What made you cancel (or not re sub) your Tacs subscription

13  2016-05-17 by yakovsdinnertrays

I cancelled around the time Ant was threatening to doxx.. I wasn't watchin cuz his show was soo fuckin boring, but kept the sub to help ant out


I made the wise decision to never subscribe in the first place.

I'm with this guy. Never wanted to support this piece of shit podcast "network" from jump.

Soo.. You were never a fan of Anthony?

I liked Anthony on Opie and Anthony.

I figured his podcast network would basically be his "Live From the Compound" shows which sucked that he'd now be charging for.

And, I was right.

Fair answer, I wasnt going for sarcasm in my question, it was a genuine query

I'm a genuine query

For anyone's concern that would give a shit, EastSideDan is Hosp the gay Sean Connery... a prop of a human from the old ron & fez days that East Side Dave used to humiliate daily, that is why he is so bitter.


Obsessed fagooot, still making new accounts.

Nice try.

Ha Ha Hosp, the gay Sean Connery ha ha ha ha. You were such a great punching bag for ESD.

From your old sub name you said the same thing, and got zero traction.

But, if it makes you feel good. Go ahead. Pretend I'm Hosp.

Funny thing is, him and Dave's careers are about the same now, eh?

Once I realized I was donating to the Joe Cumia Jr. welfare fund.

Needed money for weed


I subscribed before the network launched to support the old gremlin. I tapped after the Ron & Anthony debacle and ever since then Anthony has worked nonstop to prove my decision right.

Ron & Anthony debacle?

Keith kept teasing the "Ron & Anthony" show. He went as far as tweeting a logo for it.

Then once backed into a corner, Anthony posted this babbling nonsense.

And the icing on the cake was Ron alluding to that tweet causing SiriusXM to specifically put in their contracts that he was not allow to host any other show.

Keith tweeted little teasers that "The Ron & Anthony show" was coming that ended up being completely nothing at all.

I knew this was going to be shit. The "Trayvon" saga pre -firing convinced me of that.

I do not want to hear a rich fucking white man bitch about how poor blacks, none of whom he knows or comes in contact with, has fucking wronged him. He loves to harp about Chicago like he gives a fuck about that city.

Niggers, right?


Shut up cunt. I could give 2 fucks, I am just having fun with you TACN faggots who rise and defend everything said here.

Good job dude, Your compound invite is in your PM box.

Take off the white armor and come back to reality.

You're just one of the libtards, maaaaan.

I subscribed day one, and quickly realized that I wasn't listening at all after the first week unless some drama went down. The doxxing just confirmed that we had lost Ant to his brother.

Pretty much. Found I was paying for shit I didn't listen to. I'd be going to YouTube for old OnA bits I've heard 6 times already rather than checking out the new shows on the network.

I cancelled before the doxxing incident due to shit like A) Tranthony does not want a humor based show B)KtC C) I get more enjoyment from a $7 bottle of beer - Trappist Rochefort 10 if you can find it

I'm doing this shit right now and I don't know why I haven't cancelled yet, I guess I'm afraid some shit will go down and I won't be able to tune in and see what happens... Maybe I'll at least wait till after he's done all his court shit so he can finally open up about tit all and tell the whole story without having to worry bat repercussions

Or do you think he'll ever actually talk about the whole thing?

Go ahead and cancel that shit! You won't even notice probably.

He might talk at some point. But why not save your money until then?

Maybe I'll at least wait till after he's done all his court shit so he can finally open up about tit all and tell the whole story without having to worry bat repercussions

If he's in a pretrial diversion program he won't be able to talk about it until that's over, or at least I'd imagine his lawyer will tell him not to. I got 9 months probation for reckless driving and racing (misdemeanors), so I'd imagine he'll be on probation for a lot longer for domestic violence related felonies.

Plus, if we only hear his side of the story, would you really believe anything that guinea has to say at this point?

I gave my money to domestic violence victims charities.

They needed the money!

Bombing at the roast and denying it then beating a woman.

I'm fairly certain most of us never even considered subscribing in the first place

I saw those hooligans from the Legion of Skanks smoking on the drugs so I had to cancel and e-mail Anthony an apology for doing so. I just can't support illegal behavior and frankly those young men are much better than that.

Lol I never subbed cause I 100% knew the show would be exactly what it is. Black talk, conservative radio, sycophants, and Z level guests

Same here. That was a perfect description of the few free episodes ive tried to watch.

I subscribed the same day the pricing was announced, since I wanted to show him some support for the countless entertainment he provided over the years. Canceled after a month when I realized it was boring as hell.

