Ants firing really exposed Jim for what a hack worm he is

19  2016-05-15 by Lilcumia

Before he was some edgy comic that would call people out. Now he sits and laughs next to Sherrod over his black guy jokes. Or that chris guys obvious fake stories. And it's 90% he's gay or fucks tranny self deprecation. We get it, Jim.

His old stuff is still funny


If anything it just solidifies that he really is shaped like any container you poured him in (made that up myself). You put him on tough crowd and he's a faux intellect trying to act like he knows politics. You put him on O&A with funny people and he's one of the funniest, quickest and most savage comedians ever. You put him in a room with Big Amy and he contorts his body into furniture so she has somewhere to eat. And if you put him in a room with just Juggs, it's gonna be miserable radio plain and simple. He is what his enviroment is.

This theory falls apart when you put him in a movie or on tv with talented actors.

He stinks and I don't like him

Those 2 seconds he was on The Knick were solid though.

Possibly the worst acting I've ever witnessed on a legitimate TV show.

A place he has no business being in the first place.

Phonies who aren't really saying anything of substance?

If anything it just solidifies that he really is shaped like any container you poured him in (made that up myself)

I laughed more than I should have

If that is the case he should spend some time sitting in a room with cancer patients.

He is doing chemotherapy because he had cancer for a week when he was 16.

I heard it made him so depressed that he almost cut himself with a box cutter.

He was so out of his mind on the treatment he prank called the FBI.

That's the craziest thing I ever heard. If that doesn't warrant a 30 year stretch of sobriety I don't know what does!

Best description of Jimmy yet

No you didn't! LIAR!

Isn't that "any container" line a Patrice riff from way back in the day?

You're not even being literal Jim either, you really think you cracked a case here when I clearly made it known its not my line haha. Go put on your helmet.


Oooff. I hope you're embarressed.

have you no shame, /u/DingDongsTits ?

i dont think so...

but i think it was CQ ya twat

Don't forget the fake addict/recovery bullsht

Dude, he had a beer when he was 17. That was some hardcore shit.

When Jim said he went to a sober convention in Seattle that was it for me. He's a liar, plain and simple


Of the three, Jimmy is the only one who is still capable of being funny sometimes.

You apparently haven't seen Opie's latest viral video

That's debatable. His funniness - not that others are still funny too.

Really? It's been two years. Get over it already.

the best part is they didnt just re-sign, they got a raise, it means they are using granthony as a stepping stone

he was never edgy

I haven't heard this opinion before, please tell me more.

Never thought he was edgy, or really that funny. When I heard about the "Monster Rain" story, I just figured he was a faggot.

How dare you use the H word, without knowing the proper meaning.

... or live long enough to become the thing you despise

Wait is this show still a thing?

"His old stuff is still funny" ill never forget early 2000s jim one of the people who "shaped" my worldview even though im not a comic. HE IS NOT THE SAME PERSON ANYMORE, and he really thinks he evolved but he evolved into boring, selfimportant, SHIT. When i first came to this sub i never hated opie bc i never cared about him...... jimmy on the other hand YA BROKE MY HEART!!

Are you the same person you were in the early 2000s?

my point was he changed but his act sucks shit now, objectively

I saw American Degenerate and I laughed. But I laugh harder at old O&A shit.

same, didnt see that one but the ones i saw before were a let down. somethings missing with the old boy!

Yeah, I agree. Maybe it's because he's less angry now and a lot of funny shit comes out when you're pissed off. Jim has said before that he used to be much angrier and I think a lot of the old funny shit Jimmy used to say and do came from him being so angry. So it's good that he's in a more stable place now but it does change and in some cases decrease his ability to be so funny. Like if he just agrees or doesn't take a stand on things then he can't mock them and make fun of them, if your stance is always levelheaded where you see both sides and don't judge or anything, nothing you say about it can be anymore than boring. And I hear that a lot from Jimmy these days on any topic "Ah, well, whatever" just a nonchalant "I'm not getting on board with any position". Not as funny as the fuck this, fuck them Jimmy we used to love.


Sad But True.
