Do you think Ant will lose subscribers now that LOS has left?

32  2016-05-17 by Lilcumia

Also isn't this all Keith's fault. I assume Ant is going to keep paying Keith until TACS is no more. How does Ant advertise new signings? If Gavin goes shows over.


Basically everyone on the LOS sub was posting about how relieved they were to be able to cancel their subs to TACN. It's hard to pick out how many actually subscribed, though.

It's even harder to decipher which Redditors on the LOS sub are real and which are actually Luis J Gomez...

Theres also VERY few ppl on that subreddit.

Still MORE than the board for NO-TALENT SAM ROBERTS!!!

What goes AROUND, comes around, Sam ROBERTS Show!

I'm real, and as much as it'll suck to have to give up Ant, I'm gonna have to cancel once the skanks leave, because I can't afford both. Gonna miss the hell out of crime report and Davey Mac, though. But I'll eventually resub; just not in a financial place for both.

That's pathetic, get a job you bum.

He'll let you bum him for any loose change

You can't put together like four extra dollars a month? That's like 2 1/2 more handjobs a month for you.

Wait, I can CHARGE for handjobs? Holy shit, I thought I had to do those for free


Did your mother teach you nothing?


I remember dumb Ol' Dave Smith whining about the fans reactions when they first signed onto The Cumia Network. He was like "how can they be our fans & be mad at us for making a move?"

So now that this experiment failed, this is why fans were against them going to "Cumia" in the first place. We knew the show would get worse. We knew that being behind a pay-wall would effect the quality of both shows. It not only spread them too thin, but the free listeners just stop listening because they don't wanna hear half the shows (instead of signing up to hear the missing shows). We were against "the move" because we knew it would suck for the show. & it did

Dave Smith blows. He's not funny, or insightful. He just says obvious things then uses that weird 'Right guys? Funny guys?' affectation. Horrendous. The epitome of pretentiousness.

The thing that drives me crazy about Dave Smith is his inability to commit to any bit. Luis will do anything but Dave always pusses out. & he acts like its cuz he's too cool but it's because he's scared.

The "likeability olympics" is the perfect example. Every obstacle he did with an ironic angle of non-committal. Luis committed & was so much funnier

He really is awful. And he really does think he's a cool, intelligent, political commentator.

Being on TACN didn't kill the quality of their show at all. If anything, it garnered LoS a slew of new fans, and now they're parting ways because they outgrew the show and want to move on to their own thing. It's really not some big dramatic deal, and the fans were being ridiculous about the move in the first place. A paywall doesn't affect the quality of a show.

Maybe not to the small percentage that actually subscribed. But it did to the people who only listened to the free show (which I guarenteed was most).

For example, they did a "battle of the bands" thing. For the non-subscribers the whole thing was gibberish. Impossible to follow, had no idea what the fuck was going on. So, for a month, they did probably half-an-hour segments on their show that most of the audience had no idea what the fuck was going on

I think the battle of the bands thing actually made me stop listening. The quality of the show was just so shit the last time I listened a couple months ago.

The show is always completely incoherent to me. It has no structure or anything you can put your finger on.

It did affect the it's back to webcam-video and 8 bit sound quality

Bhasathasaw...jus chill awww..fuggid

I subbed for the extra LoS show but I unsubbed months ago already.


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Unsubscribed this morning. TACS is just so bad with Ant on his own. Just a cycle of the same 25 jokes and impressions.


Oh yeah, is it reasonable?

Haha, gets me every time.

Twister is a bad movie.


25 is being very generous

Ok let's count em...

  1. Dice
  2. 1920's man
  3. Struggling...little help here

Jesse Ventura Twister

  1. Jim's characters

Since ant cvame back his shows have continued to be horrendous. The only reason i stick with it is cus i find gavin hilarious

The only reason I stuck around as long as I did was for LOS but I dumped it when Ant was threatening to doxx people. Whether that was a load of shite remains to be seen but it was enough to make me realize it wasn't worth keeping.

I was 'pity subbing' as a thanks for all the great years on o&a but when he threatened to doxx, I cancelled

Same here Subbed but never watched. Felt guilty.

I was a pity subber til he best the brakes off a retarded girl half his age.

Ant breaking Dani's ribs was the only time I considered re-subbing.

You're so edgy what's your a/s/l?

Sorry faggot, my heart already belongs to /u/I_Hate_Knickers

Then gold him right here right now

He really needs it

I'm gonna pity sub to the new LOS network, never listened to them. But fuck ant.

yeah would be hilarious if Gas Digital became a huge success and Compound Media languished in mediocrity until Ant finally murdered Keith with a rapier.

