Ol' Herky Jerky Ben pleads guilty

71  2016-05-16 by ScoliOpie


Hahaha I like that unnecessary last line of the article that reminds everyone what a racist deviant Anthony is.

and poor Gregg cant escape it

I am convinced erock is the only non-hateable part of O&A universe.

What has Trav-Dog ever done that was hateable? He broke a chair and fell over on air and his wife almost made him fight a guy in an Ikea parking lot.

The only knock against him is his homosexuality.

You mean only credit*

Worst thing you could call a man, fezzie

Rude and RUDE!

Reminder that Erock bleached his hair blonde well into adulthood.

People in the entertainment industry don't quite make it to "adulthood"

Pretty cool, huh?

he brutally attacked a certain fat bespectacled intern

to be fair, stevie was annoying as fuck

Oh No!!

Those are the only things he did. Sam on the other hand had provided hours of funny and even made that call me maybe bitches career

Sam is the GOAT. O&J became noticeably worse when he left.

Opie Jr fucking sucks. The only time he said anything was with Tits there to protect him. Yes, he had a few zingers, but he is a childlike bitch boy. Fuck Sam.

What about about that queer asthma attack he calls a dog?

Fair enough, but I don't know that the last scion of the Teftt family shoulders the entire burden of hundreds of years of selective breeding resulting in a creature so inbred its air paggages are nearly non-existent.

Didn't he kill his girlfriend or something?

You're thinking douchey Troyquan.

He pushed her off a cliff.

Are you sure she didnt jump?

Officially she "fell" with him being the only witness.

He proposed, she chose.

People leapt to that conclusion

Tss yee n she lept to her deth rite?

Fawkin double gravity cocksucka

Don't you mean Mc rape? Or whatever his wolf pac name was.

whoops... sorry...

He kicked a blind intern in the balls.

I knkw the chair one but do you have a link to the Ikea story

Travis is generally solid. He can come off like a bit of a cunt when in on-air arguments.

Very safe assumption at this point.

No, he's hateable sometimes.

"I can say it's been more than just text messages,” Hughes told the Daily News after Sparks's arrest.

Yeah? What else? Did you fight him underwater? Did he shit on a beach? I am dying to learn more about the life of this renaissance man.

It's been more than just text messages. Period.


Cant tell you. We're not that close

You say some weird shit, dude.

Im sure the story of him shitting on the beach is real. Its far too uneventful to be made up. He just realy thinks semi public defecation makes for a crazy story maaaaaan.

im feeding the seagulls maaaaaan.

then the guy filming fell out of the closet and the tape broke

Leave it alone!

You don't think him and the Judge will be close enough to move the case forward?

You can say it, Tits, but that doesn't make it true. Like most of your bullshit stories you told on air, you awful hack.

Follow up question: What else has it been? If no answer is given then it can be assumed that it has only been text messages and the accuser has now proven himself to be a liar.

A whole 4 days community service for harassing a family for 8-9 years?

Hope he's putting the chairs out for Ants next meeting.

NY legal system. His only offense, no violence ... Surprised he got that much of a penalty.

The judge probably didn't like Opie either. It's like being lenient with pedophile killers.


Tits' looking intelligent as always: http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.2638728.1463425698!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_1200/74810012.jpg

I've seen people braindead in hospital beds that look like they have more going on upstairs than he does.

your parents really did screw you up


he's starting to look a lot like chelsea handler

The engine's runnin but there's no one behind the wheel

The fact his stock photo has Opie AND Anthony on mic --- u know that makes the milk in Gregg's bosoms boil....

it doesn't anymore... did opie get it changed?

cool thing to do is for opie to address this, humorously on his show but hes an insecure chocha

Hey man, him texting "Steve C hated you" totally threatened Lil' Hudson. No laughing matter, bro.

Yeah the " harassment" must have been very minor given his mild sentence of a few days community service.that's probably the worst text he got

Apparently it was just "Haha, I found your number" and "Do you think it's a coincidence that every single ex-O&A staff member hates you and likes Anthony?" type stuff. But pussyboy turned it into "OMG HE'S GUNNA COME FOR MY FAMILY! I GOTTA SEND YOU TO PHILLY TO LIVE WITH UNCLE BAM UNTIL THIS BLOWS OVER!"

He is sitting in his place with club soda kenny waiting for ben with tripwires strung around the windows and doors like that scene in Cape Fear

Uncle Bam?

She humors the children because Bam blew his money years ago.

And he blew his wad, too, amirite?

He knows that we wouldn't be on his side. It looks like Opie is a sick bastard that gets off on fucking people over. This directly lead to Steve's suicide. Everyone hates the guy.

he so posts on this site

Yes, he does

does he?

Yes, he does.

But, does he, though?

No offence, but this weak-eyed, chinless zero is what I imagine half of the cunts on here look like.

Opie's a cunt.

Ben is far too skinny to be the average here.

"I can say it's been more than just text messages"

Maybe emails too? Opie, you are a fucking cunt. Just come out and say it.

He won't tell us..just not that close these days you know?

He is the opposite of David Letterman.

Did they use a BaldOpie pic or is he really looking like that?

