DeRosa's dark past

99  2016-05-12 by TakeMeXenu


Jesus, Joe


I read that in Bill Burr's voice


That was the unwritten gist of the statement, you fucking dullards.

Call down shitdick.

Hating on Opie, Anthony, Jimmy, Amy Schumer, Joe DeRosa, etc is the unwritten gist of this sub. Yet its still stated on a daily basis.

You want this fucking sub to just point out every joke in the comments?

No, but the point is, redundancy is unavoidable.

Tss...just be careful ya don't poke your eye out with that point you're makin, it might be kinda sharp or sumptin....fawkin killin em, dvv dvv [TO BE READ IN CHIP'S VOICE]

I read that in Chip's voice. Well actually Jim Norton's Chip voice since Chip is a character and not a real person.

This is fake. Nobody would ever credit Joe as "comedian."

I didn't say good comedian.

What do you mean, "I?"

"how am I supposed to seig heil my black friends after this?"

Neat. I have their split with Jew Slaughter on 7".

Such a hateful young man...the way he stomped on that homeless man's kike.

I want this to be real but the man in the picture has shoulders :(

Dark past or bright future?

ME: "You get that for killing Jews?"

DeRosa: "Bravery"

Kike stomper is pretty racey

What is he going to say to his Jew overlords?

He'll just deny everything.

Same thing that Joe Cumia did when the allegations of Joe Cumia of 2U molesting that little girl. Joseph Cumia of 2U denied the child molestation allegations even though the evidence was strong for child molestation charges against Joseph Cumia of 2U.


that's slanderous. the girl that Joseph Cumia of 2U raped and molested in 1999 was never proven dead, she only went missing forever

lol i wish this would go viral

Wow. so young. He almost had shoulders

Explains why he is going to be in prison for the next 15 years

Joe DeGrossa or sumtim.. tsss

God I love Derosa bashing...

Looks more like Bald Bryan from Carolla's show.


You know what... I believe it

Yawn the nazi flag…the only people still whining on about the Nazis are the Jews, and the 'alleged' victims that survived have already passed away by now. It's a pity the Jews don't seem to squirt a few tears over all the thirteen million russian christian bolsheviks they sent to the gulags or the jewish led Young Turks in the burning of Symrna, the list of atrocities by these Kikes are endless…But oh thats right they were goyim so they don't count.

What's the difference between a cow and the Holocaust? You can't milk a cow for over 70 years.


Come on that cow joke was kinda funny.