Gavin McInnes Talk About the Left, The Right, and the Downfall of the Millennial Generation

0  2016-05-18 by RayRomanosDad


Are we pretending that Gavin is a modern day Bill Hicks?

I wish he would imitate him in one way.


He's got some hot takes on millennials!?!?! Hot damn, FINALLY.

. . .for those of you who already don't listen to this born-again retarded hipster troll, here's his opinions in print form! Only takes 4x as long to read than it would be to listen to them!

Seriously, though. Fuck Gavin. He stinks, and I don't like him.

Don't his fanboys know that there are at least 3 other subs they can go to and fellate each other over this lisping Canadian hipster? I'd rather see those stupid self-help posts than this shit.

The enemy of my enemy...