He had a lot of goodwill going for him in 2014, and he pissed away all of it.

Subscribed the first day possible and was looking forward to the show. Unsubscribed in Nov 2014 due to the non stop PC/race/cop/gun lectures.

I cancelled after I realized that he wasn't going to stop doing the Dice impression.

He show didn't have a must watch/listen feel to it. But canceling it months ago, it still lets me login.

How did you go about canceling? Just sending an email or doing it through the website? About to cancel and let's see if I can replicate it hahah

The whole debacle has an erratic, unprofessional vibe to it and I always had the sense that it would fall apart. Quality of the show aside I flatly do not trust Anthony Cumia et al with my money. The doxxing bit and rehab stint are proof that we all made the right decision.

"Racial Topic No Comedian Guest Groundhog Day" loop #14

Haven't been able to sit through a TACS show in months, but I listen to TGMS and NYCCR on the regular.

I cancelled 3 times and resubbed twice. All times were because Tranthony is a bore and I barely watched but each time had a tipping point.

The first was bombing at the roast then being a baby about it. The 2nd time was not wanting to contribute to the Samcro Joe welfare fund after he rubbed it in that he gets a free ride and is pround of it. The third time was for beating on a mentally ill drug addict half his age.

I don't really care about the dox threats and LoS is junk, neither of those would have made me cancel if I still had a sub.

I also bailed during the doxing and Panera biz.

For the doxxxing and denying being a bottom to the tranny.

Canceled after 1st 6 months. I was only able to listen on podcast form and the show did not lend itself to non-visual with overreliance on videos. Found myself getting dozens unlistened to at a time and even when I did it was only 30-45 minutes before I lost interest.


After his last round of doxing threats.


How many chromosomes do you have?

After I realized the show would still be subpar after the move to the city I cancelled.

I waiting a year, subbed and ran through some episodes looking for nuggets of funny, then cancelled after a month cause I forgot about it. It's hard when you can't watch it/have it on in the background on TV.

My sub ran out 2 weeks ago. Didn't re-up. Was only watching in hope Ant would say something interesting like the clips that get posted here. I thought the Dick Spray episode and apology afterward was hilarious cause of the backlash he received. No effect? He cancelled a sponsor. It's just bad commentary now so won't be subbing again. Was all in when he started though.

Dick spray episode? God damnit I'm subbed and I still don't pay attention enough to catch most of even the good shit

Subscribed from the start, cancelled after 2 months of boring race, gun, 2nd amendment talk (I'm British and this stuff doesn't interest me) re subbed around greggshells time.. Cancelled a few weeks after

The show is just beyond out of steam. Logging in this morning to catch up on last week's shows, seeing the guest line up (Tommy Davidson, Jason Scoop, and Joe Matarese), and knowing that while these are new shows, I've seen them dozens of times in the past.


I first subscribed to support Anthony but quickly got bored with it. Only paid for 3 months total but what made me cancel was when I realized I'd missed an entire month's worth of shows and I just didn't give a shit to get caught up. It was so fucking boring.

I subscribed for over a year to support Ant but would only listen to about 3 episodes a month. I wish him the best just not worth paying for something I don't use.

the unbearably repetitive heaviness of the show, and Keith

a competent, likable producer could have kept Anthony "lighter" and on (the funny and interesting) track


I subbed for the first month of the show. Found it boring and not produced well. I also didn't like the video only bit as I listened to O&A in the car and the visual element wasn't necessary.


I never subbed because Keith the Cuck keeps fucking up everything, and I will never support that piece of shit.


I don't like any of the shows enough to justify subscribing ever in the first place. Maybe Gavin but even then I like listening more than watching and lots of their shows have videos and stuff in them that I can't see while I'm listening. I usually watch old o&a shows and currently on episode like 130 of Patrice O'Neal on o&a think I only have like a dozen left

I'll usually download one or two episodes of ant and Gavins shows a week and maybe listen to them but only if they have good guests

A couple shows that I might watch a week isn't justified for me to pay for it. If I was forced to either pay or not watch them at all I'd choose not watch them

I'm on the verge of canceling now, with legion of sinks leaving and me really not paying attention to ants show much anymore there's just no reason

I cancelled after the first YEAR of no app. Just never got around to subbing again, but I love Gavin so I might give it another go. The Bennington fiasco was a bitter pill.

Finally realizing that the Ant of yesteryear has completely gone.


Shut the fuck up creep, jesus.

How did you go about canceling? Just sending an email or doing it through the website? About to cancel and let's see if I can replicate it hahah

Dick spray episode? God damnit I'm subbed and I still don't pay attention enough to catch most of even the good shit