Opies Aroma Therapy

46  2016-05-12 by GRIZx

Yesturday Big Fat Bob Kelly was joking about drinking tea and aroma therapy when Tits drops a bomb that "He enjoys Aroma Therapy especially dabbing orange and lavender essence on a cotton ball then he rubs it on his pillow"

What happened to these shitheads, they are truly unrelatable, untalented faggots.



I dont think this got the upvotes it deserved

It's been an hour you fucking creep.

Thats my point, you fucks live here

I sleep with a pillow I've had for years covered in black mold which no doubt is giving me some weird form of legionnaires disease...I wish I was kidding

You can get a pillow for like 3 bucks at Walmart. What the fuck, dawg?

They aren't comfy enough and my Panera isn't paying as well as they used too

Panera rewards leaders.


Pillows are for closers.

You should do an Indigogo... for $25,000.

I did it closed in at $12,000. I'm still working out the perks and the logistics of it all.

No. Now somebody gold /u/I_Hate_Knickers please.



fawwk yeah knickers it finally happened


Fill a washing machine up, pour in a 1/4 to a 1/2 cup of bleach, toss that plague pillow in and let it soak for about 6 hours and then dump in some laundry detergent and run it through a wash cycle and then 2 more cycles with just water. Toss it into a dryer with about 25 dryer sheets on the hottest temperature. Then put a zip up plastic pillow case on it and put 3 regular pillow cases over that and you're set.

And work harder at Panera to earn some overtime, save up and buy a goose down pillow!!!

And they say this sub is worthless

You won't do it anyway, you filthy fuck.

You know me so well

this sub is worthless

You're/I'm not wrong

Do you really think us Panera employees live in housing with washing machines?

I just fucking laughed my ass off at this. Hahaha holy shit dude go buy a new pillow

I could go to mypillow.com and use promo code opie but I'd rather not give old titties any revenue

Buy a latex pillow. They keep cooler than regular pillows and provide more support.

And people were saying this sub isn't supportive

You can also use it as a makeshift pussy

Ew dude if you're that bad off I'll just buy you one from Walmart and have them ship it to you. Wtf.

Do you never have women over?

You know what reddit we're on right?

Yellow pillows is where its at.

My pillow I use woot a case has turned brown from all he oils on my hair over the years, and no I'm not black.. Just a greaseball Italian

And yea, the moors

Don't fret you have many many more good years with er trust me!


Bleach it. Or die horribly. I'm not gonna tell you what to do.

That's why you the man


Every year like clockwork I throw away my pillows and buy new, fancy ones. Even when I was poor I did that, but lesser priced ones.

Apparently huffing your own shit is called aroma therapy now.

Hughes Brand Jenkem uses only the finest hammers in it's production.

Right, that lavender is really going to help if his week old poo nails are anywhere near his face while he sleeps. Whatever, wish his wife would help him take EXTRA long pulls off that scent until he stopped.

Opie's wife was probably like "honey, we've got to do something about the smell of male menopause and your constant nervous diarrhea" and self-absorbed Opie was all"good idea, I will absolutely do something about it".

I wish she would replace opies Aroma therapy oils with kerosene

smell of male menopause


Old school Jimmy would've dropped one of his gassers during that story.

That area underneath the tits will pick up a scent if not cleaned frequently

Worse than his food pocket?

Panera bread not paying you enough?

omg omg you haven't tried the aromaz therapies? It's totes tha bombz sniff

The first sentence was Opie, was the second one Ant?

Maybe Bam's girlfriend likes it.

I had to reinvent maaaaaannn l