Can Someone Decipher What the Fuck This Means and is it Supposed to be Funny or is it Lecture Time?

7  2016-05-11 by iWhereSchortSchorts


Woman spend 9% of the time being funny, and 91% of the time trying to convince humanity that they are funny.


Women use that as a cop out because most of them genuinely aren't funny. Their way to combat this accurate stereotype is to force feed the masses a belief that every up and coming female comic would be the next Pryor if it wasn't for this conspiracy against women rather than accept the reality they are just mediocre.


Side note, did anyone else love that Bill got shushed by his wife on Monday's show this week for saying a cat had autism, because "it might offend people?" Literally shushed him out of the train of thought.

Then later she was offended at a joke he made about shooting a dog with a rubber bullet. She says "Don't even joke about that," probably 5x. What a fucking hoot. Seems like a real barrel of monkeys to be around. (I know Im setting myself up there/ding ding ding)

I just recently started listening to the MMPC again. Has Bill completely stopped using the word "fag" at this point? I still think Bill is hilarious, but moving out to hyper-PC LA seems like it has changed him a lot.

I think his crybaby "culturally enlightened" wife is more of a problem.

Yeah that's probably more likely. I honestly wish I could get inside Bill's head for a minute because I'm totally baffled by their relationship. Out of all the people im the world why Nia?

It really annoys me. This entitled, freeloading asshole. She doesn't even have a fucking job & lives off Bill's hard work, then has the audacity to try to impose her will and humorless SJW opinions on him to fuck up the very art/talent that provides for her. What a pussy whipped fool he is.

For as infuriating as Jay Mohr's deification of his wife is, at least he has the sense to keep her off the mic.

Has he really? It's been a while since I last listened but I'm pretty sure he used to use it a lot. I can't blame him for not saying "nigger" in his act anymore though.


I hate the cunts interviewing style. Approaches Bill like they're going to disagree then stares at the camera and nods the whole time. I also hate her parents and the child molester who kept on driving when she was in the driveway.

9% seems high.

astronomically so

I think McCoy's a woman trying to sneak one by us.

You about a size fourteen?

That was perfectly stated.

Men are allowed to be mediocre? I disagree. In my experience, men are quick to criticize other men, often times harshly. Women, on the other hand, are more likely to be treated with kid gloves, due to them being more emotional.

Amy Schumer is a good example of a mediocre (at best) comedian who has gained popularity BECAUSE she's a woman. She is the prime example of a woman being allowed to be mediocre.

Women treat each other like shit too.

yes but they do so regardless of merit. if there was a woman version of colin quinn, it wouldn't matter how amazing she was, all the women would still hate her

You do know women are actually retarded? We forget sometimes cuz they have the vagina


She's in Horace and Pete if that helps.


You haven't heard? I see billboards for it all over the place.

Louis CK's steps to successs:

  1. Make a painfully boring show

  2. Pay too much money for it

  3. Dont promote it or put any clips online

You forgot step 4. where he goes on a late night TV and radioshow media tour to talk about how he doesn't promote a show he's promoting


/u/I_Hate_Knickers with a salient point

I haven't forgotten about you.


hahah it wasnt me pumpkin


"sounds like steam escaping"

So it's a sick burn on Louis?


ME: Wow, fffffuuuuuccckkk... I never thought of it that way.

Lol @ Bonnie trying to defend that bullshit.

Well she is defender of the retards.

laughed on the train

Try laughing under it next time

that is way to dangerous

Can we get over the "women are not treated as equals to men" shit already? If you're anything other than a housewife, you're an equal, dumb cunts.

i respect housewives more than women with careers. theyre the perfect angels that stay out of the way and make food and fuck.

the fact she is making a living in comedy is antithetical to her point.

If women weren't "allowed" to be mediocre, none would ever work in comedy.

She's trying to says there's a double standard for expectations from men and women.

When in reality she's just trying to make excuses for mediocre.

Literally no idea who that ugly chick is.

One of Ronnie B's favorites, she's really funny guys, just like Amy Schumer's show is the best thing on TV.

