Please more YKWD sucks posts

15  2016-05-18 by cuntbudday

bob kelly became lazy with comedy and his podcasts stinks now, bunch of anxiety filled adult teenagers who dont realize how unfunny and uninteresting they are cause they dont have a patrice to smash their big egos. i dont like this jolly, i dont care im fat, bob kelly. he was funnier with that hip arab derosa.i bet one of those openers visits this sub and if we spam some ykwd hate they will bring it up kinda like one of them old pest projects. its boring here lately, enough of dumb schumer


enough of dumb schumer

Keep up with the times. It's all about Sherrod, Big Jay and Breuer hate this week.

Imo there is always a drought of Sherrod hate.

Right, but it's extra special since he completely ruined an interview with a brilliant comic by not shutting the fuck up. Nobody cares if he makes noises while Opie talks about Bruce Jenner getting fake boobies or sum'pin. But when Stanhope gets in....Well, I'd say show him respect, but he had to sit through Pamela. Who wasn't viciously gang raped that day, so fuck those cucks. At least Ira and Bobo were amusing, no excuse for that tard.


Bob Kelly's only good getting bashed by Jimmy, Patrice or Colin. Otherwise he's worthless. I hate meek smiley happy Bobby. I hate how he thinks he's special or different because he's a (pretty unknown) comic. Nothing worse than talking about comedy too, just fucking do comedy don't give me your fat process. He looks like an obese Mexican mother or an eskimo or a bbw Japanese porn lady.

One of them past away:/

Ya'kiddin! I guess Bob has lost 1/3 of his comedy usefulness then.

He has the mass of all three combined.

I tried to listen to a few episodes that others recommended here, but I couldn't get through it. Boring good natured ribbing with half a dozen uninteresting nobodies.

I was enjoying the Breuer trashing personally. More-a-dat!

Don't worry he'll be dead soon

Where are the whale pics at?

waiting for the next Attenborough joint, we used every single one up already

It use to be a pretty solid podcast. But now it's a cluster fuck of nobody's sprinkled with funny comedians that use to be regulars. But even then, the regulars still get trampled by the opinions of the endless droves of unfunny open mic'ers I've never heard of that he constantly has on his podcast. I also can't stand his cunt assistant (not kelly, I actually preferred her over this new cunt cause at least she would get shit on by everyone). She adds nothing, she's never said anything funny, yet she bulldozes her way into every topic. She is literally the reason I stopped listening.

i ain't hate the bob kelly, but why the fuck that fat sack of shit gotta have 17 niggas nobody ever heard of on his podcast at the same time?

to balance the boat against himself

Like Colin said, Bob likes to try to befriend and take new comics under his wing because he's lonely ("he want's our lives to be like a Budweiser commercial") and he wants to feel like the profound teacher, Buddha if you will, to the riff raff that don't run away from him, duuude!

Also, I tweeted this topic to Robert Kelly's twitter. Fatso, comment?



Look, you've clearly made up your mind, but I love YKWD. It's best time was from 2012 - Fall 2014. Bobby's a good guy. The 'no names' who people hate on are people who Bobby is giving a chance to be heard. If it weren't for YKWD I wouldn't have found Dan, Joe List, Mark Normand, Big Jay, Luis, etc. Some of my favorite comedians currently. I don't get how people can say everyone talks over each other? I can hear everyone just fine. Just this past week they had a funny bit on trashing DC comics. Hell, Bobby even had someone from here come on the show to talk out their Twitter exchange and Bobby was completely fair to him. Like I said, Bobby's a good dude! Probably one of the better people associated with the show.

I don't get it. People on here will hate listen to O&J and ACS but then bitch about shows that are funnier (YKWD, Legion of Skanks, Bonfire, etc.)

I dont know why but I fkn HATE when people start a sentence with "Look".

Agree with everything else, Bobby is a good dude but tbf not every show is listenable. I find myself skipping every 3rd or 4th one with out a regular.


dont know if some of the sad fucks here actually still listen to onj and tacs just to hate but i dont, still listen to old oa and old ykwd when there were bobby and 1 or 2 people with him (colin derosa soder). this now stinks and i want it to change and i think bobby is pretty humble and when you give hime some negative feedback he will start to doubt this whole opener-tranny podcast, he will make a few jokes here and there about it and hopefully change it. i mad cause i wanna hear bobby talk, he is probably even funnier now, not him questioning dumb comics and weirdos, please realize that you are settling for mediocre shit, spade.

This podcast now occupies a niche comprised of 20-30 confidants of whatever non name loser is on the show (co-hosts and most guests). Talk about a narrowly targetted audience.

I listened to it a few times but couldn't hack it (pun not intended). Is the "always being hurt/offended and openly announcing their dislike of each other" a bit or something? Unbelievably thin-skinned, not even by comic standards!

He just brings in 55 comedians and they all trample over each other for mic time.

I liked it with DeRosa and then Soder and stopped listening when they created the group format. Stop the madness already Bobby.

When he gets Luis, List, Soder, and a very few select others on the show it can be terribly funny, but that's because they basically hijack the show and make fun of Bobby.

The rest of the shows amount to Bobby big leauging junior comics, him trying (and failing) to sound meaningful, and weird nonsensical conversations where everyone stops trying to be funny and be serious - but most of the time they have no facts and are just idiots mouthing off to each other.

I always have to be the voice of reason. His show is very good. Although it does suck sometimes when he doesn't have the "regulars" on.

The worst episode had to be where it was Bobby and 4 other no name comics who are obese. They just seriously talked about losing weight and then talked about how they enjoy pigging out. A lack of jokes unless you count stupid fat jokes sprinkled in here and there.

My rule is Bobby and at least 2 people I like. List includes List, Soder, Gomez, Normand, Metzger, Big Jay, Sylvince. If its not that theres no way in fuck im listening.

If Bobby could somehow get List, Soder Gomez and Fastuca together once a week thats would seriously be something id pay for.

YKWD was better when there was less than 10 people in the room.

Your Patrice point is insightful and valid, the rest of your points should be left rootless in the sun on a hot piece of tin to shrivel and die!

Fuck all of you I love's gone through its stages (Bobby and guest, Bobby and Derosa, Bobby and Soder, Bobby,Soder,List, Fastuca, Gomez, Bobby and shitty comics) but it's still the best comedy podcast I've ever heard. Nothing but trashing each other for 2 hours. People say they talk over each other but honestly who gives a fuck about what comedians have to say about serious shit? I just want them to be funny

Eh, if it has a certain hand full of guests on it can be good, but if it doesn't it generally sucks.

No Joe List, no funny on the YKWD.

Bob Kelly is self-destructive. He always does these things & it's like "why is he doing this?"

For instance, he recently started calling people "Bubba". So he'll go "bubba ... Bubba ... Listen to what I'm saying!"

Do you have any idea how awful it is to hear an obese person constantly using the word "bubba"? If you're fat, stay away from b-words. It's disgusting

Blob always sucked. He was a good punching bag on O&A and that was it. He really tries to come off like he's got legend status on his calendar when he's nothing but another cog in the NY comic wheel.

I'm also certain he is a huge faggot who got stuck in the closet and couldn't get out.

Right, but it's extra special since he completely ruined an interview with a brilliant comic by not shutting the fuck up. Nobody cares if he makes noises while Opie talks about Bruce Jenner getting fake boobies or sum'pin. But when Stanhope gets in....Well, I'd say show him respect, but he had to sit through Pamela. Who wasn't viciously gang raped that day, so fuck those cucks. At least Ira and Bobo were amusing, no excuse for that tard.

waiting for the next Attenborough joint, we used every single one up already