What a piece of human garbage.

Yeah, Opie is. Are there any clips with benjamin out there? I'm new to O and A. This man seems like a nice fellow that tells it how it is.



One of these incidents led to his firing depending on who you believe.

So Jim got mad at the producer because women don feel comfortable taking there clothes off in front of him. It has more to do with Jims weird repelling approach more than anything else I'm sure. And he is a pussy.

That was a weird time. They'd spend time bitching that they need women to come in because the show is too homoerotic. But then they'd call having women get naked on the show hack Howard Stern shit that they hated having to do and do Tissue Time with Opie saying they were doing it to mock Howard because it's all he's going to do when he gets on satellite radio.

it's pretty much exactly when he got offended when that one intern said he was "creepy"

Dana he got so mad that she said she wouldnt hook up with him when Ron asked her. Started running down a young girl for not being a superstar like him.

he literally has a character he does that is a child molester and yet gets butthurt when she thinks he's creepy.

Uncle Paul does rule though.....

His best slam was that she had straight hair!

The bald troll is unhappy that his little peeny didn't get erect? What a shame.


My guess is the first incident. Jim would not let the comment go. Clearly it was a stupid thing to say and he must of regretted it, but Jim had to push it. I know this is wrong , but to be honest, part of me hopes that this asshole gets his revenge someday.

It's probably a combination of the two since they happened 11 days apart and no corporation would want a guy who spits on people and gets into it with talent on the show. But it was telling Anthony denied the Stern fan thing had anything to do with it but wouldn't comment on the Jimmy incident.

I respectfully disagree. Listen to the tone Ben uses.

He sounds like a doper who needs a fix, so he's needlessly irritated.

But under any circumstance, to threaten the talent:

he should've been shitcanned on the spot, expedited by CSK.

I get that. They should have told him to leave right then and there, tell him to relax and take the day off. Then called him and fired him the next day. That's standard. Needlessly keeping him there was negligent and stupid. I still hope he gets his revenge because I truly believe that Opie killed Steve and Jim is worthless. I can't stand "tough-guy Jim". The fake gravely voice, ugh. What happened? Did sucking cocks smooth out his throat? I dont mind faggots, but being a faggot and not admitting it seriously is cowardly.

You said everything about how the situation should have

been handled exactly. And yes, Tits drove Steve C to hang himself.

And Worm is a two-faced, spineless nothing.

I think he sounds like a dude that has never had to take so much shouting, especially at work, and is on the verge of tears.

Fits right in!

Thats true for everyone related to the show, except Patti.

How come we can't get this fuckface to dish some dirt on Gregg?

AMA request?

What a fucking psychopath.

And Ben's pretty crazy, too.

The popular talk radio show was reportedly broken up after co-host Anthony Cumia was caught up in a racist tweet scandal.



Is that word neccessary? It is clearly a fact.

no it was for the violent tone of his tweets remember

I love it when reporters use "reportedly"

Won't be seeing him no more

Guarantee he has been or is still active on this sub.

Ben took a lot of shit. He was at point blank range for a couple of Norton shells. Over angry Jimmy is worse than anyone.

I recall hearing Ben tell Jimmy he was going to knock his teeth out. Not sure what my point is.

Bwahahaha sniffed coke with Tom Brady bwahahahaha

"The popular talk radio show was reportedly broken up after co-host Anthony Cumia was caught up in a racist tweet scandal."

Wonder if Ant fell off the wagon when that came up on his Google Alerts today?

Gregg really showing his age in that picture. He is all most 70 right?

A woman never reveals her true age.

Judging by his breast saggage, I'd say he is in his third life-trimester.

Me- He said some really shitty things

Reporter - what did he say?

Me- I can't say, it was really heinous, he did some really bad shit

Reporter - You say odd shit dude, your a bit of an idiot but you say odd shit

Opie is a faggot.

This is less informative than most of the posts here

Damn, guess tits couldn't handle getting joctobered by his old work colleague.


hrmmm, where was opiesux?

A lot of tards have kick ass lives

Jesus Op looks like shit in that photo. I thought BalpOpie was aging those pics or doing some Photoshop magic, but I guess not.

The popular talk radio show was reportedly broken up after co-host Anthony Cumia was caught up in a racist tweet scandal.

Reportedly? Really?

take your best shot benny

Opie wins again.

Yes this follows up his only other win, first place in the Cunt of the Decade competition, sponsored by Massengill.

"The popular talk radio show was reportedly broken up after co-host Anthony Cumia was caught up in a racist tweet scandal."

Who the hell ever reported Opie was broken up by Tranth's firing?

That means the show broke up...like a band breaking up...not like broken up emotionally.


Ah. I see that. Poorly worded sentence and poor reading on my part.

No, no. It was poorly written. Daily News, what do you expect?

Yeah, I get how you could get it mixed up, just sortin' it out.

I thought it was the same thing. lol

They mean their breaking-up as a team

Yeah, I misread this the first time around too.

Through your tears...


Dana he got so mad that she said she wouldnt hook up with him when Ron asked her. Started running down a young girl for not being a superstar like him.