being overused. These retards think it hurts feelings and they keep saying it. Plus they're professional trolls so they understand how annoying the repetition is

Liberal white guys hate it because it so accurately describes them and deep down they know it.

Just look how much it bothers that cuck /u/3stepsbackward

Did I touch a nerve?


I triggered you.


You did specifically call attention to him in a thread that had fuck all to do with him. Or to relate it to to you and others that had no personality before Anthony Cumia gave you one:

"U mad, faggot bro cuck?"

For me, I just don't like the sound of the word itself, and it's a term that guys who really have to make the effort to be masculine like to use. Any guy who is part of a movement or group to reclaim their masculinity or whatever is just kind of lame, and the chest thumping feels impotent. It does get misused, as do a lot of words, like "bully" and "troll", but unlike those, it's a word that comes from a certain group of dudes

The Alt-right has been having great success branding everything & everyone they dont see eye to eye with as a CUCK!!

Why would they stop? People seem to get triggered everytime the term gets lobbed at them. The same people who say its played out and/or overused are the same asshats who blows a gasket when it gets lobbed at them.

Cuck is the insult that keeps on triggering.

No, /pol/ on 4chan did.

Cuck originated from /tv/

No, /tv/ adopted it after /pol/ imploded.

If this sub had come up with Cuck do you think you'd be the first one to notice and bring it up just now? We'll drop down and give each other a round of congratulatory hand-jobs anytime we hear about how Opie may have diarrhea or SAMCRO Joe gets a gig cancelled but this has eluded us that far?

I have mentioned this before but these bozos keep downvoting and denying. Face it....we become what we hate.

It came from just like every other alt-right meme.