OnJ, Borefire or Borington? rank you shitty SXM/OnA minion shows here

0  2016-05-14 by late_50s_why

heres my pick:

  1. onj

  2. my wife hates me

  3. borefire

  4. bore borington


All junk, who gives a shit

  1. Bonfire
  2. My wife hates me No longer listen to the rest, they are pure unadulterated garbage.

Bonfire is shit

Beats listening to trump/ Jenner talk with tits and the worm.

From best to worst:

  1. Nepotism

  2. Send Us Naked Pics

  3. My Wife Isn't Funny or Interesting

  4. Tits and the Worm

Legion of Bores.
Duncan Trusell's Boring Hour.
The Church of What's Boring Now.

  1. Bonfire
  2. My Wife Hates Me
  3. OnJ ( don't listen to it)
  4. Benninigton ( don't listen to it)
  1. High functioning civilians
  2. Legion of Sober
  3. Boring sex talk
  4. WE WUZ KINGZ and the Cuck.
  5. Really adds nothing
  6. Open micers circling around the Ham planet.
  7. Witout Rogan I would have Tanked
  8. Part of politics for 12 year olds
  9. Mansplaining talking points with Gavin Mcinnes
  10. Paycheck and Estrogen

vury gud, is no.5 e-bore and no.7 ari shitfir?

No 5 is the Real Ass Phony but yeah 7 is that kike face. He has like intros that last more that 45 minutes and he's a terrible interviewer. But it's subject driven so there's not a lot of comic talk and there are interesting subjects once in a while. And yeah the best thing about the real ass podcast is Zac Amico by far.

i think the real ass dope is the best thing that came out of the post ona world, the rest of the turds are fucking terrible, sam roberts, e-bore, the race war cunts, strangles, gavin, all the shit openers on anthony and blob kelly's network etc.

Nice one, Chip.

i am tssing here!! i am tssing here!!!

I like the Monday Morning Borecast and Boring Comedy Midgets. this is fun.

more like monday balding borecast

Mancow show

1)Hipster Bennington 2)Bonfire 3)OnJ HIGHLIGHTS if any... 4)Ant/ESD when someone has a rip, will never pay ever 5)High Society

High Society Radio and Special Delivery with Sam and Dave are both better than this trio of turds

loves the HSR, but it seems like they are now behind a paywall? the gas network is bad

I think that's the video stream. I can still download the podcast

Uninformed with Burr and DeRosa > Special Delivery

I like the bonfire. I know you guys think that makes me a 'faggot', or 'dumb homo'. Or 'stupid dumb cunt cuck bitch'. Or 'ugly loser bed wetter virgin'....I forgot what I was gonna say.

wat a unfuckable hate nerd

Yup, I get that one alot too, also 'tiny penised moron', 'convicted panty stealer', 'balding retard'... Im starting to think all the names i get called has nothing to do with me listening to the bonfire.

Sirius and Compound media ratings.

O&J <= Bonfire<= Bennington/////Finerthings<TACS=NYCCR<=ESDS<=LOS=Gavin

loves the HSR, but it seems like they are now behind a paywall? the gas network is bad

Uninformed with Burr and DeRosa > Special Delivery

Beats listening to trump/ Jenner talk with tits and the worm.

more like monday balding borecast

No 5 is the Real Ass Phony but yeah 7 is that kike face. He has like intros that last more that 45 minutes and he's a terrible interviewer. But it's subject driven so there's not a lot of comic talk and there are interesting subjects once in a while. And yeah the best thing about the real ass podcast is Zac Amico by far.