I thought she seemed pretty funny on Ron's show, but I haven't heard her stand up.

I've seen her standup and she's one of the better comedians working in the city. With a couple years more experience I would put her on the level of a Normand or List.

Her tweet is basically saying that to be seen as equal to a man doing the same thing, a woman has to work harder. Right or wrong it's interesting how many people in this thread are saying "women aren't funny" as opposed to "this bitch isn't funny"...

it's interesting how many people around the world say "women don't have penises" as opposed to "this women doesn't have a penis"

in fact its almost like because something is 99.9% true, its given to be true 100% of the time.

You're proving her right

And '99.9% = 100%' is the opposite of a fact

'99.9% = 100%' is the opposite of a fact

its called rounding, you always round to 2 significant figures

There are no significant figures in a made up number. Unless you've met 1000 chicks and 1 had a dick, then I apologize and wonder how did it taste?

Does Ron really endorse her?

Ron would endorse the Holocaust if a famous enough neo-nazi came on his show as a guest.

I know we can't criticize him, but he will shill for fucking anything

This is 100% correct.

According to the Bangtons, every guest that comes on their show is OH-MY-GOD-AH AWESOME SUPER FANTASTIC THE BESTEST EVER. (As is whatever project they're plugging.)



Men have to work their asses off in life to get anything you absolute cunt. You don't have to a god damn thing but look nice. How can you be that fucking delusional? Holy shit.

She doesn't look good though, so she has to work way harder

It's funny how she uses all the approved PC rhetoric and then calls Tony Hinchcliffe gay as an insult.

If you have a twitter be sure to leave a body posi gurl power message.

Oh, BOO HOO, you stupid fucking cunt.

As the all-powerful heterosexual American White male that I am, I order you to shut up and get back in the kitchen. I don't have time for your shit, as I have other women, minorities and members of the LGBT community to oppress.

hear hear

I've seen her MC, she stinks.

She's got big headed since Horace and Pete, becuase she wasn't the fattest one on the cast

Did Bobo write this?

This makes my head hurt, its like some sort of menstrual math problem

Here is how I figure these things out. If it's a woman then it's lecturing or unfunny bullshit. 99.9999% of the time.

Of course there are a dozen or some women on twitter that are funny sometimes, like ann coulter

Anns not funny either. She might have an amusing quip here or there but it's constant lecturing and unfunny bullshit. Shes exactly this bitch from twitter just with a very different ideology. That's just your own political bias saying she's funny.

Also she ruined a Quinn appearance once with generic political pundit talk, fuck her.

I just genuinely do not understand what that is supposed to mean. Morgan Murphy is hilarious because she does this thing called telling jokes.

A dozen? On twitter? There aren't a dozen funny women in the world.

The first part of that is delusional, the second part i'm not sure what she is saying.


It's a joke by construction, it has a punch line that subverts an expectation or makes a surprising comment.

That being said it's a pretty lazy joke, she's essentially reading someone elses tshirt, which is ironic considering the subject matter. Name some names, call some people out. Every reasonable person accepts that it's easier to be the establishment but if you're not naming names you're just trying to make sure you dont lock yourself out of future jobs, which is mediocre.

Wow, I actually get her point no joke. Its actually a point Patrice made a lot about black people. He essentially said what she is saying, which is that black people have to be excellent in order to succeed while white people can be mediocre and succeed.

I don't agree with either point, but I'm surprised how much her point resembles Patrice. Maybe its some thesis written by Howard Winant I haven't seen yet.


I don't speak Yiddish.

Men are allowed to be mediocre? Alrighty then. Also, why did you share her post here?



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It really annoys me. This entitled, freeloading asshole. She doesn't even have a fucking job & lives off Bill's hard work, then has the audacity to try to impose her will and humorless SJW opinions on him to fuck up the very art/talent that provides for her. What a pussy whipped fool he is.

For as infuriating as Jay Mohr's deification of his wife is, at least he has the sense to keep her off the mic.