Gavin McInnes: How The Daily Show darkies tried (and failed) to make me look stupid

0  2016-05-18 by bobomobile


I like how he acts as if the Daily Show staff spent countless hours trying to figure out how they were gonna out-smart this genius fucking Canadian Fashion Writer

I'm not watching this, Gavin will neglect to mention that the real problem is that he makes himself look insanely stupid, and that sperglord irrelevance hurts him more than liberal media bias by miles.

Darkies? Classic Gavin wit! What's next, calling them coons? NIGGERS, even?! YA NEVER KNOW WHAT THAT GAVIN WILL DO NEXT!!!

The poster added that himself, dummy.

Don't you know anything Gavin related gets downvoted into oblivion here, regardless of what it's about?

Because he's a dipshit.

To be fair, he can't go on the most leftist bias show on earth and then pout like a baby and when they edited what he said. The editing was cringe inducing Ile give him that but then he turns it into some kind of war on white people horseshit just because the interviewer wasn't of his superior white race.

Why did he even sign up for it? To get publicity? Yeah he got it I guess, now his edgelords are going to talk about him as a victim (they don't see the irony at all). Enough of this fool, he married a non white person but behaves line the white race is superior in every way.

