So this is how it ended for Ant?

0  2016-05-18 by Dennyislife


 the police officer shot him he was crying

Old Keith put him down.

And did a shit job of it too. 6 shots. Fucking can't even do that right

You're supposed to shoot till hes neutralized. Plenty of people get shot several times and live or kill someone before bleeding out

I live in a country the police are not armed. Most insane people with knifes can be stopped without a death let alone other people being hit with accidental shots.


Show me the stats on how many police and bystanders were injured in jolly ol england. See... i dont think a cop should get stabbed because "guns are bad". He has a right and a duty

pretty hard to get hurt by pepper spray or a taser by accident. You're always going to get accidents in situations like this though. Just happens alot in the US and you seem to be fine with it. Just a weird little cultural difference i guess. Saw on the news here US cops were coming over here to learn non lethal force in cases just like this where the person doesn't have a gun but still has a weapon. They seemed amazed our cops didn't need to shoot to get the cunt down.

I wonder how many cops have been killed because your government thinks its not fair to give law officials advantage over an active criminal

If a guy was holding your kids hostage, about to kill them, something tells me you would want something more effective than tazer or pepoer spray

you could say how many people haven't been shot because guns are hard to come by. Here's a list. It really isn't many


Ok so we should take all guns away to save police lives?

your fucked. You can't take guns away once so many people have them. No idea what you lot can do. But can train police not to shoot like retards at crazy people and endanger others when the crazy is clearly armed with only a knife.

Knives can kill. Guns kill more easily. I dont want guns to not be legal. You dont know what the future brings. If the government works for the people then the people should have the right to use deadly force in defence of life, liberty and property just as the government does. Mabye if gangbangers stopped making it cool to shoot people the deaths would go down. The gun is partly at fault but culture is the largest reason by far

If we're lucky, Keith would turn the gun on himself, afterwards.

I heard thix gunthoth....

You're supposed to shoot till hes neutralized. Plenty of people get shot several times and live or kill someone before bleeding out