What the fuck happened to Seth Rogen?

22  2016-05-19 by Grillskillz

The dude made some pretty funny movies like Superbad back in the day, but now he's become some PC hack. Tuned into the show briefly while driving back to town this afternoon and he's taking about how the shitty Neighbors 2 is one of the best comedy sequels every made and how progressive it is tackling sexism. He then goes onto criticize and how terrible 80's movies with rape jokes are. Of coarse, nobody in the studio has the balls to say anything and just licks his hairy asshole while nodding their heads.


That's all of entertainment now. You're brainwashed if you work in it, because every clique is an echochamber of this babble.

It's why I hope all these fucking movies bomb. I hope Neighbors 2 bombs. I hope everything that fat jowled kike with the stupid laugh Seth Rogen is in, bombs. I hope that piece of shit Ghostbusters (2016) bombs so fucking hard they give Robert Oppenheimer a producer credit.

Fuck this shit, make movies that are funny. Never trust anyone who believes their own shit does not stink, and that their narrative is more important than the truth, because that's the definition of propaganda.

Now I am become hole, destroyer of jokes......

Rogen and Oppenheimer, both Jews.

Are you saying that Jews are subversive, Christ killing, parasitical, Nuclear bomb inventing, Vedic quoting hacks, sir?

If so, I find that extremely triggering and would ask you to cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks.

And white.

They won't bomb. Morons are going o the theaters and spending money in droves. Every comedy follows the EXACT same format and flow. Neighbkrs 2 will be exactly like Neighbkrs, Like Train wreck as exactly like Bridesmaids, Hangover - Hangover 2.... Stephen King wrote it best....summer blockbuster season...check your intelligence at the door

Girl Ghostbusters is gonna bomb.

No way man, did you see how much NYC attitude that black lady had? It's gonna be a freaking riot.

she's sassy AND black

that's a pretty revolutionary combination. I might have to check it out.

My folks are the worst. They see all this crap then I have to listen to how funny they think it was. Then they ask over and over if I've seen it yet. Yuck.

Preach it, brotherman!

You have the thoughts of Bob Levy but the writing style of Herman Melville.

Call me "Cis male"

If his chest had been a mortar he'd have shot his hot peckah juice all over that fuckin whale, dvvvv dvdvvdvdv

You have the thoughts of Bob Levy but the writing style of Herman Melville.

I can't remember the last time when something on this sub made me laugh this hard.


I don't think it's so much brainwashed, it's what you have to say to get roles. Actors realise that disagreeing with 'social' causes gets you branded a scumbag and they want to keep getting work. Rogan started going down hill around Pineapple Express. Basically, James Franco ruined him.

Wish Patrice was there

And then there's you. I'm not sure who I hate more. It's like being stuck between two shit magnets

Goodness, what's wrong sweetie?

Acknowledging or making fun of racism or sexism isn't the same as being a sjw loser. You can make fun of rapey shit in 70's and 80's movies without hating yourself as a white male you know.

Some of these "new conservatives" act like they're a persecuted minority or something.

Acknowledging or making fun of racism or sexism isn't the same as being a sjw loser. You can make fun of rapey shit in 70's and 80's movies without hating yourself as a white male you know. Some of these "new conservatives" act like they're a persecuted minority or something.

"Uhm, actually...?" Boy, you set me straight. I sure am glad the fat dude from da fukken Weed movie is taking a stand against oppressive 1980s movies. Gee gosh! John Belushi tried to see a naked girl. "Uhm, could you not?"

Holy fucking potato skins, these god damned 70s movies are triggering my dysphoria! I can't believe Gene Hackman shot that man! He's supposed to be a police officer! Whoa, that villain was a PoC! This was clearly NOT focus grouped.

Anyways darling, what I was trying to say was, when people in entertainment brag about how great and progressive their shit is, and use that as a sales point, it's...just kinda fucking gross.

Racism and sexism are bad, but labeling things as such, all willy-nilly like, is a weapon of the left to push in further and further and silence dissenting thought.

A weapon that's getting duller and duller as it's driven over and over into a certain presidential candidate, again and again and again and again. The boy who cried wolf is a sexist example, so I'll say the preteen of non-consequential gender who cried furred carnivore.

Fear of those labels of racism and sexism has done things to entertainment that are not good for anyone. ESPN, which is a network for people who watch sports, aka 90% men and 10% fat dykes who carry wallets, now has like 50% of its on air personalities as women. No, not the aforementioned fat dykes, but blonde MSNBC rejects with broadcasting degrees, and as much knowledge of sports as I have of happiness.

