Do not lend this man money

23  2016-05-12 by spineylilnwrdfingers


Sue Lightning looks fucking terrible in that picture.


"People come up to me concerned... that I'll reproduce."

While you're at it, how about you don't lend money to anybody you know purely from their online presence, you fuckin rube.

Did he promise to make a cartoon?

He told ME it was "going to this Patrice O'Neal documentary."

I remember being 15.

Danny looks like shit.

And yet better than before.

Who's that?


Well whoever loaned a reddit stranger money is a fuckin retard and deserves to be robbed

You had me at "do not lend."

Noel Fielding tends bar?

looks like he's serving some Flirtini's

Damn, you're not wrong.

Unless it's for a haircut.

Joan Jett with AIDS?

I wonder who looked at that picture and thought it was a good idea to loan money to that fella. Sure he will pay it back and not use it on smack.

Lookin like a bootleg Ronnie Wood.

Hey /u/stinkskc, sounds like you could use a hand. Let me know if you create a kickstarter!

He looks exactly like I pictured, but with more of a ridiculous faux personality he bought at a mall hot topic.

Who is that chick?

Isn't that the teen Anthony was fucking?

How could anyone respect someone that plays dress up like Julian Casablancas?

Julian Casablancas from 15 years ago too.

but he told me his mom had cancer......

You use that term so loosely.

Pat Benetar?

Journey lookin motha hucker

Ugh - home sweet home. It's even worse than it appears.

Haha you know the bar? I'm no longer employed there. Worked there for 4 years though

Yeah man - know it well. Used to play records at Motor City etc. etc. but the faux punk/Stiv Bators look-a-likes got to be too much.


Louhiie Beans,I want my money

LOL@anyone who would lend this guy money.

He really is a rat looking MFer. Who woulda thought you couldnt trust this guy?

He fucked my polish girl friend

I dont know why he skipped town on reddit...cant he just say fuck you you shouldnt have given me it to the guy?

He kinda did in a roundabout way by making a big joke of it.

he promised to show us his dick if anthony get through with the rehab

I'm not surprised this is what he looks like.

is that pee wee herman with a wig?

Danny Ross?

This guy is my hero, it's your fault for trusting people over the internet. Did you fall for African scammers too?

/u/stinkskc what is your new username????

I'm still here

who the fuck is this and why do i care



eyes of an ANGLE come give pauly a kiss, little girl

Angle and Angel are different words.

Oh Uncle Moron.

Good grammar isn't really what uncle Paul is known fot


You have a Young Al Pacino thing going for you. Just with horrible fashion taste.

These posts are creepy.

Generally I'd agree, but /u/stinkskc is one of us and needs to take his beating like a man.

I hope he doesn't bitch out and delete his account like /u/weirdfellas did after embarrassing himself with that ghostbusters prop fiasco. Then immediately came back with new account /u/Det_Sipowicz

If I ever delete my account for being embarrassed I hope I'm murdered in a painful way and forced to watch children's movies as I fade into the great darkness.

I too also hope that you are murdered my friend.


I too also as well in addition*

Well, quite.

Hey Hey Hey, Vampire Dog right? talkabout a bloodhound.

You can take it as an opportunity to spell spinach the right way though

I remember that. I thought you were being a real faggot until he deleted his account and basically proved everything you said right. That was one of the weirder ones.

I was absolutely being a faggot, but that was a case of picking out the bigger of two faggots. And that's how you executive produce.

LOL, holy shit, it is him! He's still pushing his terrible podcast and commenting on the Carolla sub,

Yeah, I started to suspect they were the same person when /u/Det_Sipowicz started every post by relating whatever it was to himself and telling who-gives-a-fuck stories about the LA comedy scene.

I doubt he'd do that. He already let people know who he really is. What's the point of deleting the account now?

We all know who weirdfellas really is and it didn't stop him.

I have no idea who that is and I'm glad about that.

He's a hilarious comedian and a repository for references from obscure films like Goodfellas and Casino.

He is also /u/Doc_Mccoy79.

Ugh it definitely is. Casually mentioning how he's met and hung out with celebrities.

I know. And how STILL no one else gives a shit except you 5 or 6 weirdos, and almost everything I post gets upvoted to fuck. Cause Im funny and better than you.

I could care less. I won't even down vote this post. I was actually just saying it was definitely you because you CONSTANTLY humble brag. Id probably delete my account too if I pulled a scumbag move and got caught. But good to know you didn't kill yourself of embarrassment!

I didnt! That sketch & everything really helped me & got me some great shit as a result. Everyone got paid and everything was fine, too. Absolutely, I "constantly" 'humble brag.' "Constantly," so I can see why you don't like me. But thanks for not downvoting at least.

Do you not make yourself cringe? It took me seeing like 2 comments of yours to put it together and you initially denied it. Stop being a fag.

You burned another of his accounts. It looks like it's time for him to move onto a new one.

Go fly a kite.

U/RealRichVos deleted too after Vos threatened to sue.

Nahh I ain't no bitch