Mike from Red Bar appreciation thread

0  2016-05-12 by goldstandard32

The guy is hilarious, I just think this sub should show more recognition for how good his program is. He reminds me of old school O&A how he bashes other shows. (I am not Mike from Red Bar)


I hope he dies.



(Hi Mike from Red Bar, I don't like you)

While you are at it, please try to get Opie inducted in the Radio Hall of Fame.

Are you new here?

I appreciate what he's trying to do (pretty much Gavin's schtick), but that dude is one of the unfunniest wannabe funny guys I've ever seen. He tries to be humorous by being "outrageous", but he's fucking pathetic. That bit with the fake Dante and Finoia was painful to watch, it just kept going on and on. While it was interesting for maybe 10 seconds after introducing each guy, it just got progressively worse and led to NOWEHRE. The guy is a fucking wannabe villain and a hack, he wants SO MUCH to be seen as the bad guy, it isn't real tho.. He's trying to be like OnA in their prime by siccing his fans on people, but it's so try-hard and transparent. I tried to like him at first, but the dude is a fucking blowhard idiot and he's just not interesting in any way. We already have Gavin, and Gavin does what he's trying to do much better, mainly cuz he's actually funny and intriguing. We don't need this douche.

Gavins little bro is a faggot


here to steal more ideas Mike?

Hey Mike

He bashes other shows because he's desperate for someone to engage with him. He fucking stinks.





He's fucking awful and nobody would ever hear about him if "people" didn't come on this sub and say how good he is. He either pays people or he himself posts this garbage.

i like him