Same. I have a feeling his subs took a big hit that week.


I'm cancelling after this month. LOS is the only show I check for anymore.

If Gavin goes shows over

only reason I'm still subscribed. Anthony is terrible on his own and unwatchable. Adding nobodies like finoa is also a waste and actually diminishes the network. Get somebody like Ari or don't bother.

Gavin isn't funny, but he isn't stupid. He panders to the anti SJW crowd to make money. He is like Maher, Schumer, or Dennis Miller. Too mediocre to make it in comedy, so they just preach to a choir of morons. His show blows unless you are obsessed with feminism or negroes or whatever is keeping you down, AKA you can't get laid.

I disagree. Gavin is a funny guy, but he's stuck in his shtick of being a contrarian (i.e. liberals = dumb) and talking shit about millennials. I've been following him since his early vice stuff and to see his progression into neo-con AM radio shit is pretty sad.

I dunno bout that. Im often pissing myself laughing watching his show. Can't say that for any other show at the moment.

they just preach to a choir of morons. His show blows unless you are obsessed with feminism or negroes or whatever is keeping you down, AKA you can't get laid.


Im often pissing myself laughing watching his show.


Did you stop reading after the first line? Why would you volunteer this?

Uhhh fuck off?

Including LoS, I think Gavin is really the only one there who seems to spend any time on his show or put any effort into it, and it shows.

which is funny because he said his property investments are where he gets 99% of his money

he really deserves for his show to be on fox news or something and reach a lot more people than currently.

He has that Rebel Media show he does sometimes it seems. I'm glad TGMS isn't all he does or I'd be forced to sub to such a shitty 'network'.

Gavin's show is the only one I will watch consistently now that skanks are gone

same here...yeah really he's got to stop adding everyone he can possibly get, finoa is awful

I wonder what Ant will do when he has to pull the TACS plug. I doubt he's been saving money.

Gavin is probably the most consistently entertaining show on the network.

I like ESD and Pat, but there's the free iTunes version of NYCCR and I'd be surprised if Dave is still alive in another 3 months.

Ayyyyy Keith is wheelin and dealin signing great new talent.

Just kidding, he has no fucking idea what he's doing and people won't return his emails.

Like mike finioa? that was a home run !

Ants "Fuck you" money is quickly becoming "could I please recommend you not do that" money!

LoS never got me to subscribe but they will now. I wonder how many people who didn't want to pony up for TACN are now going to pay for the skanks on GaS.


LoS were always going to leave no matter what Cumia or Keith offered them.

That's what I've been saying too. They were seeing if Cumia/KtC would overpay them to stay, which they knew was a long shot but worth the try.


As soon as they set up Gassy digital I knew they were gone.

people are slowly cancelling their subs regardless; on another thread someone mentioned how he has no clips or free shit regularly, HOW does ugly expect to get new subscribers?? Sorry ant, each day that passes less ppl know who u are anymore!

I cancelled when Panera was forced to cut my hours because of ObamaCare.

Do you people actually like legion of skanks. They're barely funny and pretty annoying

I think they're very funny and not annoying. Not gonna cancel my sub or anything, and chances are I won't sub to GaS, but it does suck to see them go. I'd rather both networks join together to make a legitimate network.

I think they'll lose a few, but overall, unless you're an Ant diehard fanboy, I'm guessing most casual listeners have already jumped off or will once their sub runs out.

I can't imagine after 2 years he has many curious or casual listeners paying to subscribe. Those that insist Ant is great will continue to do so not matter how far he's fallen or how much crap he keeps throwing at the wall hoping something sticks. Those that were looking for something different or taking a chance on something new have most likely moved on.

I enjoy Gavin overall and LoS was fairly entertaining, with that said, my sub runs out end of month. I'm not going to continue to sub just because Gavin is mildly interesting at times.

TACN is a great theory but its execution is piss-poor. Maybe once he gets that studio in the city it'll take off!

Theory? Do you know that the podcasting network is out there already working for people. He did it wrong, that's all. He could've emulated a bunch of shit that already worked for other people.


Like 10, which is a huge amount when it's like 20% of your base

I think he'll feel it, but is able to come out of it reasonably ok. LoS was smart too, and get control of the back catalog once their deal is over, so that's got to hurt too.

The two main shows now are Gavin and TACS. The rest are just sweeteners, and the best out of that bunch is NYC Crime Report. It will be in a while to see what happens with it and Finoia once their deals end. Will GAS look to take them on? Both those guys are tight with the LoS crew, so it's possible they go to.

