Jimmy got a Opie Sniff

14  2016-05-18 by Dennyislife

Was talking about shitty songs and Jimmy changes subject to Opie's place and how 'the work is going on it' Opie says it hasn't started then without breathing goes to another topic. Opie sees Jimmy is pissed how he blew it off and goes back and addresses it as "i changed subject as nothing happening" then Sniffs.

Must be a fun room to be in


Opie only talks about his personal life when HES bringing it up....this was one of Jims sticking points when they fought...no disclosure on Ops part.


Probably was some skater music that Lindsi picked up.



And that time Opie started ranting about how much he hates CKY for no reason when Steve happened to have one of their songs as bumper music. And I'm pretty sure it was post-merger, so it's not like he was taking a "They're on Bam's Sirius radio show, don't play that!" stance.

Really? I need to find that.

I can't remember what episode it was on unfortunately. I might be wrong and it may have been pre-merger. But they came back from break with a CKY song playing and Opie starts going off on Steve about how much he hates CKY. And it was weird because they played shit far worse than CKY, so it wasn't a "this song sucks" moment if they didn't say that for the goddamn Korn "Word Up" cover that was bumper music for a year.

Huh. I just heard it. Jim asked Opie how his apartment was coming. Opie said "Ugh...delays". Then Erock or whoever had some song queued up for Jimmy that he was about to play just as Jimmy was asking him how long the delays were going to be. Opie said about a month or so and then apologized for cutting Jimmy off by saying that there really was nothing to add. Didn't seem bad. But there was indeed a sniff.

An Opie


Was very early in the show. First 10 mins I think . Sorry I can't do better please take my first born son as an apology


I only ever Jim sniff. I thought that's what the sniff thing was about. Never once heard opie sniff

But how important is the work being done?

Jesus Tits please hang yourself with piano wire. Try to find half of the dignity Robin Williams had.

Ever wonder if the obsession of this sub on opie is a bit gay?