will never stop the crusade againd EVIL Louis CK!

2  2016-05-12 by [deleted]


I hope the allegations are true, it'd be nice to see Louis back in the good books here.

Personally, I love seeing these fucks eating their own on an election year.

Stewart brutalized Hillary during that podcast, but of course they neglect to mention that.

Best shit he's said in years. Loved how he was pissing off Axelrod while shitting on Obama's ineffectiveness.


I'd love to see an example of Stewart, who is Hillary's lap dog, mention anything negative about her.

it never happened.

He basically called her a soulless robot politician, who MIGHT have a shred of a soul left inside her. Personally, I didn't think it was as brutal as I would have liked to see. It's somewhere in that podcast, I'm not gunna try to dig it up though.

Thank you, and don't bother. i'm sure it was a toothless remark.

Now, if she was a Republican it'd have been a 17 minute rant.

You know it's available to easily see yourself right?

I didn't want to sift through an hour and seventeen minute interview with a self-serving, pompous asshole who is nowhere near as funny or bright as he and his cult like following of Daily Show fans believe him to be just to find the three minutes where he had a lukewarm endorsement of Hillary Clinton.

But he shits on Hillary and gets a round of applause for it. You're an sjw of the right.

A) He didn't shit on Hillary, it was a hesitant endorsement.

B) You know nothing about my politics. A couple of weeks ago on here I was being called a SJW for the left.

An endorsement in the sense of it being his pick in two bad choices. If you want to call that an endorsement then go ahead. He also called her phony.

You are misinformed and also a faggot

Really? Because I watched the clip and he said more positive things than negative.

And i've learned around here that "faggot" is the go to term when the idiot writing has no valid point.

So, thanks!

You didn't watch the clip you faggot he ripped Hillary

I watched the clip and he didn't rip her.

He said, "She's cool."; "She's bright"; "She may be inauthentic, I DON"T KNOW;" "She is a better alternative than Trump."

Where did he rip her?

I was wrong he really didn't rip her. He just had a dismissive attitude he talked about her and called her inauthentic. Although he's had her on I've seen him call her out over the years. Here's a clip from a year ago

Watch it for yourself.

Stewart does not paint a favorable picture of Clinton with any of his comments.

"Bright woman"

"Might be inauthentic...I don't know."

"Preferable to Trump"


Yup, he nailed her ass to the wall alright.

"Louis J.O." the wit these gals have...

Edit:: these mental midgets are confused that noone is taking this seriously. Theyre confused and angry that jon stewart has NO idea about this allegation

Oh no, but he might and is just covering up for Louis since they're friends.


women are infallible and if one accuses you of rape you clearly did it, same with Louis CK, Barack Obama or Jian Ghomeshi.

Also yes Barack Obama raped women and therefore should be lynched (according to some woman on tumblr and therefore 100% true)

also Matt Koff, Erica Gloria Ryan's boyfriend, has raped multiple children, his twitter is right here, if you want to call him out

also Kurt Metzger rapes women

No, gossipy old hags who speculate who is accused of rape are infallible, even when the woman involved tells them they're worng and calls them a bunch of "cunts".

Kurt Metzger does not rape women. He may've choked one, but that was with good reason. Women should not be completely immune to repercussions when they're committing acts of violence themselves.

I almost couldn't even watch the newest season of trailer park boys because I had seen a documentary about the Ghomeshi case about a week before. Every time I see that cunt Lucy's face now I just want a cougar to rip her face off and then cover the wound with a Salt & Vinegar chip bag. Her and that cunt Sarah (also from TPB) were so blatantly railroading the guy, look at what the judge had to say about it.

And despite all the evidence damning their claims against ghomeshi, the letters they would send to him begging for more rough sex sometime soon, the text messages showing their naked collusion, the cunts were able to stir up hundreds of women to march down to police headquarters and protest on their behalf after the judge called them out on abusing the system.!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpeg_gen/derivatives/original_620/ghomeshi-trial-20160324.jpeg

A topless protester is taken down by police outside the court in Toronto after she interrupted the Crown prosecutor who was responding to the ruling judge's ruling.

Look at those armpits.

Don't badmouth Lucy. Ricky'll mess you up.

So that person has a problem with Nortons safe space? How dare they!


Somebody who sucks. He made those people all defend Jim Norton. He brought up Anthony and they still didn't care.

"Never confirmed" is written right in this article in regards to the allegations that this was Louis CK doing this shit. What do they expect Stewart to do? Take a strong stance against an unconfirmed allegation that he never heard of? How about the people who claim this happened actually stop being pussies and give a name if they want people to defend them. This horseshit excuse that it will "hurt their career" if they say too much kinda falls flat when we are talking about female comics who nobody ever heard of and most likely nobody ever will.

I know I'm preaching to the choir but jesus. He was asked to accuse his friend of sexual abuse over something he has no idea the fuck else do you expect him to react? Fuckin cunts.

The little fruit phrased it all wrong, and didn't have the testosterone to get out of the pickle he put himself in, but there's absolutely no way Stewart doesn't know about the, let's call them rumblings about Louis CK.

There's also no way Louis CK isn't a sexual harasser, imo. Look at him! It's practically spelled out in freckles across his forehead.

I'm choosing to believe he's a sexual harasser and possibly rapist because Horace and Pete was shit.

is that bitch schizophrenic? That shit was all over the place

What is it, CREEP DAY?

Yeah, I don't understand how there are literally three different "stories" written about under one headline. Is this what journalism is now, switching topics mid article? Just do whatever, fuck it.

Must be some tumblr way of reading articles

He didn't seem "rankled" at all. He's been doing that bemused "I can't believe how dumb you are" tone of voice his entire career.

I sincerely hope that some time in the near future a Jezebel writer is brutally raped and murdered.


Well, we definitely have some of Jizzebels readership browsing from the looks of it.

Don't link to the website, faggot.


How do you retards not realize that Stanhope was joking when he "admitted" to doing this? You really are as stupid as Jezebel readers.

How old were you when Stanhope molested you? No need to hide it.

why would anyone not admit to Doug Stanhope sexually assalting them?

hell this is fucking stanhope, he would have put it in his material, can we all admit Stanhope was covering for CK?

hell Stanhope looks like a sexual predator, why would any woman go back to his hotel room to discuss comedy?

it was always CK.

Who gives a fuck anyway. Boohoo you walked in on him jerking off. Who gives a fuck.

Goddammit, do I have to like fucking Jezebel now?

Didn't you get the newsletter? We all love Jezebel because we are SJW's now. We've been that way for quite some time. Make sure to keep up with your newsletters.


Do any of these sites like Jezebel who hammer on rumors of harassment ever mention Bill Clinton very well may have raped Juanita Broaddrick, is accused of doing the same thing they are accusing Louis of doing to Paula Jones, had a bizarre affair with Gennifer Flowers, abused his power to cover up a predatory affair he had with Monica Lewinsky? Or, does he get a pass because their hero Hillary Clinton stayed with him in a sham marriage for political reasons?

Yes. Its called hypocracy

Hasn't Gawker learned at all?

What is the time stamp on the youtube video where the guy asks about Louis CK?


I'd love to see an example of Stewart, who is Hillary's lap dog, mention anything negative about her.

it never happened.