Also, what will Anthony do now that he can't poach from LoS guests now? A lot of the better ones were coming over from LoS to Cumia. Will those guys still steer guest over to him in friendship? I doubt Anthony and Keith are scouting the clubs for talent, and the Cumia doesn't hold any good showbiz weight anymore.

I've noticed that he's attaching himself to more of Artie's friends and guests now, so it'll be interesting if anything comes of that.

Los owns their back catalogue? Can Ant still show their episodes on his site?

Nope, all of it goes back to the Skanks once the Cumia deal ends. The episodes are going behind the GAS paywall. There are a couple of big threads on LoS's Reddit laying out what's going to happen, it's not that bad for most fans - . .

I am subscribed for los, gavin, esd, and the occasional ant episode. I'm mostly subscribed to support a platform for free speech and wacky content. LOS leaving hurts a lot but if they give ESD a few more days and B.L. a platform, it might make up for the loss for me.

fully agreed with you until you mentioned B.L. She's a great wack pack style guest but she should be nowhere near the helm of a show of her own.

I loved her show with ron. Really haven't heard much of her without ron but ill tell you this much, a cooky female host like B.L. had my chick saying that she was very likeable and funny. Could be a good addition for attracting female subscribers.

when did they leave? their show wasnt great anyway...

I'm Unsubbing. Just not good, even if they had jim now it wouldn't be worth it.

I have zero, ZERO interest in podcasting networks. The minute someone signs onto a podcasting network I write them off. It literally couldn't be easier and cheaper to make your own podcast. You just need a microphone and some kind ability to talk enthusiastically about for 3 minutes. If you join a podcasting network you're essentially saying that either don't know how to press record in Audacity or nobody gave a shit about what you have to say. Maybe they'll give a shit now that you've signed this sweet deal with this group of radio lepers and pariahs?

No, no they won't.


All I know is this slighting of Anthony is going to majorly hurt Luis in the next Likeability Olympics...

Zero minus zero is still zero



I think he'll be in real shit if Gavin leaves too. I will probably keep listening to him though.

He'll lose 100% of people how subbed just for LoS. And nobody else.

no....I tried listening...LOS is boring

the last episode was shit, it had actual shit and was just shit, it all depends on the guests, Ari is the best guest so far


LOS was fucking shite; and Fat Jay is an annoying cunt.

I enjoy me some los when ari or Joe list are in.

I don't think many will be. I liked Skanks on there but it won't effect Anthony at all. I'd be surprised if more than 20 cancelled subs as a result.

I unsubscribed after being subbed since the start and gifting 2 subs to friends (which I regret because they don't use it)

They will lose some subscribers, but it might be profitable for them. They paid LOS a lot of money. 200 dollars per person per episode. Probably spent 75,000 on their show. Plus they wanted a raise.

Imagine that, getting paid 100 dollars per hour for hanging around with your buddies and talking shit, and those spoiled cunts wanted even more. Fuck em.

There are enterprises more professional than Basement Studios, such as comedy central and fox news, that are willing to pay them more than that. Time is money, friend.

Really? Big Jay might get a decent paycheck, but the other skanks and their too unknown for YKWD guests, are not going to get a better deal than TACS offered. Not regularly. Not for a full year. I guarantee the Skanks lose money choosing GAS Digital.

The difference is, they actually need to be prepared to be on Comedy Central and Fox News and can't phone it in like they did on TACN, or they'll never get a gig there again.

No question he'll lose some subscribers. The question is whether it will be a significant amount. My guess is it won't be. I like LoS a lot, huge fan of them, but they benefited more from TACN exposure than vice versa. I would've never known of them and become a huge fan without TACN.

I don't know if I'll sub to GAS Digital. It just seems weird to sub to a network where Luis is the focus of 3 shows, Dave has 2, Jay has 2, some stupid Game of Thrones podcast and the uninteresting Pepper Hicks one.

It just seems like the same shit over and over with each show; say what you want about TACN, whether you like it or not, whether you unsubbed due to Doxgate, or just plain don't like Anthony anymore, but they do have variety. Each show is entirely different from one another; ESDS is just a weird maniac on a downward spiral, NYCCR is a unique concept, Gavin is Gavin, and Finoia is whatever the fuck that show is. With GAS, Hammerfisting, LoS, SDR and Real Ass Podcast are the same exact thing, while Part of the Problem is actually pretty awesome and different. I might sub just because I like them, but the lack of variety with a paywall might inhibit me from doing so.

Nah...LOS=Logs Of Shit

I think he will lose subs regardless. TACS is on it's way down, not up.

Gavin's worth more.

Gavin can't get that much work or an actual 60-120 minute show anywhere.

Cumia is the only guy that Gavin can work for.

