Amy Schumer is taking on body shamers! you go girl!

0  2016-05-16 by VAPIDVICE


I wonder if it can plank

Go back to 2011

Pounds that is, you're more landmark than human.

Here's something I almost never say but applies: I do not think I'd have sex with her.

I'd probably slap her flabby extremities randomly, leading to some sort of poisonous climax but that'd be it. I certainly wouldn't bring her home and show her to the parents that's for sure! Or any other living organism with corneas for that matter.

Save her virginity....find a fold, and fuck it.


You just fucking killed my penis. Thanks a lot man.


You really need to mark that NSFW. And the original picture as well. Some poor bastard will click on it at work and a co-worker will come by and think he's into fat chicks.

Who is filming this?

Her cat.

Wow who found this video of a younger, slimmer Amy?

So Brave!

I actually kinda like some fat chicks, but this girl is fucking Thumb Wars.

If she had a better camera you could see the stink lines coming up thru her shorts. Like Arby's Beef and Cheddar.