The Bonfire Challenge

0  2016-05-14 by beeseesee

Can anyone make it through the entire final break of The Bonfire #76?


Did you listen to the first hour and 15 minutes of the latest episode of The Bonfire and think to yourself "Thank God there is apparently no one in Jay Oakerson's personal or professional life who can suggest to him that nobody wants to hear him tell endless gross, made-up sex stories with total disregard for his listening audience! I just wish that he would tell more sex stories for another half-hour straight without anyone thinking about changing the topic!"

Well I've got good news and better news for you!

The good news: He does!

The better news: He is joined by fellow repulsive sex fabulist Rich Vos for 30 solid minutes of almost-unlistenable broadcasting!

The level of lying and exaggerating about sexual exploits going on during this break is somewhere between 5th graders at a school lunch table insisting to each other that they totally know how to do sex and have definitely done it many times and a randomly selected episode of Tuesdays with Stories.

If these tales of sexual conquest are to be believed, then we can surmise that early 1970's Jack Nicholson and Warren Beatty have time traveled to the present day and have taken the form of a fat guy who appears to be involved in dangerous jort length brinksmanship with Kevin Smith and a definitely-not-washed-up standup who recently cited a 14 year old, single appearance on Def Comedy Jam as his third credit while promoting a gig at a Northern Pennsylvania Ramada Hotel.

Also, why is Vos talking in hushed tones like he is inside a cushion fort at a sleepover party?


Say more things

I feel like I know the dimensions of Jay's penis better than my own.

Thanks for this

I wish my dick was bigger.

So does your boyfriend.

are you implying I have sex with other men sir?

No, he s just joshing

I would've went with "wife ", seems funnier

I never got the impression that Jay made anything up. I just think his stories have become trite at this point. To be fair, I only managed to listen to about 10 seconds of your link so maybe he's full of shit in this break, but there's no fucking way I'm listening to find out.

Are we talking about the Bonfire or Jay and Silent Bob get old?

Lemme guess, more shoehorning of his uninteresting girlfriend.


Why do they call them "breaks" when they dont play music and are never taking a break from anything? Huh? RIDDLE ME THAT

Look, I really like your posts on this sub, but were you able to actually able to complete the challenge?

Did you actually listen to Rich Vos clearly making up a story about "getting a handjob" from a woman in an airplane bathroom?

And then doubling down on that absurdity with a story about a hotel maid who needed to be with Vos so desperately that she knocked on his door for sex for a second time after finishing her shift?

It doesn't stop there:

Jay Oakerson apparently broke up a seperate couple's threesome in a bathroom because one of the women couldn't tear herself away from his sex gravity?

Does ANY of this make sense?

And who is this entertaining?

Can you find a fucking joke in that last break that Soder wasn't bending over backwards to make?

I couldnt complete the challenge if it was "listen to the bonfire at any point for 45 seconds"

Jay still continues to beg callers for nudes. It's fucking embarrassing

Soders expression in that picture pretty much says it all

Autism confirmed.

Just don't listen to it and go outside you fucking weirdo.