Doug Stanhope on Opie & Jim Norton (05/17/2016)

13  2016-05-17 by dingobabie


Opie constantly bringing up audio books during book talk is one of the most cringe inducing things about him. Also constantly chiming in with tidbits like he's doing a fucking book report.

You know he thought he was giving Stanhope a really big compliment when he said, "I usually get books on audible, audio books, but I said FAWK IT....I love Doug so FAWKING much I got the real thing and went thru it in 2 days". Yea dude, that is so brave and sacrificial of you.

And granted that Opie, in all seriousness, has the intellect of a high school dropout who barely reads at a 10th grade level....he could probably stand to actually READ a few more books. Fuck nut. I really hope this big titted clown gets his fucking show yanked. Fact he gets paid what he does each year is lunacy.

does he not realize that reading is way, way faster than listening to an audiobook for people who can actually read????? what is he, some kind of a big titted retard????????

Yes, 28d1011575 I think thats exactly what he is.

I'm not sure thats true.

not neccesarily but you read at your own pace. An audiobook decides the pace.

I like to speed read. I play the audio and crank up the speed on that mother hucker to 1.5.

If jocktober has taught us anything it is that mediocrity sells

Funny looking back at the 'book radio' rant


he didn't fool me

sounded like someone read the book and was feeding him questions

I can't believe how bad that interview sucked. What a generic question shitfest. I hope he never goes on there again.

Cant listen with that fucking spastic Sherrod there.

Fucking Sherrod. "Xanax is $20 on the street here!" He's the one black guy that doesn't know drug prices.

"HAHAHA naw nigga that's just the prices we be selling them to these goofy white hipsters fo! Haaaaaaaaaaamburger!"

I guarantee that black dudes instinctively know Sherrod is the type of person who pays 90 for a gram of stepped on baby laxative mixed with coke

I get them for 3 bucks in nyc. I hate that fuck

$4 here in Texas, but I don't really fuck with xanax anymore. I'm bout to take some Somas, drink 3 25 oz Hurricanes and hope I don't wake up tomorrow.

Someone, a good friend I hope, is selling him 4 for 75. This pleases me



That fucking human tongue sherrod ruined this interview...

"Doug, haven't seen you for a while" "Yes," Sherrod.

Is Sherrod not a guest anymore?

When Jimmy is gone, he speaks to Chris D, Sherrod, Norman & Vic Henley like their his fucking co-hosts. And they feed into it - when ppl come in to promote movie or book, his crew of unfunny, insipid dick holes lob awful questions at the real guest....

For someone who has supposedly done radio for almost 40 years...he sure does need a lot of cunts around him when Jimmy leaves (and when he's in).

He did make a comment once that him and Opie should start up Opie Docs together. I think he said "we already have the show set up" or something.

Listening to this is like driving a car thats about to run out of gas, it's just herky jerky bullshit, they interrupt interruptions. It's fucking terrible

Of course Sherrod is in to ruin it

I was actually going to listen because I like Stanhope and then noticed Blopie was in, he ruins everything.

Wait until 53:06 when he just cannot believe a man slid out of a chair.

Well the book came in today and i made the mistake of listening to this, idk if there is even a point in reading after Tits and his cliff notes

Is Sherrod ever going to get the point that no matter how much he talks nobody is ever going to give a fuck about him?

Pretty boring really. A series of facts from the book with Sherrod saying "yeah" a lot and making other boring comments. What a waste of guest, not funny at all.

It did confirm Bobo is less retarded than Sherrod since the Doug and Bobo episode was much better.

"Chris Rock isn't going to call you."

That's okay, he doesn't call Sherrod either.

Even shit serves a function. Sherrod is less than shit. He's a fucking content vampire. Goddam does he stink.

Is that fat tongued porch gorilla really on with stanhope??? FUCK I was actually looking forward to it. god DAMN it

I love Stanhope so I'm going to listen to the whole two hours, but god this is hard to bear. Fucking Sherrod just throwing in exclamations and the random "Yeah"...

11 minutes in and Jim says he'd change his name if the company paid him enough.

I like Stanhopes alternative non mainstream thinking....but why with the parents dying thing? We will all go through this in one way or another with parents maybe friends and newsflash: We are all going to die someday...Breuer also documented his fathers passing....Is this the new thing?

What's your point?

Well, the way his mother died is really... different. She ate morphine, with his help, to end her misery and then they roasted her as she died. He's doing the rounds for his new book which he really only wrote because the cash was too good to pass up.

It's quite a bit different than friends/parents dying from natural causes / accidents.

That is quite different....I thought I heard him saying something about "plausible deniability" ...that what it was.... Thnx

Can't do it even tho I love Stanhope. Sherrod + Opie does not equal listenable even with Doug there.



Funny looking back at the 'book radio' rant

You know he thought he was giving Stanhope a really big compliment when he said, "I usually get books on audible, audio books, but I said FAWK IT....I love Doug so FAWKING much I got the real thing and went thru it in 2 days". Yea dude, that is so brave and sacrificial of you.

And granted that Opie, in all seriousness, has the intellect of a high school dropout who barely reads at a 10th grade level....he could probably stand to actually READ a few more books. Fuck nut. I really hope this big titted clown gets his fucking show yanked. Fact he gets paid what he does each year is lunacy.


he didn't fool me

sounded like someone read the book and was feeding him questions

I can't believe how bad that interview sucked. What a generic question shitfest. I hope he never goes on there again.