Having an all white, male christian podcast is actually a selling point. LOS was too jewish.

Id take DiPaolo, Joe List, and some of the other guests over LOS. Why doesn't he give List a show?

People could get half of LOSwithout subbing anyway. The other jew looking dude (List's partner) has his own thing anyway with podcast or cc.

The podcast with Ari, List and the others the week before the return was one of the best as a run of the mill episode.

I tried listening to them once and the fake, over-boisterous laughter was cringey.

Not really.. Most LoS fans that were real enough to actually fork over the money are Cumia and Gavin fans as well. It's just another show to subscribe to. The ones that didn't pay and complained over $6/mo will continue to do so.. With the $6 a pack cigarette hanging out off their lip crying they can't afford it.


That proves my point even more so..


how do you even know what LOS is unless you are a subscriber? I clicked to see if I could figure out what LOS is and I still don't know.

LOS will account for the loss of less than 25 subscribers.

Anthony and Gavin are far more well known and both have cultivated a loyal fan base (while there is likely some crossover, I'd suggest that there are subscribers who only listen to Gavin and others who only listen to Anthony). It is the appeal of these two guys with large, loyal fan-bases that benefits both shows and the entire network.

I'd also suggest that by continuing to do one free show each week, the LOS diluted any value that they offered the network -- unless one is a hardcore fan, the average listener is perfectly happy with one three hour free show a week and has no real incentive to subscribe for the subscriber only show (and the subscriber only shows were not different than the free show, there was no value-proposition to give the average listener any incentive to subscribe).

Anthony and Gavin are far more well known and both have cultivated a loyal fan base

Anthony is exactly as anonymous, if not more so, than LOS. Big Jay can actually fill rooms with people doing standup around the country, Ant has Big A and maybe a couple passerbys who want some free papaginos pizza ala Scorch.

First of all suggesting that any of the LOS individually or as a whole are more well known than Anthony feigns ignorance.

But what did LOS offer Cumia's network?

I don't ask that in a disparaging manner rather it's a quite serious question that no one cares to confront. If one is a fan of Big Jay, the other guy (the one not named Luis J Gomez) or Gomez the other show(s) each of them hosts each week serves to devalue LOS overall and the potential value the show offers a network. One of the reasons that SiriusXM does not allow it's top talent (O&J, Bennington, Stern, Mad Dog, etc) to guest host other non-SMX radio shows or podcasts is that it dilutes the value of one's SXM subscription and if new content from their top talent was available for free elsewhere, there's no reason to subscribe to SXM.

While it may sound good in theory, the LOS making 50% of their shows free completely negated any reason for someone to subscribe to the network with the exception of a small group of very hardcore fans. When you do two 3 hour shows each week, the vast majority of listeners will be satisfied with one free 3 hour show. More importantly there was nothing that differentiated the free show from the subscriber-only show; LOS didn't provide any reason to make the subscriber-only show the "must listen" show, it was just another show. When O&A first started on Free FM, the idea of a completely uncensored show provided the Free FM listener a good reason to subscribe to XM. O&A also held exclusive content for the XM only show and pushed that content to give the Free FM listeners incentive to subscribe to XM. In a year LOS was unable to make the subscriber-only show special to provide the listener any reason to subscribe to the network.

When one considers all of the above, it is hard to actually identify what value LOS added to the network.

If I'm missing something which would negate my points, please let me know. As I said, this is not to take shots at LOS but to examine it from a business perspective.

Can you post this in audiobook form? I no longer read long posts.

I think you're more likely to convert listeners to subscribers doing 1 free/1 subscription show a week than doing only subscription shows. TACN has 0 advertising and their fanbase is already used to getting LoS content for free. Not to mention I doubt any stand up comic is super psyched about putting their shit behind a paywall when they're trying to increase their road audience.

The GaS model makes way more sense, offering all content for free and then paywalling archives and extra material/incentives. I'm sure it's why earwolf and Maron do the same thing.

Where do you get this idea that he has a large and loyal fanbase? You guys keep repeating this based on what I'm guessing are some sort of voodoo interpretation of his Twitter numbers, which are extremely low for a celebrity.


Oh yeah, is it reasonable?

Haha, gets me every time.

25 is being very generous

Since ant cvame back his shows have continued to be horrendous. The only reason i stick with it is cus i find gavin hilarious

Wait, I can CHARGE for handjobs? Holy shit, I thought I had to do those for free

they just preach to a choir of morons. His show blows unless you are obsessed with feminism or negroes or whatever is keeping you down, AKA you can't get laid.


Im often pissing myself laughing watching his show.


Did you stop reading after the first line? Why would you volunteer this?