Oh young Uncle Paul...

3  2016-05-18 by paulrnelson


"Ya dropped a blueburry in ya undahware, here lemme get it foi ya."


I sure hope someone helped that poor blind kid shave the rest of his face later that day

the ol' Stevie Ray Vaughn look. glad someone's giving credit.

hahahaha why were you even watching a how to video on picking up girls in a bar? Just get drunk enough so you can talk to them but not so drunk that you make them uncomfortable it's not rocket science. Also, never tell a girl her eyes are like blueberries or reach for her face...you're a fucking stranger to them.

I found it from this video

Why would i be looking for advice on picking up women if I never go outside in the first place?

"Dey don't need 'magination no more! Dey make tablets that can wipe out their memories. It's a miracle of science. You gotta just talk to the parents. "He was standin' with me in my kitchen when I was cleanin' out a pantry and this old bottle of BBQ sauce exploded and some of it got on the back of his John Cena PJ's." Suuuuuure."

I just wonder what the look on his face is after he finishes shaving around his little beard thing there. "dude, you fucking did it"

I hope this Faggot is in prison somewhere

the ol' Stevie Ray Vaughn look. glad someone's giving credit.