/r/The_Donald can't tell what photoshop is... the hat is fake

0  2016-05-14 by UReallyRTerrible


I didn't see a single comment in that thread calling it out. Idiots.

I would like to put my penis in that lady.



As a donald supporter, this does frustrate me how gullible some of those saps are.


When the other side is completely retarded, you have no choice.. you're acting like we have real options here..

Just say you are doing it because you think it would be interesting to see what happens. Never go full Trump supporter


Vote for someone who actually represents your beliefs

LOL you sound like a fucking dolt


Stop quoting south park twatto


They're right on almost everything

Good to know a cartoon on comedy central is your political compass

If people stop supporting retards? How do you suppose they do that? Boycott voting altogether until a viable candidate presents himself? Wtf? The system is in place the way it is for a reason.


We need to figure out a way to get Dennis Falcone and Baldopie running together on the same ticket.


The rest were worst, and a lot more than 2 parties? A lot? Lmao you mean like 1 more? Which nobody ever supports? Lol..


Hillary lies to make her dumb socialist followers happy while secretly maintaining some kind of mainstream liberal economist policy. Trump lies for no fucking reason, i don't get what the guy is doing, wasting his popularity. I wish he would have just stuck to his libertarian roots, instead of all this nationalist/socialist/random noise bs.

Trump lies for no reason, but Hillary lies to appeal to her followers? Are you even listening to yourself? Lol

Trump supporters are either internet savvy males between 25 and 35 or retarded farmers in their 40s


Vote for someone who actually represents your beliefs

LOL you sound like a fucking dolt

If people stop supporting retards? How do you suppose they do that? Boycott voting altogether until a viable candidate presents himself? Wtf? The system is in place the way it is for a reason.