But, sorry, since I'm being a fucking pig here, the thing that really bothers many people, such as myself, is that a lot of people in Western culture have it so well that they look for problems, they get mad when things aren't the way they think they should be in entertainment. It's the same attitude of telling on a kid in 2nd grade because he wrote "fart" on his notebook. And it's kind of making modern American culture, if there is such a thing, really fake and dishonest.

It's tattle culture. It fucking sucks. And so does smug fagginess over making a movie about a fat broad not being funny.

The better things get for our 1st world countries the less there is to complain about,

and that doesn't mean less people will complain, it just gives bitchy assholes a louder voice for shit that doesn't really matter.

It won't end, just gotta hope people don't start retarded movements that virtual reality is "sight-ist", or the majority of sports are too "black advantaged".

But as long as something is seemingly unfair we'll probably have retards pointing it out. Your comment was fucking nice and my thought is that the majority is silent and will only speak out more once stupid shit becomes more mainstream

You're preaching to the choir, man. But to use your analogy: just because there are cunts who cry wolf doesn't mean there aren't any real wolves around. You don't have to vouch for weird archaic shit just because these people exxagerate it to an extreme.

What a bunch of dogshit. These -isms are trotted out as being pervasive and can be tied to millions of actions/behaviors that aren't even remotely connected. How would one even begin to challenge this? You can't because even facts are sexist/racist whatever.

It's that whole group now. Judd Apatow must hate the 40 year old virgin now that he's all about making movies and tv with fat piggy ladies.

Seriously, think about the jokes in 40 yo virgin. That movie would get torn about today for being sexist.

40 Year Old Virgin is amazing the first 45 minutes.... I'm talking funniest ....but like all Apatow movies he adds 50 minutes of filler and then closes out.... all Apatow movies start good and go down the shitter. Knocked Up, Funny People , Brides maid....

The problem with Funny People is that the movie becomes a marathon after the good opening moments.

Funny People could have been his best movie if he didn't shoe-horn his wife into a bland love triangle

Funny People could have been a perfect movie imo if it had ended half an hour earlier.

I thought the movie would have been way better if Sandler died suddenly. He gets cured of cancer or whatever it is. He's fighting Eric Bana on the lawn over Judd's ugly ass wife and then he steps into the street and gets hit by a fucking car.

Right, it dragged on then just became sad at the end.

Glad other people thought Funny People was pretty good... It went on way too long though

Opie liked Funny People.

The 40 year old virgin is one my favorite comedies ever. And I think it doesnt drop off at all. The chemistry between Steve Carrell and that woman felt real. Not forced in any way. And the ending was perfect to me IMO. Love that movie. Seen it 5 times probably


We can thank Katherine Heigl for Apatow's whole new liberal women empowered agenda. Remember awhile back when she accused Knocked Up of being sexist? Ever since then everything Judd does is Trainwreck, Girls, Bridesmaids, Love, etc.

That whole "You know how I know you're gay" scene wouldn't play with today's audiences

cashing in on the principles they then turn around and hate.

Yeah I love Judd to death but I just tapped out on the guy. His unreasonable feminazism is revolting, I bet it seeped into those other guys too. I hate to tow the whole "Hollywood liberal" line, but he's that to a fucking tee.



What about that tosh fella huh,I was listening to his new CD on spotify and the first track is how kool black people are, second track is America sux and China gud, third track is kidsnowaday garbage, had to shut it down

It feels great to just stop watching or listening to something because you don't have faith in it. You save so much time.

Oh, you didn't like The Interview?

Haha the missle hit him in the butt. That's where shit comes out of!! lol Bong hit


He's always been a pandering hack. You just fell for all the catchphrase bro movies.

Something , something, drank some Bud Light with the Schumes?

He spent too much time hanging around with Apatow and Schumes

If he's not ashamed of the first Neighbors, then he's lost touch with reality.

I think his career peaked on Freaks and Geeks. All downhill from there.

It's funny because that's where his career began, and his part wasn't even that good.

You know how all these KGB agents seem like nice people but once they get their trigger word they change completely and look to undermine the government? That's what is happening with Hollywood Jews now. They got their KGB secret word and are all trying to undermine white people simultaneously. Even Gavin called this shit out when he had that feminist Jew on his show. Seth Rogan was funny and chill years ago now he is a preachy anti white, anti Christian fuck.

This has always been the Judd Apatow way. All of his movies are the same. The guy is the fucking buffoon and the woman is the responsible one who has to put up with the man's shit. She leaves him and the man has to reform himself in the end to win her back. They've told the same damn story over and over again. Forgetting Sarah Marshall is the only exception that I can think of.

