ESPN is making a 30 for 30 on the XFL

13  2016-05-11 by ricswrangler


I hope they show O&A but with ants face pixelated

The cheeks are already pixelated.


And Opie's breasts pixelated.

OnA will NOT be mentioned or shown in any footage, dont worry

I could see them maybe getting a few seconds in a clip, like maybe the cheerleader cooking skit. They're important to the media backlash story. The pregame show was what set Bob Costas off initially. And McMahon going on his show was a big part of the XFL folly.

For anyone who forgot heres a visual of the abortion

I only watched it for like 5 seconds but that made me physically ill.

I'll be impressed if they get up to 12 seconds of screen time.

They have to include the pre game hosts right?


They fired Curt Schilling for saying that men and women should use separate shitters. Do you really think ESPN will let Ant speak?

He loves trannys, though.

Opie will get an interview, but I'm afraid ESPN will be forced to avoid Mr Cumia due to his penchant for racism and beating up women..

Opie runs like a girl.


Is this a horribly placed Bob Kelly joke or a typo?

My money is on a Bob Kelly joke.