Man, at least Opie posts clips from his show almost daily. Anthony and everyone around him are fucking retards.

117  2016-05-13 by Popblawo

Anthony and Keith are fucking morons with no business sense. Found an old Gavin video I downloaded after the Pat and Bonnie fight. Gavin asked Keith why it wasn't in the best of podcast thing they do, saying they should have just released the whole episode, it's the best thing that's happened all month. And Keith replied by saying "I guess if people want to hear it they'll have to subscribe". Gavin than made a joke I can't remember saying hear that subscribers? Make sure to subscribe. Something like that. My point is they're all fucking stupid and they advertise to people that are already " buying their talent". Fucking idiots.


Ant is so scared of piracy that you tube is patrolled for clips, yet you can hack his fucking feed if you know where to look.

Bunch of fucking geniuses over there.

Asshole Kieth, you tube is what made O and A have the fans that they have, there are alot of old school hardcores, but there are people who came for Patrice clips or Burr, Stanhope, Louie, Otto and george, etc, and stayed for the show itself.

Killing you tube clips is hampering the profile of the network and not protecting it.

Maybe Ant can finally start making money when he stops listening to online presence Gestapo boy Kieth.

I want to bite your fingers off for saying "you tube"

It's a WordPress site with a paywall template. I wasn't expecting brilliance.

You can only hack his feed for audio though, right?

I know nothing about anything.

They randomize the name of the playlist file now FWIW. You could try brute-force, but if you're talking about the way that was on KAT, it doesn't work anymore.

At least when I tried it, anyway. Signing up for an account and downloading all of the playlist files for "archival purposes" however....

If your mothergoose58 I'm gonna find you and fuck you up

I am not.

I have proof

I'm sure of it.

Me too glad we can agree to agree

I don't know if you're fucking around or not, but it isn't exactly difficult to find the file if you have an account. All you have to do is go to inspect element and find the m3u8 playlist. You can just download that and it contains links for video files of every quality; all of them are served over unencrypted HTTP.

EDIT: If I were to guess, mothergoose probably got bored.

You know too much to be a civilian!


At this point I'm a lil drunk I apologize

Do you really want to look at him?


in anth's defense, are there any good clips from his show? if hes lucky he has one good clip in a show, why give that away for free? He's not getting a salary anymore.

Last one I can think of was when Colin spilled his soda.

I think Soder's Islamic macho man impression was the last visual he put on his channel, or his weird pretending to be Chinese but sounding Japanese bit.

Soder's Islamic macho man impression

I need to see that. I refuse to pay to see that.

Somebody has a link.

Post it, fucker.

It should still be on the Anthony Cumia show channel on YouTube, that's where I saw it. Also it was posted here before a while ago.


At 23 seconds in, but I liked the whole clip.

"Allah ackbar, yeah!"

Holy fuck, that was hilarious. Dig it!

"You let the Jew pig run your country, not no more yeeeah" shits hilarious.

You lazy shit, hold on.

Hey come on, that's not true. Like 2 weeks after that Norton was on and they repeatedly watched the clip of Colin spilling his soda, that was pretty great.

The point is he does nothing to advertise at all. Opie posts daily clips and shit. Anthony doesn't do that, hoping that if someone wants to see something so bad they'll pay for it. But if the only people seeing it are the ones paying for it how will anyone know if they want to see it so bad TO pay for it. Get it?

So ask yourself, can you pick a 3 minute clip from this past week that you feel is worthy of being turned into a teaser clip the way the Legion of Skanks does it?

Because I can't think of any moments that come close to say...the Luis / Ari BJJ match clip that was uploaded last week. A funny 3 minute stand alone clip.

Gavin's usually got a couple good lines, same with patdixon. I duno about ant actually. But it don't fuckin matter it could be just a phone call with some politician or whatever. Opie posts shit all day and 95% is shit. But if someone is looking up someone on YouTube and they find an Opie interview with them they might watch it and like it.

IMO, he's had a TON of funny ass moments the last couple years.