Seth is just saying this kind of shit because its a good marketing angle for his new movie. He's pretending to be an advocate for a topic, no matter how vague the actual connection to the movie is, to bring more publicity. When the reality is that they just came up with the lame idea to switch from a frat to a sorority to differentiate in the sequel.

Didn't he date rape a girl in observe and report

Hah, that was the first thing I thought of.

Afraid of Kim Jung Un retaliation.

When people got bored of Fear Factor, Rogan had to stay relevant, so he got into the UMC fighthing. He's had a pretty lackluster career ever since.

When is the next UMC fight? I wanna see The Ultimate Man Champion match soon.

Rogan was always into martial arts/MMA, dummy.

He career has been anything but lackluster.

It's called that guaranteed Hollywood money.... $100 Million and follow the easy Adam Sandler path or make low budget comedies where you spend all your money and maybe break even.... not agreeing with it, but it's human nature. Who here would not be doing Neighbors 4 for 3 weeks work and $50 Mil. Pineapple Express is still great!

Nepotism never works. Look at Keifer Sutherland.

I dunno I enjoyed Neigbors and basically every comedy he's made. The Night Before was fucking hilarious too. Him tripping the entire second half of the movie had me dying laughing cause I knew exactly what the character was going through in that moment and he played it perfectly and hilariously. I just don't get bent outta shape like most of you do about shit like this. I highly doubt he even gives a care (excuse my language), I think he just knows to say some shit like that to make money like a smart Jew. Rogens cool as shit and consistently makes funny movies in my book.

Seth Rogen was never talented. His weed jokes wore off after 3 movies and now he's resorting to his true cuck self.

Never liked him or his films, I am all knowing

He like Judd know they can't make the movies the used to in this shitty SJW environment. They know they can be retro actively trashed for making the films they used to make so they just try to act self aware and like they've grown out of their older work.

To be fair, the numerous rape scenes in 80's movies are pretty hilarious in retrospect. Other than that yeah, Seth Rogen's inner jew came out over the years into the PC, SJW hack he is now. This has been going on for a couple years now though, old news.

Besides Revenge of the Nerds, what other ones are there?

They mentioned the Animal House scene on show. Off the top of my head, Sixteen Candles is the other famous one. In Police Academy they had a hooker hide under a podium to blow their commander unbeknownst to him while he's giving a speech, only for one of the guys to pop his head out at the end to trick the commander. This one's not rape, but more of a voyeur sex crime, but in Porky's they turn a peep hole into a glory hole in the girl's locker room, and when a teacher tries to get them in trouble for it, it's basically just laughed off.

Most of these 80s movies weren't actual rape scenes played for a laugh, but I guess sexual assault is a better buzzword for them. I mean, I don't really give a shit, they're funny, but it is interesting how much public perception has changed since then.

He seems to be a jerkoff lately. I saw him on Twitter a few different times making a giant deal about relatively harmless Jew jokes(don't remember the context). I hate that shit.

"Of coarse..."


Add in Judd, Louis CK and anyone else marching in lockstep with the SJW crowd. It's like AIDS but for comedy.

I don't care really. Most comics are poor as shit and their bandwagoneering will only make them more poor and miserable.

That's not the point. They are trying to change what good comedy is to force an agenda. Look she is shitting in a sink! See, women can be funny too! The Ghostfisters movie is a hilarious reboot, it's just cis white males that are fucking things up!

Same thing that happened to Piggy Schumer

of coarse

This is the End was great

I rather see Seth movies than shitty Sandler movies. This is the end is amazing, the interview was pretty good.

This is the end is amazing,

Amazing?....how about "Solidly entertaining, for a silly comedy"

Stop calling everything amazing, you cunt.

A stoner comedy about the apocalypse is not amazing.

But it was amazing. So amazingly amazing

Quit rehashing Louie bits like you actually give a fuck, you faggot.

Louie bit? Sorry, not familiar. Why don't you enlighten me.

I like Adam Sandler. Do I like his films? Fuck no, but he sounds like a genuinely good guy who is just living the dream doing what he wants to do.

I listened to a Nick Swardson interview and he basically said Sandler refuses to do most interviews because the press are just waiting to bash him and rooting for him to fail because they can all join in on trashing him. He can't win. Nick had a pretty insightful quote about it:

"They're not fans of his shit. They know what they're going to get and his movies aren't for them, so why bother??? They're just waiting for him to say something wrong to basically confirm everyone's preconceived idea that he's this money grubbing idiot who's out of touch with what's funny."

