Esther ku just asked Redban about baldopie

65  2016-05-13 by yakovsdinnertrays

On redbans periscope (a few minutes ago)?he said Esther ku had messaged him asking if he was baldopie This only came up in the last 24 hours That little Asian minx is on the sub gang, tuck in your bellies


Esther, if you're reading this, I want to eat your ass & you're not funny. God bless.

Earl, we got any Ku ass back there?

We're fresh out

..Boss faints after eating single chicken wing and sipping lemonade

Fucking starving.

from your lips ta gods ears

Hahahaha. I love that we can almost all agree that she's not funny yet deserves some analingus.

I'd even feign laughter if I could apply some appendage to one of her orifices.

She ain't no Mimi Beardsley, that's for sure.

Her name is still a real cock-softener though. ESTHER yuck


My cock went back and to the left, back and to the left, back and to the left, back and to the left

She likes Latin men.

Hi Esther!



That doesn't sound very pleasant at all!

βš’ πŸ‘€

Eh Ester small dicked Irish guy here if you are interested

Me so Esta Ku me likey yu long time sailer giv me gold

You just might be annoying enough to be her. Just kidding buddy, love ya miss ya.



Tipsah? Tipsah?

Ester is a small dicked Asian guy so it would work out!

Esther Ku is cute, crazy, and loves walking on Greggshells.

She is our Queen.

She should hold a raffle, with the winner from this sub getting to fuck her.

Less of a raffle then, and more of a Russian roulette.

Oh God I'd love me some sweet and sour

I'd rape both of them at gunpoint.

I fucking love this sub.

We also would have accepted "..with a gun" and "right in der fucking stupid faces"


Yellow is enough color for me thanks.

not into mares but i'd fuck the girl


She's not on this sub, it's people on this sub egging her on to do/say shit like this on her daily Periscope vids.

I am Esther Ku.

Je suis Esther Ku

Your username is shit. But still better than your act.

I am Esther Ku.

No, I'm Esther Ku.

I'll fuck you all :)

Do you think she just reads or maybe posts? It'd be cool if she was funny on here despite real life.

Yeah right,and Amy might fly.


I'm still working on the trebjewchet.

Sir, I appreciate the extra effort that you put into your humor for this beloved community of friends and neighbors.

Expect a little something extra in your check this week!

I'll take it in Deutsch Marks :)

Pretty sure the Nazis developed that in the 30s.

That looks like a black rat farting


You're Esther, aren't you?

because she's a pig

This would mean that Redban has the capacity to be funny. If Opie, Redban, and Eddie Ifft started a podcast it would be like listening to sarin gas.


λ‚˜λŠ” λ‹Ήμ‹ μ˜ 엉덩이 λƒ„μƒˆ

Tsss wuddabowt greenban hes GREEN with envy tsssss


I'd put my dick in her Ku-ter.

Yes... there it is, that's the joke.. I was almost there

its actually young jamie

Esther I love gardening and preserving food. I also love your body and laugh, love me!!!!!!!!!

Esther is a Champ.


What I want to know is how come asians always give their kids first names from the 1950s.

Esther, if you're really on here we're really gonna need to see some skin.

Tittees or GoT.

Someone probably sent her some shit on twitter...does anyone really care about this crap?

Tits, or GTFO.

She was born to please men.

If Esther reads then then I am subscribed to r/bigdickproblems

Try some lube, that will help you get even more of them into you.

Esther... call me

Ester Ku is like a good looking Yoko, still annoying as fuck.

Esther you are so beautiful princess

No offence, heres a thought, instead posting a really gossipy one line why don't you post the link to the periscope so people can see for themselves? Then its archived as well.

It's been posted several times.. Open ur eyes

I know its been posted but it should have been in your orig. post.

Sorry.. I'm new here


1:30 - 4:00

watch all his fidgeting, foot taping and trying not to smile. Then say "I'm covering my tracks pretty well" looking into the camera.

Esther Ku has tried endlessly to remain "relevant" by constantly bring up Opie. It's a weekly thing with her. doesn't change the fact that she hasn't ever once been funny and the only reason she has a career is because she's cute and fuckable. That's not even being sexist, she is that unfunny.

Do you like muscular white guys with shaved heads and baby blue eyes Esther?

No, but Knickers does.

Wouldn't be the worst I fucked

She only likes the BBC. 90% of this sub is ineligible.

Well I'm down with the British Broadcasting Company...tsss

I bet esther is bald opie. She started the argument between opie and jimmy too. Shit stirring little fuck stick





Ku, Redban, Rogan, @baldopie have never made me laugh once...I could not give less fucks about them.

Outside of Esther's ass of course, which is amazing.

How the fuck has @baldopie never made you laugh?

Sorry. The guy is balding at 50 something, we get it. Does nothing for me.

I think you might have missed the gag.

Oh literal dre.

Damn it.

Are you bald or something? I start giggling just at the concept of someone taking the time to meticulously alter Opie's photos to make him look like shit. It's so obnoxious that it's funny. And it's very well executed.

No, actually I'm good on this front. He's over 50, it happens to old guys, who the fuck cares.

To each his own, I suppose.

We have no influence on anyones life.

We are not shit, not worth listening to, a bunch of haterzzzz, Yet throwaway shitposts get taken seriously by the pros, aristocracy, those better than us.

We are just a bunch of civilians, we have no power.

Did he admit it you vague faggot?

I Esther, big fan. 😜

He said no, of course, but it was written all over his face. Redban is baldopie And I'm not a faggot.. I like vagina, especially Esther's sideways vagina.. Hi Esther :)

I'm guessing there was no record of this?

Unfortunately there is no record of yakovsdinnertrays not being a faggot.

It's on periscope you fuckin retard, the links up, here it is again you dumb cunt

Thanks didn't see that in the original post, just some rambling from an autistic mouth breather.

Ok I take back calling you a retard and a cunt.. You know how this place is lol

You're a retarded cunt.

eeeeww, your that one that everyone hates aren't you?

You say that like being loved here is a good thing? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

You really are a retarded cunt!.. I was just trying to make a joke

How can you tell he's so burnt out, hungover and squinty eye with a swollen face.

EDIT: Ok I take that back, watching it again he tries to hold back a smile too many times talking about it. Then says "I'm covering my tracks pretty well" then half smiles and does a bunch of fidgeting with his hat saying he doesn't care about all that drama.

And it's 4pm , he's acting like he just got out of bed

He probably did

Why? Cuz he's been up all night doing Coke and fucking bitches? It's an act , classic Alex Jones


Because he's a comedienne and amateur broadcaster.

Hi Esther. You really need to go on Anthony's show more often.

Thanks didn't see that in the original post, just some rambling from an autistic mouth breather.

You just might be annoying enough to be her. Just kidding buddy, love ya miss ya.

Tipsah? Tipsah?


Tittees or GoT.

I know its been posted but it should have been in your orig. post.