Stumbled on Opie & Jim during a road trip--now a huge fan--wanted to introduce myself to the community

0  2016-05-14 by Mick_Mickerson

So, like I said LOL I was taking a trip to visit my parents out in the midwest and came across Opie and Jim on my satellite radio. Love the show! They just gained their biggest fan.

Anyway, wanted to tell you a bit more about myself. I'm an insurance salesman by trade, but I love football and auto car racing.

What's your story?


Welcome. We consider ourselves family here. So if you need anything at all feel free to ask. We try to keep the vibe positive around here.

Fuck your mother and send me a picture of your penis

Dick pics and gold with this guy

How did you get someone to give you money anyway? I made a post on there immediately after I found out it existed saying I had an expensive prescription to refill and no one took the bait...what the FAAWWK


You're probably wondering who this Anthony character is

Howdy! I love O&J too!!! I never heard of Opie and Anthony, but I was idling outside a highschool looking for a girl to kidnap then rape and stumbled upon OnJ! The chemistry between the hosts and the guests is terrific! I love it!


I wish this was real

If only we'd all be so lucky.

I shit into your dad's underwear this morning because your fat mom (I am a big Big Amy fan) didn't buy toilet paper and I also felt like leaving a present for your cukold dad.


Nice to meet you, now fuck off. Listen to Howard. We are not accepting new haters.

Hi there, welcome aboard.

We're pretty much like a family around here, so we'd appreciate it if you told us your full name and address and gave us your telephone number in case we need to contact you with any exciting new updates about the great show we all know and love.

Welcome sir. I hate to be a negative nellie to a new neighbor, but unless you've killed the gentleman on the slide, you are not their biggest fan...

I too enjoy a good auto car race.


I'm a cutter.

Welcome my friend, myself I'm into insurance fraud, not really into sports & think nascar is for hillbilly's.

Fuck all the way off please and thank you.

I'm an abortion doctor from St. Louis. In my free time I enjoy fly fishing and participating in white power marches. I had a wife but she died last year under suspicious circumstances.

Hi Mick , I have insurance questions. ON a 3million dollar life policy what would be the pay out for accidental death and how soon would I get a check? Our friend Travis invited my wife and I to go hiking in the mountains this summer. Ya can never have enough money I mean insurance. Yours truly Johnny Dollar

I like to drink my morning OJ with some O&j. Love them Opieraqio youtube vids

I drink my OJ from my O&J mug while I listen to O&J and watch old clips of the OJ trials. I have a picture of Opie signed by Opie that I got from Opie , in case OP didn't already know that. And when I hit the gym I listen to Jim while I eat a slimjim.

Hello, and welcome. I must have passed you a couple of days ago! It was a Wednesday so I still have my wife "whip em out" on Wednesdays! HAHAHA

I saw you laughing in your car and it must have been you.

I'm pretty sure it was you.

I hope it was you.

your mom's box

Nobody listens to Tits and Paycheck and likes it.

Well hey character! Welcome aboard. You don't have to be craaaazy to join but it helps!

Just joshing ya ;)

edit: LOL!

To be a member of this "community" you need to buy /u/i_hate_knickers at least three months of reddit gold. It sucks, but we all had to do it.

Don't think I've forgotten how you stabbed me in the back. Still, gold would be nice ( I need it badly ) but you're still on my " gonna kill " list.