I don't get this at all. What's it suppose to be? Is it a Jurassic Park thing? But what's the twist?

10  2016-05-12 by xxmikekxx


How come two millionaires can't get decent design work commissioned. When "Live From The Compound" was still around I had these designed made as there was no official branding.


It's still superior to what is in place now.

I also had a guy do some rough draft mock-ups for Opie, IMHO still better than anything I've seen from his camp as well.


It's funny, because they would both absolutely trash someone for doing the same thing.

No wonder Opie didn't use your designs. You spelt Opie Raqio completely wrong.

gynecomastic park


Jesus, the fucking logo really is off-center. Looks like a child designed it.

Yea the Opster's got some sweet ass design skills.

The skyline should sue.

"gberisso1127Off center logo, wrinkled as fuck, horrendous lighting, and there jizz or something on the right sleeve, yeah sure, of course I'll take one 👌"


The comments .. Fuckin lol

Ol' Triceratits is all in with the Jurassic Park. #1993

I'm a rock star at clip art graphic design, brotherman.

"The twist" is what you should do to your nuts if you buy this stupid shit.

"It's a sunset over Manhattan. Maaahhhnnn."


If anybody ever bought that and wore it in public without irony, I'd want them to do an AMA.

Photoshop it on a serial killer then tweet at him "Love the shirt, bro!"

what a lackluster skyline. speaks volumes.

I fucking HATE Opie's fan.

Its really ... not good. WKRP in Shitcinatti.

There is no twist. Much like his feeble minded ex shock jock partner he has no original thoughts. He just takes other people's shit and tweaks it to present as his own.

I guess I don't even know what it is. I really thought it was a Jurassic Park parody but then I googled the Jurassic Park logo & saw it was different

goddammitaustin Hells yea sweet shirt! I needs one.

Geriatric Park

Nothing related to this show is straight.

Ah, that's a surprise, it's distressed. What did the lower box say before they took those words out and put in RADIO without adjusting the size? My guess: LOVES CUM.