Something like The RiceMan bit was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. I was high on a pot brownie and I laughed until I cried at the Rice Man. Ebobo yelling SHUT UP CUNT and then Handjob Kareoke were great. Bob Kelly and Mike Brown judging the nicest pussy contest. That cracked out whore shoving the Greggshells egg up her cunt and asshole. Bobo taking Nucky Thompson phone calls. That weirdo "Frank" when Ant finally realized he had a sociopath of a sponsor on his hands as he found out Frank is rich off of a couple dead wife insurance policies in recent history. Ant and Soder doing Macho Man/Hulk was funny. Ant and Ari getting that one chick naked in the hot tub and both trying to kick game at her. Keith pulling the chair on Sandy Kane and spilling her on her ass while Luis cackled. Chris Hansen. TACS-giving. Kareoke with the Skanks in his basement. Family shows were cool. Stupid Colin and his drink and the aftermath. The big Jay roast. Drunk Ant in the pool while Dice held it down and explained how to properly fingerblast a chick. Vos ripping on Ant about sitting through traffic hours and getting offered a Taco Bell taco like it was gourmet food when he arrived. Ant's first live read of that fat guy book(extravaDanza). Ant doing slow-mo video of a retard who just got robbed in the mall and singing Pearl Jam over him. Or Gavin getting those 3 sluts naked in the pool and Rat being a cunt about it(might have been Gavin's show).

Maybe none of those are baby bird/nigga nazi kind of epic moments, but there's a hundred funny/cool things like that spread all over the show the last couple years. Especially before the new studio and everything became so regimented and "one on one" interviewy.

Those tards getting robbed in the mall and Ant doing Eddie Vedder was one of the first funny clips of the show, making me believe the show was always going to be as funny as that, but it isn't. Pretty disappointing, but I'll have to check out some of those other clips you recommended.

Are you forgetting he is a fucking racist? Kill yourself, ballwashing stormfront piece of shit!

Haha I get it. Fuck you

I just happened to be watching his stream when the San Bernardino thing happened, I admit it was really cool seeing a real reaction as it was happening live from Anthony, but other than that the show is crap.

Yeah, I've been saying this from the beginning. The daily shows on the network should have a free show once a week. Also, Ant's brilliant strategy to block 75% of his fan base is among the most dumb business models I can think of.

most dumbest*

mostest dumber*

Ant's brilliant strategy to block 75% of his fan base

What's this?

On Twitter, Ant has blocked infinite O&A fans, mostly for harmless jokes.

it doesnt matter tho he brought all his twitter followers back

Bought followers back.

Being a rambling dullard.

Are you guys really shocked that Anthony "I got mine!" Cumia isn't willing to let the slightest bit of free content slip through his grasp? Well, besides the two episodes dedicated to shitting on the guy who saved him from a lifetime of backbreaking labor.

Uh...the best of the anthony cumia network podcast is free. Not that it's even worth that price...but just saying.

Too bad Opie's recent posts include such riveting highlights as "Bob Kelly talks about a desk" and "Jim Norton walks down the hallway"

what about that segment of jim ranting about his windows?

That was a great show opener.

exactly, no respectable person is subscribing, and even if they thought to, based on what? What makes me laugh is the GaS Digital shitheads, now high society is private... lol goodluck!!!

the best podcasts all seem to be free dont they?

Name ONE that isn't.

There's this guy who does a podcast behind a paywall. Shock jock from the 90's, no, not Howard Stern. He got fired for some racist shit on the internet. Anthony something...

I think it's kyumeeA. Anthony KyumeeA

Exclusive High Society content. Four most valuable words in history of online commerce.

I forgot he was back.

I know he does a "best of the week" podcast but I've never actually heard of anyone listening to it.

Half of the best of the week podcast is all the other shows on the network in ten minute segments.

He does? Today I learned.

Say whatever you want about Opie... he's a radio marketing genius.

You might go "B-but he's not funny! He adds nothing to conversations! He is douchey and is a hack!" and you would be right... and then look at all the shit he's done despite all of this.

Then look at how funny and talented Ant is and how he's blown everything after a nervous breakdown from Obama getting elected.

Opie knows radio. You don't actually have to be good or talented to get ahead in any field. You just gotta sell yourself. What the fuck does Anthony think his show offers that is worth more than Rogan or Carolla or whoever who give it out for free?

That's what I'm trying to say, Anthony just expects people to stumble upon his fucking Twitter feed or something and subscribe to his network

What did you expect from a racist piece of shit like KKKumia? I hope he gets his guns back so he can kill himself when a jew gets elected. Nazi scum.


The fact that you had to do at least two takes on a shitty troll account which is probably your 50th alt is fucking embarrassing. You should kill yourself.

The only reason I would kill myself is so there would be one less white male in the world.

Well whatever your reasoning is most people would just glad that there's one less you in the world.

I actually like Opie's quick clips

Shut up, stupid.

Shut it, you fucking mook.

Not nice.

I unsubscribed because I realised I was paying the same thing for this mildly entertaining drivel that I am for Netflix.

Anthony should be posting clips from guests that people know. Do a low rent Stern style interview once a week and post that. You don't need to post clips of him riffing with comics that are 30 years younger and don't understand any of his references.

