Jims fake hatred

16  2016-05-11 by Mac684

Patrice called it way back in WNEW days his whole act and personality is manufactured, and phoney dont get why people love him so much stand up is lackluster and his shtick getting old


Were you too mad to write all the words you were thinking?

He's like Joe Pesci in the phonebooth in JFK


At least your response to u/kumia_kinte shows you took his comment as humorous, good-natured ribbing.

Nothing says "haha, you got me there" like a caps-lock retort of "die aids shitdick faggot stupid".

I was mocking jims usual insults

You forgot "Baby Boy!"

It's no secret he modeled his whole persona on Colin Quinn.

Yep just removed all the humorous parts

and intelligence

And replace it with heavy metal shirts

Vos said "I want to know when you went from hack to angry hack".

tsssss This kid doesn't have any periods it's like he's on birt' control or sumthin. tsssss

People are still doing this hack bit? Holy shit.

there's a chip in literally every comment section of this sub. How is this surprising to you?


Wasn't funny 6 years ago, isn't funny now.

And you've been funny never so piss off

You got a funnier bit? How about a skit for us? This is the only place chip is funny anymore.

Fuck you for saying holy shit

Those guys busted each other's balls. It isn't your fantasy and he wasn't "calling him out" like you wish he was, you fuckin nigger faggot

When did Patrice call it in the WNEW days? I must have missed that.

the roast of norton's early standup


When Ant had Jimmy on last time he brought up the fat black prom chick like he wanted him and Jimmy to attack and make fun of her and Jim wasn't having any of it.

I miss mean Jimmy.