It made sense, and it seemed very unfairly biased to someone who knows his audience (middle America/children) and tailors his films towards them. He works hard on all his projects and he gives a lot of his friends work (like 85% of Happy Madison is people who he went to High School/College with and people he's befriended in show business), he's very charitable and he does a lot of work with sick children. He also can fucking act despite the shit he's been in. Punch Drunk Love is one of my favorite movies

Like I said, he just sounds like a nice dude doing what a lot of us dream of. Who wouldn't love making movies with all your friends around you and making truck loads of money doing it? It seems at this point in his career he just likes making films that he can enjoy watching with his daughters and I feel bad for the guy even though I don't enjoy his movies.

He's picky with the dramatic roles he chooses because those will be what he's judged for the most

"They're not fans of his shit. They know what they're going to get and his movies aren't for them, so why bother??? They're just waiting for him to say something wrong to basically confirm everyone's preconceived idea that he's this money grubbing idiot who's out of touch with what's funny."

Sound familiar?

At the end of the day, I guess it comes down to how you feel about someone who makes good money putting forth what seems to be very little effort. Some people respect that kind of thing, making millions and just having a fun time making shitty movies, and I certainly think that you can view that as a success. Robert De Niro is finally working on a movie right now that he seems to really give a fuck about, and even though it might not be good, it's great to see him finally give a fuck again, and he can at least be applauded for that

This is the End was very good. The Interview fucking stunk and you're a fucking retard if you think otherwise.

I'm gonna cum in every corner of this house!


You can see Seth breaking throughout the scene, McBride is the funniest motherfucker alive

holy shit that was hilarious. I can't believe I never saw that movie.

Remember when Sandler movies were watchable? I was but a wee lad. Now I'm a fat faggot.

Billy Madison is one of the funniest movies ever made. I'm a fat faggot too.

How come every thing you guys complain about is a 1 second clip of an appearance? He was funny on the show but all the focus here is on that little moment.

Seth Rogen was the worst part of Superbad.

Didn't he write the movie??

Yep, him and Evan Goldberg apparently wrote it when they were teenagers.

Whatever man. The movie is funny or it isn't.

It isn't.

I never watch these kind of movies. They are formulaic drivel. They are worth watching only if every single person says it's funny. Last movie like that was Hangover

Wow I just made a post about this. I saw Neighbors 2 at a free screening tonight at one of those Alamo Drafthouse near me and it fucking sucked. And this is coming from somebody who is a fan of Seth Rogen. It honestly just felt like they made it as an excuse to push a PC message about sexism.

Videos in this thread:

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This Is The End - Who Did This? (FULL SCENE) Danny McBride, James Franco & Seth Rogen 5 - You can see Seth breaking throughout the scene, McBride is the funniest motherfucker alive
Louis C.K. - The Way We Talk (Hilarious) 1 -
Kiefer and the Christmas Tree 1 - To be fair he's kind of a fuckup it has little to do with nepotism.

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Fuck, you're reaching

I'm gonna cum in every corner of this house!

Haha the missle hit him in the butt. That's where shit comes out of!! lol Bong hit

This is the end is amazing,

Amazing?....how about "Solidly entertaining, for a silly comedy"

Stop calling everything amazing, you cunt.

A stoner comedy about the apocalypse is not amazing.

Remember when Sandler movies were watchable? I was but a wee lad. Now I'm a fat faggot.

This is the End was very good. The Interview fucking stunk and you're a fucking retard if you think otherwise.

If his chest had been a mortar he'd have shot his hot peckah juice all over that fuckin whale, dvvvv dvdvvdvdv

I like Adam Sandler. Do I like his films? Fuck no, but he sounds like a genuinely good guy who is just living the dream doing what he wants to do.

I listened to a Nick Swardson interview and he basically said Sandler refuses to do most interviews because the press are just waiting to bash him and rooting for him to fail because they can all join in on trashing him. He can't win. Nick had a pretty insightful quote about it:

"They're not fans of his shit. They know what they're going to get and his movies aren't for them, so why bother??? They're just waiting for him to say something wrong to basically confirm everyone's preconceived idea that he's this money grubbing idiot who's out of touch with what's funny."

It made sense, and it seemed very unfairly biased to someone who knows his audience (middle America/children) and tailors his films towards them. He works hard on all his projects and he gives a lot of his friends work (like 85% of Happy Madison is people who he went to High School/College with and people he's befriended in show business), he's very charitable and he does a lot of work with sick children. He also can fucking act despite the shit he's been in. Punch Drunk Love is one of my favorite movies

Like I said, he just sounds like a nice dude doing what a lot of us dream of. Who wouldn't love making movies with all your friends around you and making truck loads of money doing it? It seems at this point in his career he just likes making films that he can enjoy watching with his daughters and I feel bad for the guy even though I don't enjoy his movies.

He's picky with the dramatic roles he chooses because those will be what he's judged for the most