Sexy pic of Esther Ku when she was dodging FoxK56 because she owed him money

0  2016-05-13 by [deleted]



I have that same jacket for when I dress like a woman and go to a local glory hole.

It's funny because /u/stinkskc is a lady.

That's Marky Ramone, not Esther Ku.

'its called Lick my Love Pump!'

in D minor which is the saddest of all keys

Can't lie I like the dudes style.

The other thread was funny, now youre just being a creep

All your last posts are about me, get a life weirdo. May I suggest lending money online

Seriously dude just be a man and say you're sorry to the guy. Don't make fucking jokes about it, and pay him when you can. We get it, you don't have the money, but don't act like we're the assholes and we should just leave you alone. "I'm a fuckup, what did you expect" is not a good excuse. I used to like you here.

He's got his money back, I owe PayPal now. That's why I don't know why he's coming here keeping the thing going

Just wait until he goes to the public library to get your highschool yearbook.

Don't give him any ideas

You can end this is you mail him a lock of your hair.

I sort of started this whole thing haha. I linked to that borrow post and said you weren't dead you were just avoiding some money loaning faggot jokingly. My condolences you needy queer.

Well at least I'm not dead so, could be worse

Actually death is a vacation. So this is pretty bad. It could be worse, you could be me.

I'm glad you're trying to kick your addiction. One of my friends did it. She was sucking dick for H so you can turn it around too unless you really like the taste of Kool-Aid cum.

Haha oh, well great

They say there's two crucibles when it comes to kicking an addicting. Dealing with the childhood trauma or pain that caused you to seek chemical refuge and finding another excuse to swallow the Kool-Aid cum. Godspeed.

Thanks for the wise words