Is Comedian Amy Schumer now dating a brother!

0  2016-05-12 by aprosbro


Isn't she dating the guy that reinforces all of her furniture.

The best comment 'nigga look like a 57 year old urkle"

As we all already knew, absolutely nobody in the media/entertainment world knows who Keith Robinson is.

Poor brother was nothing but a luggage carrier and driver for Wanda Sykes and Kevin Hart until he stroked out. The closest he came to making it on his own was being on the Chappelle's Show writing staff for like 3 weeks before Dave went to Africa.

hahaha holy shit

You know in that picture that she had middle age fat lady breath ( a mixture of vodka and balogna breath)

Keith looks alot better than I thought.

Keith was in Louis' show and they still don't know who he is. RACISTS!!

Where's my cane, stupid?

God she is disgusting. Between her baleen whale neck/shoulder junction and a face that looks like it is made of unbaked Pop N Fresh dough...I'd rather bone Roseanne Barr pre-surgery. She'd certainly be less indignant/annoying. I bet ol' Roseanne never used anti perspirant on her inner thighs like a lowbrow boogerwolf.


Dumb smokestack whore.

She bought him

So brave.

fucking pandering whore cunt



I commend her bravery in the face of such bigotry.

Good afternoon everyone. I wanted to start off by thanking the mods for working with us to bring things back together. This road we all know has been long and filled with quite a few pitfalls

those niggers love their fat white women

Amy's so preeeetttyyyy

Good afternoon everyone. I wanted to start off by thanking the mods for working with us to bring things back together. This road we all know has been long and filled with quite a few pitfalls