Name one guest that mainstream audiences would know.

Larry King, Colin Quin, Dice, Bill Nye, Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Don't forget Bob Levy.

Joe DeVito.


Ernie Hudson?

He had Ray Liotta one time.

No, he has a phoner with him, probably cuz Liotta thought he was doing the OnA show.

Gavin had on Jason Jones this week. He was pretty popular when he was on The Daily Show.

i remember he was so desperate for guest he interviewed some guy promoting his musical shit or something

The worst guest ever was Ralphie May's unfunny ukelele playing wife. It was fucking horrible. It seemed like a favor to Ralphie in hopes of getting him on.

I think one thing we all learned from the whole TACS debacle is that old men and disgraced cops stink at the internet in general. Keith's ideas of piracy are stuck in the early 90's VHS stage.

The show is pretty easy to get if anyone really wanted it. I cancelled my sub a while ago when I noticed I wasn't enjoying it. Now, if there's a guest I like (Ronny B) I just DL the show. Piracy was A-OK by Ant when he was on Sirius so I don't see a problem with it now.

I get that, but if the dude wants to make money, and I'm sure he does. He's done a pretty fuckin n shitty job promoting the network

No doubt. It'd make sense even if he released a few "best/worst of" clips just to try to get back the many that have abandoned ship. I can't imagine how he thinks he's going to get any new listeners if they don't even know he exists.

What's he supposed to post?

He's turned the show into the advice show, but doesn't have Ron to turn it funny. It sucks - he seems in a good place to get back into doing funny radio again. He just doesn't have access to the people he needs to do it.

Opie is professional but boring

Anthony is unprofessional but fun (when he's not alone)

combine them you have O&A separate them you have dogshit

Do you remember his ridiculous excuse when the show first started? He didn't want the show to be so accessible because the media and SJW types would raise a stink about his content.

Above all else: real.

I hope you're not implying in the title that Opie is not retarded.

Oh he's retarded, but his attention seeking viral videos and clips from the show is alot smarter than Anthony charging 7 bucks a month and no one knowing what the fuck his network is.

Just makes it even funnier when Anthony is on welfare in 5 years.

It's pretty retarded, it's hard to get addicted to a show that you can't watch.

Just bash Team Anthony without trying to add something positive about Tits in the title, we'll take you much more seriously. Opie uploads things no one should even acknowledge. Ever.

I wish Keith was killed on duty.


I know the Tranth hate and disdain for his show is at an all-time high, but there's been dozens, maybe hundreds of funny ass moments over the last two years. Should be quick 3-4 minute clips floating around everywhere.

Stop the Opie ballwashing. I wanna vomit

If your offended than just stop reading ya sjw

Opie is the sanest and most successful person associated with the show.

Opie wins.

The psychooooo? Sane?! He's the destoyer, he will smash your cakes and eat a roach breakfast, HE WILL BRA BOMB YOUR HOUSE.

He's not "sane"

Yeah, Keith is a complete idiot. It's extremely obvious and has been for a while that theyre doing nothing to build a bigger audience(I dont know that its possible or not but they arent taking even the smallest of steps to try). Figure it's been said quite a bit in here but it cant be said enough what a complete idiot Keith is and Ant is for leaning on him for everything.

Anthony like boy dicks and xanax


anthony would rather loose money, than feel as though he is being taken advantage of by the audience. In the process he has allowed himself to be taken advantage of by his best friend, his brother and his sexual partners; all to a far greater detriment than allowing for some piracy.

Keith was a shitty cop, but he's even worse business person or whatever it is the fuck he does.

No sir you are wrong. Anthony and his crew of old losers fuck trannies not retards.

Gavin is the best

No, but at least he gets how to fucking promote yourself. The last thing anyone heard about Anthony was, well, you know.

The last thing anyone heard about Anthony was, well, you know.

Sex for Sam, we do know!

That is his whole problem, him or people around him seem to think he is relevant enough to maintain a subscriber base with a low online presence.

A fucking paywall is always destructive. Offer free content, and give bonus content for a price.

It worked with podcasts long before Ant came along.

I got a new hashtag,


Put a backslash before your hashtag

Like this:


And you get this:



Well done!

Coming out of rehab, looking like a million bucks?


Words hurt and harm.

He does? Today I learned.

Half of the best of the week podcast is all the other shows on the network in ten minute segments.

So ask yourself, can you pick a 3 minute clip from this past week that you feel is worthy of being turned into a teaser clip the way the Legion of Skanks does it?

Because I can't think of any moments that come close to say...the Luis / Ari BJJ match clip that was uploaded last week. A funny 3 minute stand alone clip.